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woensdag 14 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL: Olympic and Paralympic Games: Volunteer... or real employee? (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


THEM! ---- Case law defines volunteering as assistance provided
spontaneously, willingly, without any link of subordination, for the
benefit of non-profit organizations. The work carried out must not allow
for the filling of positions essential to the operation of the structure
that benefits from it. ---- You should therefore be able to choose your
own working hours, choose and manage your activities, participate in
them as you wish and according to the terms that you determine yourself.
You cannot be sanctioned either.

The Olympic and Paralympic Volunteer Charter provides for exactly the
opposite, namely:

a list of precisely defined missions and functions
the mandatory wearing of a uniform
a minimum duration of commitment
the organization of prior training sessions
compliance with the instructions issued by Paris 2024
coordination of work by team leaders
the existence of constraints concerning the duration of missions,
working hours, schedules
the application of legal provisions on rest periods and maximum working
hours for private-law employees
"any appropriate measure" against you, including the withdrawal of your
accreditation and/or uniform in the event of a violation of the charter.
In addition, the charter indicates that several missions will be carried
out under the supervision of Omega (team member, scoreboard operator,
statistician, timing and scoring operator), which is a private luxury
watchmaking company and which will therefore benefit from your free work
without having to hire or pay anything!

We see in the volunteering of the Olympic Games the signs of an employee
relationship, characterized by the execution of work under the authority
of an organization that organizes it unilaterally, that will give you
instructions, monitor your work and sanction you if necessary... The
charter is ultimately only an internal regulation!

However, the organization of the Olympic Games would simply be
impossible without the free work for which you were recruited. This is a
political choice: paying 45,000 people full-time for a month at the
minimum wage would cost less than 100 million euros and 1% of the
Olympic Games budget!

This has concrete consequences for you: The costs of transport, meals,
accommodation are entirely your responsibility, you do not receive any
remuneration, no contributions are paid, the labor code does not apply,
you do not benefit from the legislation on accidents at work. These are
all things that would be owed to you in the case of hiring.

Free work can be analyzed as concealed work and can be reclassified as
salaried employment by the industrial tribunal.

Don't stay alone! You have recourse!

For this, you can get help:
contact us at benevolesjopsyndicats@protonmail.com

At the initiative of Saccage 2024 and several unions (CGT-TEFP,
ASSO-Solidaires, CNT Région Parisienne, Solidaires 93, and others ...)

On this theme read in Courant Alternatif of June 2024 the file dedicated
to the JOP Paris 2024 and particularly the article: JOP, salaried
employment, volunteering: precariousness "higher, faster, stronger"

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