Like every year, the 30th edition of the Chéries&Chéris LGBTQIA & +++
Film Festival in Paris was held in November. Several themes wereaddressed: power dynamics, parenthood, internalized and societal
homophobia, dissident sexual expressions, the reception of refugees in
Europe. ---- Among the films presented, three documentaries are worth
noting. The documentary Act Up ou le chaos, by Pierre Chassagnieux and
Matthieu Lère, tells for the first time the story of activism in the
fight against AIDS, carried by the French homosexual community organized
within Act Up. The directors rely on unpublished archives where we see
in particular the pharmaceutical laboratories taking the epidemic
seriously and launching information and prevention campaigns that will
save many lives. We especially note the exceptional participation of
those who made and make Act Up, which is celebrating its 35th anniversary.
Julia retraces the story of a trans woman born in Lithuania, filmed in
her daily life as a sex worker living outside the laws and conventions.
Filmmaker J. Jackie Baier followed her life and her journey, to show how
a promising art student, marginalized, decides to leave her native
country to start earning her living as a sex worker on the streets of
A Trans Story, for its part, is a documentary that traces the last 60
years of political struggles in France. From Coccinelle and Bambi to
Marie Cau (the first transgender mayor elected in 2020), from the
"Cabaret years" to the rise of the transgender pride movement, from
prostitution as a means of survival to a relentless quest to fully
integrate into civil society, filmmaker Pascal Petit recounts the
chaotic journey of several generations of activists in France who have
succeeded one another in obtaining a beginning of recognition.
In the Lesbo-Queer-Hot short film competition, seven experimental porn
films were presented during a session. Two films from the Belgian
production Les PéPé·e·s stand out. The first follows a group in a forest
where spanking in trees, masturbation and cracking leaves are filmed
through striking frames, movements and mise en abymes. The second places
sexual activity in its banal and everyday aspect, in the same way as
doing the dishes or preparing breakfast.
The other experimental films feature well-known actresses such as La
Fille Renne, Laure Giappiconi, Elisa Monteil and Romy Alizée. The latter
two recently signed the sound documentary C(h)oeur de sex worker,
produced by France Culture for l'Expérience[1].
Rose (UCL Paris)
Films: "Act Up or Chaos", Pierre Chassagnieux and Matthieu Lère, France
2024, 60min, Documentary "Julia", J. Jackie Baier, Lithuania, Germany,
2013, 89 minutes, Documentary "A Trans Story: 60 Years of Political
Struggles to Exist", Pascal Petit, France 2024, 64minutes, Documentary
"Romy and Laure... and the Secret of the Furniture Man", Laure
Giappiconi, Romy Alizée, France 2019, 6 minutes, Experimental "Nobody's
Watching Us", Les PéPé·e·s, Belgium, 2019, 27 minutes, Experimental
Porn. "While I'm Still Breathing", La Fille Renne, Laure Giappiconi,
Elisa Monteil, France, 2020, 12 minutes, Experimental "Fist", Romy
Alizée, France, 2020, 3 minutes, Experimental "Sex l'air de rien", Les
PéPé·e·s, Belgium, 2019, 18 minutes, Experimental Porn "Fluidity", La
Fille Renne, Laure Giappiconi, Elisa Monteil, France, 2022, 7 minutes,
Experimental "Romy and Laure... and the Mystery of the Most Enchanted",
Laure Giappiconi, Romy Alizée, France, 2020, 12 minutes, Experimental
[1]Romy Alizée and Élisa Monteil, "C(h)oeur de sex worker", France
culture, March 9, 2024.
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