Badaboum is an anarchist bulletin against nuclear power. This bulletin
is being printed for the first time in March 2024, in a context ofincreased development of the nuclear industry in the world, and, let's
admit it, in a gloomy atmosphere of weakening of anti-nuclear struggles
and criticism. In fact, part of the movement has fallen back more on
co-management logic of the existing and on the search for alternatives.
If we wanted to embark on the creation of such a paper, it is because
there are a certain number of us who cannot bring ourselves to accept
this situation. Who do not want to live under the yoke of a devastating
industrial authoritarianism. It is through direct action (in all its
forms) that we plan to put an end to it. Without necessarily great hope
but with determination.
The idea for this bulletin is to bring to life an anti-authoritarian,
anarchist critique of nuclear society, and to discuss the resistance
that the latter encounters. And if it seems essential to us to fight in
this sense, it is notably because nuclear power constitutes, at least in
France, a major pillar of the State and of capital, of the social
structures that we want to destroy. Because society as it is is
unbearable to us, because ending capitalist and industrial society is
impossible as long as nuclear power exists, we choose, like others
before us, to attack this strategic industry.
We intend to discuss here the struggles against the new EPRs, the CIGEO
waste dump in Bure, nuclear research Without losing sight of the fact
that above all, the nuclear industry is devastating! It is fundamentally
military, at the service of States that exist only to extend their
domination over other States and against populations in general by means
of ever more powerful devastation. In Japan, Polynesia, Algeria, the
bomb goes boom! and in the second as well as years after the shock,
hundreds of thousands of deaths. And if these examples belong to the
past - although cancers and traumas are well and truly present - nothing
indicates that the armed powers have given up using their supreme weapon
of destruction in the future, all the more so in a global context of
militarization and warmongering.
There are these deliberate explosions, and then others, which had not
been prepared by a general staff. Those which cause the poisoning of a
population that will have to be disinformed, those which call for the
sacrifice of "heroic" workers, those which the industry will have to
hide or minimize; they call them "accidents" because it was impossible,
and yet, it happened. Near you, perhaps not yet but from Flamanville to
Tricastin, we know that one day, it can go boom!
The "civil" nature and the dissuasive argument of atomic energy pushes
us to accept the daily life that goes with it despite its disastrous
consequences. Nuclear energy pacifies! It imposes on us, like any other
energy production, a capitalist order based on the atomization of social
relations, the (digital) mechanization of daily life and social control:
an authoritarian order that dictates obedience. But in an even more
pernicious way than other energies, the nuclear industry creates
industrial infrastructures and toxic waste for billions of years.
Through terms and acronyms of all kinds that are made to be difficult to
understand and remember, the logic of experts, straight out of elite
schools like the Corps des Mines of the École Polytechnique, tries to
make us believe that it is indispensable. By secrecy or by smokescreen,
the "resilience" that is imposed on us with the nuclear industry is the
obligation to obey the authoritarianism of the State and industries for
our entire lives and much more.
So will we be fatally eliminated by a nuclear, military or industrial
catastrophe? We think not. Because Badaboum! is also the noise made by
the THT pylon falling, the gendarmerie tank falling into the ravine, the
social explosion that occurs when we least expect it. It is a rumbling
against this nuclearized capitalist society that it is up to us to put
in danger, without losing sight of our anarchist demands and our
libertarian principles.
So here is a bit of reading, hoping to be able to correspond with fellow
readers, read your contributions and create links to deepen the critique
and highlight the struggles against nuclear power and the world that
goes with it!
contact: badaboum3000 at
To see the bulletins:
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