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dinsdag 17 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL Press Release: To force Macron to bend, let's strengthen popular autonomy (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 It is time to skip the endless soap opera "Who will sit at Matignon". It

is in the streets that our future will be decided, with a first
mobilization meeting on October 1, 2024. ---- Macron, by seeking to
circumvent the result of a botched election that he himself provoked, is
taking another step towards authoritarianism. An increasingly worrying
trend in a presidential regime among the most "monarchical" in Europe,
and where the extreme right is on the verge of power.
To maintain his neoliberal and pro-capitalist policy, Macron is taking
his time. While all the political parties are marching to the Élysée to
demand Matignon, the ministers of a resigning government are continuing
the destruction of public services and austerity under the title of
"managing current affairs". A ridiculous spectacle of a political and
economic system at the end of its tether, will this disregard for the
popular will be one too many? That will largely depend on the ability of
the social movement to make its voice heard.

The elections are over, time for the social struggle
Noting the presidential denial, some parties of the New Popular Front
are calling for a demonstration on September 7 to obtain what Macron
calls a Prime Minister from the NFP. But what is the point of
demonstrating to demand a social-democratic government without a
parliamentary majority? If the UCL called for a vote for the NFP in July
to block the RN, it was indeed "without illusions or scruples".

We expected nothing more, just as we will expect nothing from the
technical government that Macron will end up appointing.

The respite obtained from the far right, this situation of institutional
immobility, must now be used to make our social demands heard, to
strengthen the tools of popular autonomy, with neighborhood committees
and fighting unions at the forefront. Revolutionaries must do their
utmost to ensure that the social movement advances and grows by imposing
a clear anti-fascist and anti-racist line, regardless of the Prime
Minister who lands at Matignon. This is the real bulwark against the far
right, against its rise to power, and against its policies if it ends up
seizing them.

So, everyone on strike and in the streets on October 1, 2024, at the
call of the CGT-FSU-Solidaires inter-union, to increase wages, repeal
the pension reform, and redeploy public services throughout the country.
This will be a first decisive step in measuring the combativeness of our
social camp in the coming year. We will work wherever possible for the
success of this day of action.

Libertarian Communist Union, September 3, 2024

On the streets on October 1, 2024, to repeal retirement at 64.

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