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dinsdag 24 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE PARIS - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, FA, Monde Libertaire - Nuclear news (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The independent nuclear monitoring body "Observatoire du nucléaire",

created by Stéphane Lhomme, initiator of the anti-nuclear collective
Tchernoblaye, has just released a new series of information on the
failures of the nuclear industry, denying the allegations of the
nuclearocrats and the media in their pay: Actus du Nucléaire été
We learn in particular that: ---- - After 12 years of delay, the
Flamanville EPR has still not started up. ---- - The share of nuclear
power, "savior of the climate", in the production of electricity in the
world continues to decline (9.1% in 2023 compared to 17.1% in 2001).
---- - "The great leap forward of Chinese nuclear power" (La Croix
newspaper) announced as a massive development of nuclear power (11
reactors) ignores the fact that renewables represent 30% of electricity
(4.7% for nuclear power). In 2023, China added the equivalent of 300
nuclear reactors in renewable energy.

- Despite state aid (2.1 billion in 2022) and the European Union
repainting nuclear power green, EDF does not have the money to finance
the new EPR reactors.

To get out of this impasse, an agreement between EDF and the government
had set up last year a "nuclear production allocation contract": by
making a financial advance to participate in the development nuclear
power "electro-intensive" companies can sign long-term contracts (more
than 10 years) for a guaranteed price for electricity supply.

Eight months later, the result is disappointing: out of 100 companies
concerned, only 8, representing a negligible quantity of electricity,
have responded favorably. Industrialists criticize the price level,
increased "quite significantly" for the financing of the future nuclear
power, while the price of electricity on the market is falling sharply
with the rise of solar and wind energy...

- To gain a little time, the extension of the life of the reactors is
planned, thus increasing maintenance costs and the number of shutdowns
and incidents.

- The projects for "small" SMR (Small modular reactor) reactors,
attracting a host of start-ups hoping for public subsidies, are
experiencing more and more withdrawals from companies (including EDF in
the United Kingdom).

Gaston Leval Group

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