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maandag 19 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #187: July 2024 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

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With rags in the ass
While the idyll between its electorate and the prime minister does not
seem to end, (even if the percentage of voters holds up but the absolute
votes are falling) the Government tells us that everything is fine, that
the South is growing more than the North, that ...
For the greater glory of God
In the Fenar district of Istanbul, overlooking the banks of the
Bosphorus, there is the church of St. George and next to it, a red brick
building (the so-called red school) that houses Greek children. In the
church with the neoclassical facade ...
English Con(Re)formism
Keir Starmer, Labour leader, wins the elections in Great Britain for the
Lower House of Parliament, winning 412 seats out of 650 with 33.8% of
the vote, while the Conservatives stop at 121 seats with 23.7% of the
vote; the Liberals ...

France goes to the left
The result of the legislative elections held in France cannot be
understood without starting from some considerations on the electoral
system used. In France, voting takes place in 577 single-member
constituencies in which the one who has exceeded 50% of the vote wins ...

In the EU, a tripartite right
Viktor Orbán opened the ball rolling by forming the Patriots group in
the European Parliament. The initial nucleus of Hungarians, Austrians
and Slovaks has gradually been joined by another 84 parliamentarians
(for now), constituting the third largest group. Not ...

It's democracy, baby!
They've been busting our balls all their lives claiming that the United
States is the temple of democracy and that, no matter how badly one
might say it and no matter how great its limitations, democracy is the
form of ...

The Iranian enigma
After a first round of elections that saw the lowest turnout in the
history of the Islamic Republic, the presence in the runoff of a
reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian, a heart surgeon and long-time
legislator, has brought a part of the moderate electorate back to the
polls, ...

"Europeans, open this book, go inside. After a few steps in the night
you will see foreigners gathered around a fire, come closer, listen:
they are discussing the fate they reserve for your general trade
agencies, for the mercenaries who defend them. They will see you,
perhaps, ...

What's new - USA at a crossroads
The wounding of Donald Trump reopens the games of the electoral campaign
in the United States, until then monopolized by the rather cloying
debate regarding the withdrawal or not of the Democratic candidate,
transmitting to us the image of a country where the balance of power ...

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