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zondag 22 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILIE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilie Libertaria #451: Opening: war. Away with the triumphalism of the rubble - Have we lost? (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 As we write, the Israeli army operation in the West Bank has been

underway for days with drones, helicopters, armored vehicles, tanks and
about 8,000 men; the extension and prolongation of the war is one of
Netanyahu's objectives, but the other obvious objective is the
occupation and annexation of as much Palestinian territory as possible,
until the final solution to the problem. While the spotlight was on the
genocide in Gaza, with its over 40,000 deaths, the destruction, the
starvation of the population, in the West Bank the settlers, armed by
the army (in turn financed and armed by the USA, EU and Italy) have
implemented a terrorist strategy aimed at forcing the Palestinian
population to flee, abandoning homes, lands, animals. Since October 7,
there have been over 1,200 raids (including East Jerusalem), more than
650 Palestinians killed, over 10,000 arrests, 1,200 homes demolished,
and another 24 square kilometers of territory occupied in the last phase.

This is ethnic cleansing planned and implemented to complete the Zionist
strategy of annexing the entire Palestinian territory to the State of
Israel and expelling its inhabitants.

The litmus test of the two peoples and two states with which a stale
litany has covered the silence and complicity of the states protecting
the Israeli terrorist state now appears to be reduced to crumbs; the
second hypothetical State did not possess and does not possess any basis
for being born: no territory, no institutions, no resources, being only
a mosaic of small Bantustans surrounded by barbed wire and checkpoints,
with the water taps and energy switches in the hands of the occupiers,
while the other piece, Gaza... it is not yet known whether it will have
a tomorrow, or whether it will be in a position to conquer it, despite
the tenacious resistance that the population is demonstrating.

Meanwhile in Ukraine the West, with the USA and Great Britain in the
lead, insists on the strategy of all-out war, pushes to raise the
stakes, tries to move the war to Russian territories hoping to have
material on which to face possible peace negotiations. The USA and the
EU have invested over 200 billion dollars in this conflict in two years.
By equipping the Zelensky regime with more sophisticated weapons,
breaking the taboo of their offensive use and not just defense, keeping
instructors, soldiers and intelligence men in the territory of Kiev,
guiding the Ukrainian incursions with the intelligence of the USA and
NATO (and in Sicily we know something about it, with the MUOS and
Sigonella), it has become clear what we have denounced from the very
beginning: it is a war of NATO against Russia, started in 2014, which is
using Ukraine as a sacrificial victim to strike, in addition to Russia,
China and all the allies of that agglomeration of states that gather
under the name of BRICS.

An important part of the future imperialist structures is being played
out in Ukraine and Palestine, with the USA struggling to maintain
hegemony and political Islam elbowing its way forward.

It is a context in which dictatorships and democracies are exalted,
fundamentalisms on both sides find lifeblood to move forward, the
various Dr. Strangeloves shine for the magical moment they are
experiencing. The third world war, which will inevitably be a nuclear
war, knocks louder every day on our doors.

As in all wars there will be no winners and losers; those who come out
defeated will be the populations involved, who are already paying a very
high price; their rights and their freedoms, subjected to martial law
and repression. Then there are all the working classes of the states
involved in supporting the warmongering madness, who see the cost of
living increase and essential services cut, subjected to security laws.

The war industry triumphs, the laboratories where new systems for
killing are studied every day, the arms dealers, who have never been as
active as in these last few years.

It was also the triumph of the hypocrisy of national and international
institutions such as the UN, which for years have been busy issuing
sentences and resolutions that have remained a dead letter.

If we have to draw a balance after 910 days of war in Ukraine, and after
11 months of Israeli aggression in Gaza and the Palestinian territories,
this balance can only be negative for us who have continued to raise our
voices against wars, genocides, exterminations. A balance that
contradicts those sectors of the movement that see, with triumphalistic
tones, imperialism put in difficulty in Gaza.

We have lost; we have tragically lost. Our analyses, our efforts to
spread an understanding of the events, our passion and our indignation,
our anger, our initiatives, however commendable, with which we have
attempted to build an opposition to the war, have been of little use.

After two and a half years since February 20, 2022; after 330 days since
October 7, 2023, no mass mobilization is underway, only hundreds of
fragmented and rapidly declining demonstrations, immersed in general
habituation. The most important ones (from the camps at the universities
to the marches in Niscemi, Sigonella, in Tuscany, etc.), however
commendable and the result of significant efforts, have failed to
effectively involve the territories; the actions aimed at hitting the
warlords in their various declinations have been ineffective.
Governments and warlords do not feel under siege.

If we have lost, it does not mean that there is nothing to do or that
what we have done has been in vain. Our life as militants is made up
more of defeats than victories, otherwise the New World would have
already arisen a long time ago. We have learned to learn more from
defeats than from (few) victories, and today we must treasure the
accumulated experience, our deficiencies and inefficiencies, our limits
and errors, to restart the process of rebuilding a front against war.

Understanding (and making others understand) that the current structures
of the capitalist system are based on the centrality of militarism and
war; identifying the connections between the many problems in which the
system engages us, to break the cages in which individual struggles are
locked and separated. Every problem related to the environment, from
water to drought, from pollution to energy sources), to working
conditions (contracts, wages, unemployment, precariousness), to rights
(of minorities, women, the LGBTIA* archipelago, migrants), education,
depopulation, technological domination, etc. finds and must find even
more a unitary glue in the fight against war and militarism that are its
cause and conditioning modality.

Abandon sectarianism and party logics so as not to continue dividing us.
Make clear the objectives around which to build the struggles and
actions: bases, structures, companies, headquarters, names, and make
them weigh with the responsibility for the massacres, the genocidal
policies, the war economy, involving every kind of antagonistic,
grassroots, antimilitarist reality and bringing the battles into the
heart of cities, towns, universities and schools. Reason against force
can do it if it is armed with will, passion and determination.

Pippo Gurrieri

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