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dinsdag 24 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilie Libertaria #451: No muos (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The No MUOS camp in August had an important political relevance again
this year. In fact, if the attendance was slightly lower than in other
years (certain Sicilian absences were notable), the quality was
respected and the program was fully completed. ---- Thanks to the
commitment of a group of comrades, the camp site became welcoming and
equipped again in the space of a week, ready to host the campers,
several of whom came from the continent ("No Comando NATO" in Florence,
"No TAP" in Brindisi, "No TAV" in Trento, plus many others) and many
from all the Sicilian provinces.

Saturday 3 began with the display from the Belvedere in Niscemi of a
large banner measuring six by six meters bearing the words "Donna Vita
Libertà - Jin Jiyan Azadî - Dalle vostro montagne alle nostre montagne";
a banner that accompanies the most important struggles in Italy. The
assembly on war and repression then took place, focusing on the
increasingly stringent security laws passed to block any type of social
opposition; the case of comrade Luigi Spera, locked up in the special
prison of Alessandria on charges of having participated in a
demonstration against the Leonardo SpA plant in Palermo, was addressed.

In the afternoon, the debate on "the Palestinian question, solidarity
movement, training and war" saw two souls confront each other, divided
on the analysis of the Palestinian conflict, but certainly not on
solidarity and commitment to the cessation of the genocide and the
self-determination of the Palestinian people. The division was based on
the geopolitical reading. On one side, the supporters of a clash that
would see the USA and Israel in difficulty and the action of October 8,
1923 as a positive fact that demonstrated - despite the tragic
consequences - that imperialism can be defeated. On the other hand,
those who, albeit in a minority position, expressed strong doubts about
the triumphalistic tones, interpreted the geopolitical framework as that
of a clash between regional imperialisms and sub-imperialisms, and
pointed the finger at the growing role of political Islam. The debate,
despite a few too many jabs, remained on a level of correctness,
respecting the balance that characterizes the No MUOS movement.

After dinner, the highly attended debate on "The Women's Movement and
Democratic Confederalism" took place, with the presence of Rete Jin;
here too, various positions were compared.

During the night, the comrades played cat and mouse, making the American
guards run from one point to another of the US base.

Sunday 4th opened with a report by Antonio Mazzeo on conflicts in
Africa, very comprehensive and important, then the final assembly took
place, in the presence, in addition to the aforementioned movements,
also of the No Ponte movement and other Sicilian realities, which
analyzed 4 proposals, on which the movement remains committed: 1)
construction, starting from the No MUOS Movement, of a regional
coordination against the war; launch the proposal of a national
demonstration for Palestine, commit to blocking the passage of warships.
2) Production of materials on repression, war logistics and other to be
made available, as done in the past, to the realities active on the
antimilitarism level. 3) Analyze the possibility of activating a mutual
aid network between the various movements fighting on the territory. 4)
Deepen today's possibilities of tax objection.

The final procession took place in the afternoon. Let's let the movement


Yesterday, the tenth edition of the NoMUOS camp ended with a march that
started in the afternoon from our garrison in Contrada Ulmo. While we
postpone the political considerations on the assemblies and meetings
that animated the days of the camp, we want to share with enthusiasm
what happened at the closing march of the camp.

The march started from the garrison to reach first the main gate and
then the MUOS station, the geo-satellite communication system that
allows the American defense to coordinate its weapons systems globally,
including the drones that start from Sigonella. Throughout the march,
many slogans in support of the Palestinian resistance, against the
Zionist occupation of Palestine, and against the American military
occupation of Sicily. There were also many slogans in solidarity with
Luigi Spera, a comrade currently detained in the Alessandria prison
under high security.

Despite the large deployment of law enforcement inside and outside the
base, dozens of cuts were made to the fence during the journey, and
several gaps were opened in the perimeter of the base.

The police gassed the demonstration, throwing tear gas at head height,
hitting several people in the arms, torso and sternum. Once again, the
police used CS gas, which is prohibited in war, due to its toxicity, but
which is freely used during demonstrations. The infamy of the police
this time went further, when during the return journey from the base to
the garrison, the riot police attacked a group of comrades, trying to
capture some of them, but failing. Despite this, the procession managed
to defend and protect itself, leaving and returning together to and from
the garrison.

For years now we have been denouncing the US military occupation of our
territory, opposing with all necessary means to American militarism and
imperialism. We are also aware of how these bases prepare and make
possible the wars in progress. Yesterday's attack on the MUOS base in
Niscemi is our revenge for the genocide and Zionist occupation of
Palestinian lands, and one of the many ways to practice solidarity with
the Palestinian resistance. Cutting the fences of such a strategically
important base in this period of total war, despite the increasingly
high levels of control and the high deployment of law enforcement, shows
that it is possible for those who live in the territories to respond to
the military occupation, practice resistance and oppose the war.

With the images of yesterday still alive, let's now look at the year of
struggle that opens with the anger, enthusiasm and determination that
fueled yesterday afternoon.

The war starts from our home, stopping it is possible and it is up to us.


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