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dinsdag 10 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH-AMERICA ARGENTINA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Argentina, FORA, Organizacion Obrera #103: ORGANIZATION TO RESIST AND MOVE FORWARD (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The working class is under attack. We are witnessing a redistribution of

income in favor of companies and speculative capital such as has rarely
been seen in history. ---- At this point, it is more than obvious that
wages have suffered a fall in relation to the cost of living that has
rarely been seen. If we add to this the uncertainty resulting from the
fall in production in many companies, the closure of many others and,
why not, the use of the crisis to further precarious working and hiring
conditions with this gift that the State made to businessmen such as the
recently approved labor reform.

The State comes to occupy without any mask or pretense its place as
unconditional ally of the capitalists, legally and coercively ensuring
profit and the rapid flow of capital. This is just beginning, as is the
organization and resistance against those who want to enslave us even more.

But in all this panorama, we must never forget the guarantors of our
submission, the thousand times damned traitorous union bureaucracy.
Negotiating the working conditions, our dismissals and our rights (the
ones we have left) to maintain their privileges obtained by keeping the
workers disorganized and discouraged, without their fraudulent elections
being reviewed, much less their assets. For this, they offer the full
weight of their apparatus to persecute the working class that seeks to
organize itself to change things, ensure compliance with the will of the
bosses and offer some compensation or incentive compared to what they
give away year after year.

Many of them are currently settling spaces of power building and
internal political disputes in which they force us, handling their
political, candidacy and negotiation schedules without even worrying
about those who should be their first concern, the workers.

Their schedules are not ours; Their interests have long since ceased to
concern us, or at least, a better quality of life for the entire working
class. While they argue, we do not make ends meet, or we work in more
places to be able to scrape together the money and make ends meet.

We cannot continue to support parasites who only serve as accomplices to
our misery. We have to stand up to this filthy misery to which they want
to subject us. Be it within the unions, or outside of them, by forming
new unions that respond to the workers and that dispute the space and
the balance in our favor.

Let's stop the attack of the bosses and the State!

Let's erase once and for all the union bureaucracy, our greatest
obstacle to the struggle!

Organize to recover what was lost and win a dignified life!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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