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dinsdag 17 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH-AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, OSL: Uprising in Indonesia: "Liberal democracy cannot be reformed!" (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We are publishing a translation into Portuguese of a statement by

Perhimpunan Merdeka - Makassar (Free Association - Makassar), Indonesia,
on the political situation in the country. The following presentation is
from the organization Forum voor Georganiseerd Anarchisme (Forum for
Organized Anarchism), from the Netherlands.
Forum for Organized Anarchism:
"A major national uprising in Indonesia against an authoritarian feudal
takeover by the president, who has placed his own son and relatives in
several key positions and pressured parliament to facilitate his
concentration of power, trying to establish a new dynasty. Recently,
parliament tried to pass the bill on regional elections to run his
second son as governor. People are fed up and, in the last three days,
protests have exploded everywhere. Anarchists are at the forefront."

A statement from the Free Association - Makassar:

Don't be naive! Liberal democracy cannot be reformed!

It is true! Indonesia is in an emergency situation, not due to natural
disasters or wars, but rather a situation that could lead to Indonesia
becoming the next Bangladesh!

We all understand that they can create and revoke whatever rules they
want. There is no need to grumble and complain. The elites can do it
because the system supports it. There is no point in talking about the
morals and ethics of the elites, after all, this is our politics.
Glorifying democracy, defending it and trying to sanitize it will get us
nowhere. Because this is, in fact, the most effective way for the elites
to stay in power, without having to become "dictators".

The democracy we defend is not the democracy that gives us the power to
determine our destiny. The democracy they fight for only gives
legitimacy to those who have access to the circle of power.

Because we are the mendang-mending people, who are crushed by daily
economic problems, inhumane wages, threats of eviction, forced loss of
customary land and cultivated land, and an increasingly absurd education
system, we must have a different dream from that of the elites. We must
break the chain of oppression in our minds by thinking of democratic
platforms that are truly democratic and under our control.

We must therefore restore politics as the direct management of public
affairs by citizens through democratic institutions, especially in the
form of citizens' councils, workers' councils, farmers' councils, etc.
We must return to doing politics in open spaces, on street corners, in
parks, at stalls and in public spaces. People will spontaneously gather
in the square or in the village hall, initiating a general meeting to
discuss their problems and decide on a course of action.

These democratic institutions must be open, political and based on
direct democracy. The basic idea is simple: everyone should be able to
represent themselves and the political process should be able to take
place at the smallest level (community, workplace, school,
neighbourhood, etc.). In direct democracy, no "representatives" are
needed and all decisions are made from below. Therefore, we do not need
a group of elites to represent us. This is the true meaning of regaining
sovereignty, of putting it back in the hands of the people!

This political process allows politics and democracy to take place
without intermediaries and allows people to connect with everything that
concerns their daily lives and become real political subjects. In other
words, they represent themselves.

Only through the establishment of these forms of self-organisation can
the embryo of real social change be cultivated to replace this decaying
social order.



Free Association - Makassar


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