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dinsdag 10 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Monde Libertaire: Chronic Justice (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Hitmen acting for a foreign sponsor cannot be convicted by the French
courts. This is why Bayer-Monsanto and 13 other agrochemical groups -
suppliers of Agent Orange, an ultra-toxic defoliant used by the American
army during the Vietnam War; responsible for more than 3 million past,
present and future victims - have benefited from "immunity from
jurisdiction" since they are acting on behalf of and on the orders of
the US state. ---- Rejected at first instance in 2021 by the Evry court,
Ms. Tran To Nga has just been dismissed by the Paris Court of Appeal
this Thursday, August 22. ---- Tran To Nga, 82, intends to appeal to the
Court of Cassation, according to her lawyers. ---- "The fight led by our
client does not stop with this decision," emphasize Me William Bourdon
and Bertrand Repolt in a press release.

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