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maandag 19 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE UK London - news journal UPDATE - (en) UK, London ACG: New Bosses-same old game: business as usual for the Labour Government - ACG online public meeting, August 21st at 7pm (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

It was immediately apparent that the new Labour government is prepared
to carry on administrating capitalism in the same way as its Tory
predecessors. Health Minister Wes Streeting repeated his previous
promises that the NHS would be further privatised. Keir Starmer has made
very clear that his priority is extra spending on the military, and that
this overrides any legislation to help the poor and needy. This could
cost up to £209 billion. Labour is quite prepared to carry this through,
whilst failing to fund the NHS and social spending.

Starmer gave full support to NATO. He assured allies of Britain that it
would be business as usual as regards foreign policy and pledged
£3billion a year towards military support for Ukraine until 2030/31.
This is a rise to 2.5% of GDP. Starmer also gave a green light for the
use of Storm Shadow missiles supplied by Britain, to be fired into
Russian territory by the Ukrainian military.

Labour will not bring reform to the system. The Labour Party has
presented a so-called deal for workers which promises no tangible
benefits or improvements for the working class and their conditions
which have hit all-time lows over the last few years. The Labour Party's
commitment to guaranteeing the interests of capital has won them support
from the British right-wing print media, most notably the Sun who have
backed the Labour party for the second time in the 21st century.

Labour's Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, is using the old
arguments of her previous Tory predecessor, George Osborne, that there
is no money in the coffers to justify her commitment to austerity. When
Osborne became Chancellor in 2010 he referred to "thirteen years of
fiscal irresponsibility" under previous Labour government. Reeves has
done the same with talk of "fourteen years of...economic
irresponsibility" under the Tories. It refused to spend £2.5 billion to
£3.5 billion estimated by Reeves that would lift the child benefit cap.
An ending of the cap would have a beneficial effect on over a million
children and their families.

Reeves also abolished the winter fuel grant for millions of pensioners.
Meanwhile Starmer talks big about law and order. Starmer went on LBC
radio to say that Labour were pushing for longer sentences for climate
protestors and that "they need to feel the force of law."

In the face of all this, and the rash of racist riots, what are the
opportunities for social change, what should revolutionaries see as a
way forward against this new anti-working class government?

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