Universal singular. Transfeminism and anarchy ---- The paths of freedom
traced by the subjectivities kept on the margins by patriarchal culturehave shaken to the foundations an order that seemed immutable, breaking
its binary and essentialist logic. ---- Binary logic is that which
divides people based on the sex attributed at birth, which is supposed
to correspond to precise gender characteristics. ---- Binaryism implies
a gap between the more and the less, the full and the empty, the vessel
and the seed, the space of feelings and that of reason. This logic,
which claims to be natural, founds the patriarchal order.
The human universal is born and remains solidly masculine for a long
time. A masculine in which are inscribed the intrinsic qualities that
"justify" the hierarchy between genders, within the normative family
cage and in the long exclusion of women from public life.
The patriarchal order is based on the claim that hierarchy is
biologically founded and on this it builds a culture in which constant,
fixed, socially defined identities are given.
Female servitude has not been a characteristic of all human cultures,
but it has been and is prevalent at all latitudes.
The patriarchal dynamic ensures that hierarchy reproduces itself in
every human relationship. Breaking the patriarchal order is necessary
for a libertarian social transformation.
Essentialism, queer deconstruction and anarchist approach
By essentialism we mean the choice to consider completely cultural
gender typifications as just and immutable.
The critique of essentialism feeds on the deconstruction of gender
identities. Conceiving identity, every identity, as a social
construction, a mobile boundary between inclusion and exclusion, is a
theoretical approach that feeds on the rupture operated by feminism and
the lgbtqia+ movements.
The challenge is on several fronts. Challenge to the (ethical) State, to
the reactive patriarchy and to capitalism. A challenge that is not a
mere abstraction or philosophical suggestion, but is implemented in the
convergence of struggles, perspectives and imaginaries capable of giving
life to a new perspective.
The sum of different identity caesuras, which often coincide with
various forms of exclusion, allows for a permanent contestation of
privilege against hierarchies of power.
"Sexual identities", even in their historical making, are not a
conceptual conglomerate from which to start, but rather the question
itself. Going beyond them to erase them is a complex path, because it
involves a dimension of the self that, although exquisitely cultural, is
so strong and internalized from birth that it seems natural to us. To
the point that gender stereotypes end up being adopted even by those who
reject what was assigned to them at birth.
Queer constructionism implements the strategy of deconstructing
identities that pass as natural, considering them instead as complex
socio-cultural formations in which different discourses are intertwined.
A libertarian approach must and can go beyond the deconstruction of the
narratives that constitute gender identities, because it grafts the
element of disruption represented by the political and social action of
subjects, who are constituted starting from their multiple alterities,
claimed and experienced on the level of struggle. Subjects capable of an
autonomous production of meaning, of relationships, of subversive
practices with respect to the patriarchal order, to binary logic, to the
naturalization of social relations.
An important but delicate path, because, in a completely paradoxical
way, sometimes the push to open spaces that aspire to the recognition of
the discriminatory caesuras that mark the lives of many people, ends up
producing an identity short circuit.
Let's try to explain better.
No one better than those who experience discrimination can make it
intelligible to everyone and promote instances that allow a path of
The feminist movement, the LGBTQIA+ movement, starts from autonomous
speech, from contesting the language that marks hierarchy, from the
fragmentation of the materiality of oppression. If the universal is
male, European, rich, heterosexual, the rest is an inessential margin,
which must be subdued, denied, enslaved and, often even eliminated. The
Enlightenment have triggered transformative paths, in which the
differences and, therefore, the fragmentation of the bourgeois, male,
heterosexual, rich, European-culture political subject have opened up an
unprecedented horizon of struggle. It was a question of
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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