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dinsdag 17 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, FDCA: ANTIFASCIST STATEMENT PORDENONE (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 While imperialist wars are claiming innocent victims in over 50

countries, far-right organizations are raising their heads all over
Europe. Also in Pordenone on August 23rd we witnessed a fascist and
racist resurgence organized by FN in the form of a "patrol". The
initiative, authorized by the police headquarters, however, aroused the
indignation of the anti-fascists who with a spontaneous, participatory
and peaceful reaction forced FN to desist from its reactionary and
provocative intentions. We fully support the anti-fascist mobilization
and we consider the threats of possible repressive actions made by the
police headquarters against the anti-fascists who contested the FN
initiative to be unacceptable.
These numerous national-fascist uprisings, which are taking place and to
which the role of "Fratelli d'Italia" cannot be said to be unrelated,
the main governing force of the country, which, in that role, is
distinguished by its attack on the living conditions of workers, men and
women, and the weakest and least protected social components of society.
It is therefore necessary that anti-fascist mobilizations be united and
that they manage to involve a broad array of forces, privileging social
aspects and avoiding institutional and superficial anti-fascism. For all
these reasons, Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA adheres to the anti-fascist
demonstration called for September 13. Pordenone, September 2, 2024
Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA

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