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maandag 5 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #186 - What's new - THE "ANTI-COMMUNISTS" PHENOMENON (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In recent years, we have witnessed a growing phenomenon in the political

sphere: individuals who identify themselves as belonging to the right
but who, in reality, seem to be characterized mainly by a strong
anti-communist sentiment appear on the political and social scene with
ever greater frequency. This category of people, rather than developing
a complex and articulated vision of socio-economic and political
dynamics, tends to react with instinct and viscerality, often in an
uninformed way to everything that happens.
They have built their political identity based on anti-communism,
totally ignoring that communism would like every man and every woman to
receive in exchange for their work what is necessary to satisfy their needs.
Many of these individuals use anti-communism as a fundamental pillar of
their political identity. This position, however, risks being reductive
and failing to grasp the nuances of the modern right. While it is true
that the right has historically opposed communism, reducing its entire
ideological spectrum to a mere rejection of the latter prevents a
profound understanding of their drives and frustrations.
The lack of carrying out socio-economic analyzes is one of the salient
characteristics of
this group of people; their inability or lack of willingness to engage
in examining and understanding even minimally complex problems
constitutes their structural characteristic.
Instead of examining the causes of economic problems or the power
dynamics that influence modern societies, they prefer a simple, binary
narrative: "us versus them." This reductive approach not only
oversimplifies reality, makes it less difficult to understand but also
fuels populism and sensationalism.
Thinking with your gut is easier and more comfortable, less tiring. Many
of these anti-communists seem guided more by emotions than by reason.
Their positions are often dictated by fear, resentment or hatred towards
the communist "enemy", rather than
from a critical and rational analysis of policies and their
consequences; this emotionality leads to an uncritical adherence to
simplistic slogans and ideas, without a thorough examination of the
Mental laziness is another of the peculiar characteristics of these
people, who
they are, remain and want to remain ignorant, in the literal sense of
the term: they refuse to learn, to know, to understand studying, because
it is tiring, it is stressful, because it is essentially useless;
instinct is enough for them to understand.
The consequence for the public debate is that the visceral and
anti-communist approach of these individuals has repercussions on the
public debate, polarizing the political discussion,
reducing the space for dialogue and compromise. Secondly, it diverts
attention from the real challenges that our societies face, such as
economic inequalities, climate change, public health and more generally
the crisis of democracy. Finally, they fuel a climate of intolerance and
conflict, which has negative effects on social cohesion.
For the right to play a constructive role in today's political context,
it is essential that it evolves beyond a simple rejection of communism.
What is needed is a serious commitment to informed socio-economic
analysis and participation in political debate based on facts and
reasoning, rather than emotions and prejudices. Only in this way will it
be possible to build a more inclusive and rational political future.

Rocco Petrone

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
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