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vrijdag 22 november 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE RUSSIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Russia, AIT: Internationalist Anarchists Respond to Slanderers (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The "trench" traitors of anarchism continue their campaign of lies and
slander against anarchists who have remained committed to traditional
internationalism, anti-nationalism and anti-militarism. This time, the
target of their brazen attacks was the telegram channel "Voice of
Anarchists", which exposed their falsifications. We,
anarcho-syndicalists operating in the Russian region, express our
solidarity with the comrades from "Voice of Anarchists" and publish
their response to the hysterical and completely groundless accusations
from the imaginary "anarchists".

"... At the same time, we somehow did not stoop to slander against our
political opponents (https://t.me/voiceofanarchists/1063?single), and
all our accusations against pro-war anarchists were based on facts and
evidence that absolutely anyone can verify
(https://t.me/voiceofanarchists/982; https://t.me/voiceofanarchists/993;

On the other hand, our opponents, apparently, are not constrained by any
ethical dilemmas at all: they openly publish slander; encourage and
participate in doxxing (justifying this with arguments designed for
idiots) (https://t.me/voiceofanarchists/993?comment=16695); spread
pro-war propaganda through blatant fakes and disinformation
(https://t.me/voiceofanarchists/993?comment=16694), comparable in
odiousness to the "Avenue of Angels" or the false testimony of the
Kuwaiti girl Naira.

Remember, we compared (https://t.me/voiceofanarchists/1023) their
manipulations by hanging the ridiculous label of "anarcho-Putinists"
with the manipulations of Kropotkin, who called internationalists during
the First World War "our pro-Germans"? Here it is necessary to make a
very important reservation: Kropotkin, even when he sometimes fell into
monstrous delusions, remained a man of honor and did not even come close
to the level of vileness and filth to which our modern justifiers of war
stoop, who have neither the talent nor the conscience of Kropotkin himself.

In essence, we are dealing with those whom Dostoevsky in "Notes from the
House of the Dead" called "moral Quasimodos", who still have the
audacity to say something about "solidarity", "mutual assistance" and

As for the accusations of "our work for the FSB," we recalled a very
noteworthy passage from Emma Goldman's memoirs:

"Upon my return to New York, I was viciously attacked, this time not by
the authorities, but by a socialist publication. One of the publications
claimed that I was in the service of the Russian Tsar! This astonishing
revelation appeared on May 13, 1911, in the London Justice, which was
the official printed organ of the Social Democratic Party of England.

"The notorious Emma Goldman recently lashed out at the Milwaukee
socialists. She called them cheap politicians, devoid of any
revolutionary goals - the same thing local critics say about us. Emma
Goldman has been freely traveling around the United States for many
years, and some are perplexed as to how it happened that this instigator
can continue her propaganda of violence with complete impunity for so
long. Few people know that Emma Goldman is a police collaborator,
although this fact has only recently come to light. At one time she
worked for Mr. A. E. Olarovsky of the Russian Secret Police in San
Francisco as an agent and spy. We have no doubt that this is true nine
times out of ten of the "outstanding" anarchists who kill people only in
words, but who are not to be found when the atrocities are committed,
and who always manage to mysteriously slip away when their comrades are

At first I felt sick from such a crazy accusation. But then I remembered
that equally shameless slander was directed at a greater man than
myself, Mikhail Bakunin, the father of anarchism. The people who
persecuted Bakunin were Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx. Since the
founders of socialism split the First International with their demagogy,
socialists have used similar tactics everywhere. I was flattered that
the same fate awaited me as my glorious comrade, and considered it
beneath my dignity to respond to such slander."


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