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maandag 17 maart 2025

WORLD WORLDWIDE AFRICA ZIMBABWE - WILDLIFE - ANIMALS - Animal Survival International - Elephant calf with deadly snare around its leg could die without immediate care.


We are rushing to help save a baby elephant with a cruel snare wrapped tightly around its leg. Your support will help save its life.

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Dear friends,

I’m reaching out today because I know this situation will deeply concern you, and as an animal-lover, I’m sure you will want to help.
An elephant calf in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, has been spotted limping through the wilderness with a wire snare tearing into its flesh. 

The calf’s leg is badly swollen, indicating a serious infection that must be treated immediately. 

This young animal must be suffering greatly – and to make matters worse, its reduced mobility is leaving it vulnerable to predators.

If we don’t act quickly, this calf is likely to die.

Credit: KAWFT

Our partner, Kariba Animal Welfare Fund Trust (KAWFT), has attempted to dart the calf on two separate occasions from the ground. However, with thick vegetation, challenging terrain and a massive area to search, the team has not yet been successful.

Time is running out. We must assist our team with a helicopter to dart the baby elephant from the sky and remove the snare as soon as possible.

For illustrative purposes only: It is difficult and dangerous for our team to approach injured elephant calves from the ground, as their mothers are extremely protective of them. Credit: KAWFT

The answer is to use a helicopter to spot and dart the calf from above. Aerial patrols are our ONLY option if we are to find the calf before it's too late.

Even with a helicopter, it could take hours or even days to find the stricken calf. Every minute increases the calf’s risk of dying by infection or being attacked by predators.

Please help us raise $8,000 (£6,180) to keep the helicopter in the air and provide our team with sufficient aerial coverage to find the calf fast. 

Your donation will also cover the cost of medication and equipment to safely dart the calf, remove the snare and treat the injury, giving the animal the best chance of survival after this excruciating ordeal.

This young animal is suffering terribly, and elephants are so endangered that every single life counts in the battle against extinction.

A rescue mission like this is only possible with your support.

Can this calf count on your help today?

Donate now
Credit: KAWFT

Snares are terribly cruel contraptions used by poachers to catch wild animals.

Those that don’t die immediately – like this baby calf – suffer for days or weeks, usually succumbing to their injuries after excruciating pain and suffering. Young animals are especially vulnerable, as they fall behind, lose their herd, and die painful, lonely deaths.

A helpless calf and its concerned mother are dearly hoping for your help today. Please, donate right away.

Saving animals and the planet,

Campaign Director
Animal Survival International

P.S. A snared elephant calf in Zimbabwe needs our help right away. Please donate to help us capture and treat the young animal, and remove a life-threatening snare – before it is too late.

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Banner credit: KAWFT

Please share this appeal with your colleagues, friends and family.

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