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zaterdag 10 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spaine, Madrid, Liza: May 2023 - Founding text (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Liza is a revolutionary platform of anarchist socialists. ---- cialists

in its most radical meaning. We aspire to a new world that will only be
possible after the total overcoming of capitalism, in which social
relations are based on equality, freedom, self-management, cooperation
and internationalism. ---- Revolutionary because our objectives threaten
the interests of the privileged and powerful, who have always exercised
brutal resistance and repression against any emancipatory and
egalitarian initiative. This implies that our activity is part of a
constant conflict that will be expressed in different ways. forms
depending on the present situation, but that must always have as its
horizon a revolutionary process that is the door to that new world.

Anarchists because we aspire to the total dissolution of relations of
domination. We believe that the consolidation of this objective requires
strategic coherence between our goals and principles with our means. We
do not surrender the term libertarian against those individualistic,
selfish and voracious proposals, since we understand that any policy
that is not social is antisocial and the enemy of truly emancipatory
interests that will only be possible when everything belongs to everyone.

Platformists because we advocate the construction of a stable and
conscious organization, a space of union from which we can build the
necessary awareness to guide our fight.

Our strategy

We believe that the possibility of carrying out a struggle that manages
to transcend the limits of the capitalist system and establish the
conditions for a radically different social organization, based on
equality and freedom, requires a constant analysis from which we extract
an orientation for our action. policy.

We are committed to the formation of a stable organization, based on
political unity and action, since we firmly believe that this is the
only way to overcome obstacles and change the relationship of forces.

We are committed to a strategy of dual militancy, which implies
political and active participation on two levels, from a specifically
anarchist platform we organize to intervene in mass movements.

The specific environment, that is, the anarchist platform, aims to help
in the construction of a strong revolutionary social and political
anarchism. To do this, it is necessary to generate a space for training
and recovery of knowledge, for debate and discussion, for analysis and
projection. In addition, it requires the construction of ties with other
related formations, which allow for increasing growth and collaboration.
We intend to create an anarchist political alternative for those
disenchanted with other processes, or orphans of political projects, who
end up abandoning the struggles or joining initiatives from other currents.

Intervention in mass movements pursues the accumulation of social force
in the hands of working people and oppressed social communities since we
believe that this is the true revolutionary subject. Our activity in
these struggles must be preceded by the construction of an analysis and
a strategy in accordance with our general principles and objectives. To
this end, we must collaborate and activate social movements, combat
bureaucracies and processes of diversion and cooptation, and provide our
tools of analysis and criticism. We believe that making our ideals and
forms of struggle known will also serve to awaken interest in the
libertarian idea.

Our reflection and analysis, at both levels of organization, must go
parallel to our political praxis and in permanent dialectic with the
current situation. We use a plural analytical apparatus that should
allow us to shed light on historical processes and moments.

We radically denounce the separation between the political and economic
spheres as artificial and self-interested and, therefore, when we talk
about self-management we refer to the defense of full sovereignty
against any form of domination.

We are classists because we know that the main mode of domination in the
capitalist system is economic exploitation based on private property and
the dispossession of the means of production and subsistence of the
majority by a few. We also recognize how this form of domination
intersects with constant axes of oppression, discrimination and
subjugation such as sex, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation,
physical, mental and cognitive abilities and other factors on which They
build relationships of domination.

We know that in other social systems other forms of domination emerge.
Against any of these discriminatory and unequal relationships we
confront egalitarian, inclusive and participatory relationships.

We are committed to perfigurative political action, understood as that
which selects ways of proceeding in coherence with its principles and
objectives. We have total conviction in political experimentalism as a
strategy based on rationalism and science. Our practices must include
the germ of a new society. We believe that the processes of organization
and struggle are the best way to build ourselves as a political subject,
not only at a specifically anarchist level, but also at the mass level
in the construction of a strong people. In conflicts we become aware of
our strengths, of the forms and strategies that the rival acquires, we
expand our capacity for analysis and criticism and we become stronger.
In this sense, we believe that any reformist demand must be linked to
the possibility of expanding social force and, therefore, be at the
service of a revolutionary objective.

We are a political organization and we dispute the idea that one can be
outside the influence of power, but we believe that popular power must
be exercised from an exhaustive horizontality and social equity.
Positions that reject intervention in social reality not only renounce
its transformation, but also reinforce sectarian positions that work
against the possibility of strengthening the processes of struggle. Our
ideas must be discussed and confronted with those of other currents, and
this process must be constant, we must not fall into the trap of
believing that our position has reached perfection. Participation in
mass movements necessarily implies participation in processes of
confluence with other political currents, where once again sectarianism
and the desire for purity could lead us to the abandonment of spaces
that we must contest and to which we must bring our anti-authoritarian
ideals, for the direct action and self-management, and against
bureaucratization and co-option. Vanguard movements are not going to
cease to exist because we ignore them, we must understand that our duty
is to be present in those spaces to install our anti-authoritarian alarm
from radical direct democracy.

We do not intend the ideological conversion of popular movements. We do
not defend a dogmatic strategy and that is why we organize together with
like-minded militants in an organization. We believe in example as the
best way to spread our ideal. The construction of class consciousness is
a process that requires particular care.

The same political coherence must prevail in our internal practice.
Active participation, involvement and responsibility with the
collective, confronting conflicts outside of repressive and punitive
frameworks, generating dynamics contrary to those of the interests of
capital and fostering emancipatory social relations, relying on mutual
support and fighting to crack the domination of capitalism.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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