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woensdag 11 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #351 - Antifascism, Turkish Fascism: The Grey Wolves, the pack shows its fangs (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

In early June in Strasbourg, the Kurdish community suffered several
attacks by the Grey Wolves, a far-right group linked to the Turkish
government, which regularly threatens and attacks the Kurdish diaspora
but also left-wing activists. ---- On June 1, 2024, Kurdish activists
from the CDK-F group holding a regular vigil for the release of Abdullah
Öcalan in front of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, were attacked by
the Turkish ultranationalist group Grey Wolves. This attack, the second
in a week, illustrates the maneuvers put in place by far-right groups to
sow fear in the communities they target. The Kurdish diaspora in Europe
is more than ever threatened by the Turkish armed group, sometimes with
the passive complicity of States. At the end of March 2024, for example,
during the Newroz celebrations (the Kurdish New Year), the Grey Wolves
carried out numerous attacks on members of the Kurdish community in Belgium

The European media tend to minimize the political stakes of these
attacks. The newspaper Les Dernières nouvelles d'Alsace presents the
Grey Wolves' attack on Kurdish activists as a "fight between
communities"[1]. This reductive treatment minimizes the political
dimension of the situation and the dangerousness of the Grey Wolves group.

The Grey Wolves are a Turkish ultra-nationalist and Turkish-Islamic
far-right organization linked to the Nationalist Action Party (MHP) and
close to the AKP (Erdogan's party). Its members have historically been
poached by various sovereign bodies, such as the Turkish army or secret
services, to repress political opposition or minorities in Turkey and
the rest of the world. Declared illegal in France, the group's mafia
dimension and its investment in sports and cultural associations allow
it to continue to be active in France, carrying out violent and racist
actions against the Kurdish, Alevi and Armenian communities, as well as
left-wing activists.

In Europe, the Grey Wolves maintain links with the right and the far
right, notably by joining European parties in order to push the
interests of Turkish imperialism. In Alsace, for example, there is a
link between former LR MP Yves Hemedinger and Süzer Ömer, who is an LR
activist but also from MHP2. The Grey Wolves are an organization that
must be taken seriously in the threat it represents through its
far-right ideas and violent methods. In 2022, the Turkish far-right
assassinated Kurdish activists and refugees Mîr Perwer, Abdulrahman
Kizil and Emine Kara, reflecting the imperialist and racist policies
that the Turkish state is pursuing on its territory and through the war
against Rojava. The violence of the Grey Wolves illustrates the
political tactics of a far-right state. Our support for Kurdish
communities in the face of the violence of the Turkish state must not
only be humanist, it must be anti-fascist and internationalist. It is
through international mutual aid that we can collectively confront the
far right, whether European or Turkish.

Charlotte and Abel (UCL Alsace)

[1]"Brawl between Turkish and Kurdish communities near the Orangerie",
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace, June 2, 2024.

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