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zaterdag 10 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - en) Spain, Regeneraciin Libertaria: Who are part of it? (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 After a process of minimal operation of the website, a proposal to

refound the project is launched from Liza (Plataforma Anarquista de
Madrid) and Embat (Organització Llibertària de Catalunya). It was
decided to take over from the previous editorial board, and to make
other organizations, such as FEL and Batzac, co-participants in this new
journey. Likewise, some of the people who already managed the portal
have remained on the board, or have directly joined one of the existing

The organizations that make up this project, and coordinate the
editorial board (Regeneración Libertaria website) share principles,
strategy and commitments.

Currently, the website is a project that continues its course, at the
same time that it has opened the possibilities for other propaganda,
dissemination and closer coordination actions, which are in preparation.

 From here we want to invite all organizations to assume and share, in
an explicit and committed manner, the aforementioned principles,
strategy and commitments; to join this collective process. We know that
there are projects from nearby organizations and groups, to which we
extend this invitation.

Without further ado, receive a big libertarian hug.

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