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zondag 17 november 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Monde Libertaire - Floods in Spain (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Communiqué from the Spanish CGT ---- Following the catastrophic floods
in Spain, our anarcho-syndicalist comrades of the Spanish CGT have
published the following communiqué: ---- The CGT in solidarity with the
victims of the DANA (Isolated High Altitude Depression). ---- While we
are immersed in a catastrophe of enormous magnitude that affects a
significant part of the territory, especially the Valencian Country and
Castilla La Mancha, the CGT wishes to declare: ---- 1) Firstly, its
total and unconditional solidarity with the victims and their families
of deceased or missing persons. In these moments when terrible figures
are announced, with the feeling that they could still get worse, we are
at their side, them and their neighbours in the Valencian Country and
Castilla La Mancha.

2) Its total support for the companions of the emergency services who
are intervening in the disaster areas. We know their dedication and
generosity in these circumstances; also their action in very harsh
working conditions. Once again the enormous courage that guides many
workers in their professional activity as in public services is evident.

3) Of course, we fraternally embrace all the companions of the CGT in
the disaster areas, and to theirs who are also ours. To all those who
fight for a better world, where ecology and sustainability are essential
conditions that guide our social and union initiatives. It is not
useless to recall that the capitalist development model is largely
responsible for the current situation.

4) Finally, we absolutely condemn a political class that has dismantled
essential services that are indispensable to citizens. We saw some time
ago the UVE (Valencian Emergency Unit) being abolished, and other
services being made precarious, such as that of the forest firefighters
in Murcia. We also condemn an employer class that forced many workers to
keep their jobs when for several days a major weather phenomenon had
been forecast, which finally happened.
The importance of this "red alert" has been put into perspective and we
will have to see how many deaths there were among those who returned to
their jobs despite the forecasts and warnings.

We will not forget: the words of comfort from the
political class are worthless when we knew that this disaster
could happen.

Solidarity with the victims and disaster victims.

Only the people save the people!

Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT

Translation Ramón Pino
Salvador Seguí Group

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