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maandag 23 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilie Libertaria #451: Sciruccazzu - Colonialist to whom? (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Damn if it's true: sometimes we approach the problems of other

populations, especially native and/or oppressed ones, with Eurocentric
methods; despite good intentions and a sense of internationalist
solidarity, we often cannot escape a colonial attitude. ---- However,
things are not always like this. In fact, having a respectful attitude
towards the cultures, struggles and ideas of peoples and their contexts
cannot mean giving up a critical sense, a constructive critical
contribution, which do not imply putting aside solidarity and support.

In the case of the Palestinian people, we were accused of having a
colonial position just because we expressed, during a debate at the NO
MUOS camp in August, a criticism of the positions of Hamas and its
Iranian, Qatari (fundamentalist dictatorships that deny women's
self-determination and political freedoms) and Turkish (massacrers of
the Kurdish people and the left-wing opposition) friends and protectors.
After spitting at us the accusation of colonialism towards the
Palestinians, the veteran Marxist of the moment added: "we shouldn't
care what they do, it's their problem".

For more than a century, communist bullshit has accused anarchists of
being on the enemy's side every time they criticize their wickedness or
their pseudo-science-truth. In Bolshevik and post-revolutionary Russia,
they accused us of being on the side of the bourgeoisie and the
counter-revolution when we attacked the suffocating power of Lenin's
party and its work of eliminating the opposition of the councils, the
sailors of Kronstadt, the Makhnovshchina, even though the anarchists
were one of the most advanced forces of the revolution.

These masters are the ones who applauded the ayatollahs when they fought
against the Shah and the USA, and who would espouse the cause of the
Taliban and ISIS if only they had more courage in their failed
opportunist pragmatism.

Fortunately, for us the rule always applies: "the enemy of my enemy is
not always my friend."

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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