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woensdag 14 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, P onte Ghisolfe: PRESIDIO AGAINST CLIMATE INJUSTICE FOR THE RELEASE OF ROGER HALLAM (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Summer 2024: we are dying of heat with temperatures never before

recorded and we only have the oil industry to thank for the warming of
the atmosphere. ---- As the climate crisis worsens more and more, Roger
Hallam, founder of Extinction Rebellion and inspirer of Just Stop Oil,
Ultima Generazione, Scientist Rebellion and other movements for
non-violent climate disobedience, was sentenced on July 18 to 5 years in
prison together with 3 other climate activists3 by a London court. The
charge is of having conspired on zoom to block the M25 motorway in
November two years ago.
The trial was a farce, with a blatantly biased judge who mocked the
defendants and denied them the right to defend themselves. The UN, which
had sent an observer to the trial, declared that the sentence was a
violation of international law. This is the longest sentence ever handed
down for non-violent protest in British history: not even the
suffragettes had been hit by so much judicial repression. In the same
court and with the same judge, the trial against Phoebe Plummer and Anna
Holland of Just Stop Oil, who threw soup on Van Gogh's sunflowers,
began. It will end in September, but a prison sentence is already announced.
Five years for blocking a road is a sentence worthy of a dictatorship,
not of democracy. Roger and his companions (4 years for them) were
judged under the new law that the Conservatives passed to prevent
further climate protests like those that blocked central London and the
bridges over the Thames in 2018-2019. Now it is up to the new Labour
government to free from prison the prophet of contemporary climate
activism, who theorizes a nonviolent revolution capable of deposing the
global elites that are leading us to ecological disaster, endangering
the survival of all, especially those who are most vulnerable in the
South of the world. Locking Roger Hallam in prison means threatening the
right to protest throughout the world. Let's fight so that he and Lucia
Whittaker De Abreu, Daniel Shaw, Louise Lancaster, and Cressida Gethin
are soon freed. The right to protest of the climate resistance
movements, repeatedly praised for their action by the UN Secretary
Guterres, is the only form of social power that opposes the highway to
hell that the oil companies are building. We call on all Milanese people
of all backgrounds and genders to join us on Saturday at the protest
near the Apple Store and the British Consulate (Piazzetta Liberty on the
left of Corso Vittorio Emanuele) to loudly demand their release and an
end to the persecution of climate activists in Italy (Ultima Generazione
and XR), France (Soulèvements de la Terre), Germany (Letzte Generation),
as well as in Great Britain (see also Fossil Free London) and around the
world (like the Ugandan students fighting against the EACOP pipeline).
There will also be a demonstration in London for their release in front
of the Westminster Parliament.

Saturday 3 August, 6:00 pm
Piazza Liberty 1 (M3 Duomo)

Organized by the Milanese Committee for the Liberation of Roger Hallam
World Congress for Climate Justice
+ Ultima Generazione

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