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woensdag 11 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH-AMERICA ARGENTINA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Argentina, Rosario, FR: IV CONGRESS - "Tello Brothers" -- THE WAY OUT IS FROM BELOW, TO ORGANIZE THE RESISTANCE! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Because as anarchists we want to contribute to the struggles of the

present. Because in the face of dark times we must redouble our
commitment. Because organized we multiply our forces. Because we know
that the construction of another world is possible, without oppressed or
oppressors. For all this we are holding our 4th Congress. ---- After 16
years of existence and daily militancy in the city of Rosario we come to
this important instance in the next month of September to rethink the
context and the situation, to have a common reading and build action
strategies in accordance with the times we live in. To review and deepen
our strategy of union construction, because we believe that we must
organize ourselves in our work spaces and contribute to our unions being
combative and independent of the dictates of electoral politics. To
renew our commitment to militancy in the neighborhoods where neighbors
fight daily to survive. But also so that anarchism continues to grow in
the city, the country and the region, building ties of solidarity and
always aiming for the unity of those who fight.

This Congress bears the name of the Tello brothers. They are Marcelo,
Rafael and Pablo, union activists who raised the flags of anarchism in
the seventies, they risked it like so many comrades and are part of the
30,000 for whom we have been demanding justice for more than 40 years.
Today, in times of the advance of the reactionary right and with a
strong individualism, we take up the example of commitment, dedication
and humility of these militants. We follow the path that they have
marked and we defend all our conquests. In the face of the denialist
government and even a friend of the genocidaires, not one step back in
the fight for human rights, of yesterday and today.

Long live the 4th Congress of the FAR!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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