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dinsdag 10 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spain, Aragon - Apoyo Mutuo: Colectividad #13: Addressing relationships between activists - Embat, Organització Llibertària de Catalunya (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Starting from the premise that the personal is political, we have

proposed not to look the other way when there are conflicts or abuses in
the organization. For this reason, after processes of debate, and
learning through praxis, Embat OLC has developed two protocols to
address relationships between activists. These are the protocol for
addressing and preventing sexist aggression and the protocol for
discomfort and conflicts. In addition, in recent years we have created a
new secretary that is part of our organic fabric: the secretary of care.
The first, as its title indicates, has two large areas: the continuous
work of training and prevention tools; and the approach when an
aggression is perpetuated. Explaining the formal management circuit
would take us
an entire article, but the core of this one is the
reparation, putting the needs of the person who has suffered the
aggression at the center of the
management, whether or not they are a member of Embat. This premise is
not always easy to
maintain since it can come into tension with the political
positioning of the organization. To
maintain the balance in these cases, coherence, prior debate and
sincerity are key in order
not to generate expectations that we cannot or do not want to
fulfill. At the same time, assuming our
practical and ideological limitations should not
delegitimize the needs and actions undertaken by the person who has
experienced the aggression. For us, sexist attitudes should not be
overlooked and aggression has no place in our way of functioning. Thus,
if there is awareness, there must be reparation. The second creates a
circuit of communication and
resolution of discomforts between militants, which in turn
can also serve as an indicator of patriarchal
attitudes within the organization if we observe
patterns of abuse that are repeated from certain identities to
others. Having different visions of how to apply our
political line enriches us. In turn, debates (badly
resolved) and day-to-day work can generate
discomfort or friction. The objective of this protocol is
to give us tools and formal spaces to
face and resolve them in a healthy and transparent way,
so that they do not become entrenched.
Inevitably, the protocol of disagreements is also
an essential tool for us when we do not
find consensus.

Regarding the care secretariat, it was born from
a collective need and the demands of militants
who felt alienated from the organization. Sometimes
we adopt dynamics that distance us from the human and
care (calling and asking "how are you") due to
that productive mechanism that not only affects the work
area. This situation and demands made us
get going and give a specific responsibility
to care, while scheduling days
for our cohesion, away from work and
Closely linked to these protocols, almost as a basis for them,
we have written a militant code in which we describe
our commitment to good treatment with all our
comrades, both from Embat and from the rest of
movements and organizations that you can consult on
our website.
We would not be honest if we said that with
theoretical development we have freed ourselves from patriarchy and
conflicts. This is not the case. Both the discomforts and the
patriarchal attitudes are still present within Embat,
the difference in having and applying these protocols lies in
how we face them collectively. Experience has led us to
conclude that in terms of conflicts, privileges and
aggressions there are two very important axes to have
resolved: political will and prevention. On
occasions it has been essential for us to have had the
debate in the abstract, to agree on the lines of action
without interpersonal relationships interfering in the
common action. A safe space is not one where
there is no violence, but one where it is addressed and
repaired. It is towards this objective that we will continue to work
from Embat.

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