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woensdag 11 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE PARIS - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Monde Libertaire: Anarchism and writing (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 What is the relationship between anarchism and writing? In the 19th

century, the only media available were media using writing. There were
almost only books, newspapers, and tracts to circulate ideas to the
greatest number. Meetings, which could certainly bring together a large
audience, but were limited by a geographical area and punctuality.
Writing circulates and is shared. At the same time as anarchism begins
to be written, publications appear as one of the means to reach and
share libertarian ideas. ---- A large number and a diversity of style
and tone ---- When I became interested in anarchism, I was pleasantly
surprised to discover a very large book collection dealing with a
diversity of subjects such as feminism, ecology, the history of
anarchism, the social question, racism, among others. This fund is not
frozen in time, new publications come every year to take an interest in
the news of political ideas and struggles. These publications are made
in many languages, internationalism has its good points.

On the internet, we can no longer count the sites, the anarchist blogs
that use writing. The paper page and the screen page have one thing in
common: the page.

In many countries, bookstores, libraries, participate in the
distribution of magazines, books, brochures, newspapers.


It is paradoxical to think that with the internet we write less or not
at all. But the internet is above all a means of communication,
essential. Certainly audiovisual communication is possible and
widespread on the web. How then to explain a very large number of
internet pages using writing? And this persistence of writing?
Whether you write in a newspaper, a magazine, a zine, or on the
internet, only the media change, only the sharing of ideas is important.


Current struggles provide opportunities to write, express yourself and
share your points of view. On the internet, if you don't publish, you
don't exist, your ideas won't be shared, it's already difficult to be
referenced, or to be taken into account by algorithms, non-publication
won't help. Paper publishing is in decline, that's a fact, but it hasn't
completely disappeared, and not everyone has access to the internet,
either by choice or by lack of financial means. Paper is transported,
distributed, and is not subject to the internet being cut off by a
government, as has already happened during revolutions (the Arab Spring
for example), a simple printer will make it possible to circumvent
electronic censorship by publishing tracts, short texts, ready for
distribution. To be silent, not to write, is to leave room for the ideas
we fight to impose themselves.


Writing is not reserved for an elite, many self-taught anarchists, not
having studied for long, have put themselves and put themselves to
writing, in newspapers, books of proletarian literature, political
books, poetry. So yes, everyone can write. A little practice, help,
sharing, the habit is quickly taken. The fear of judgment? This should
not limit you, the important thing is elsewhere. The pleasure of sharing
your anarchist writings, your feelings, your struggles, your
experiences. If others are capable of it, you are too.

For centuries, we have been in a society of writing and media that wants
"what is not written or publicized does not exist". Anarchism is no

To your keyboards, your pens, and hoping to read you very soon.

Frédéric Clere
Paris Commune Group

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