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dinsdag 18 maart 2025

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, FDA-IFA: Anarcha-queer feminist struggle day 2025 by agdortmund (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Emma Goldman is one of the most influential anarcha-feminists of the

last few centuries. She still convinces with her clear analyses and
positions. Even back then, she explained in understandable terms how
closely feminist liberation is linked to the abolition of the state and
capitalism. Her writings are still worth reading today and are also
partly relevant to today's discourse. We do not want to glorify Emma
Goldman and believe it is important to classify her critically and to
further develop and update anarcha-feminist positions. We want to make a
contribution to this with our series of events on March 8, 2025 in Dortmund.

In total, we are holding 6 events on different topics, all of which will
take place in the Black Pigeon and are open to everyone. A large part of
the power of the existing system is its ability to limit our imagination
to imagine a different world, which is why we are starting on March 6 at
6 p.m. with a collage workshop on utopias. Authoritarian forces around
the world are once again mobilizing against the self-determination of
trans people and sex workers. People from Leipzig will show us how
closely this mobilization is linked in relation to the two issues. They
have written a brochure entitled: "Solidarity against SWERFs and TERFs."
They will present this on March 13th at 6 p.m. The following week, on
March 20th, we will hear an anarchist perspective on sex work. On the
weekend of March 29th and 30th, we have 2 lectures. On Saturday at 12
p.m. we will hear a lecture from "Risse im Falschen Film" from Bremen on
"Gender in Capitalism," which deals with very fundamental questions,
namely how both the state and capitalism depend on maintaining the
patriarchy. On Sunday at 5 p.m., we will hear an overview of the legal
framework in Germany and other countries from 2 sex workers from
Cologne. So how does the state regulate sex work in Germany, as in other
countries, and what impact does this have on sex workers. The series of
events will conclude on April 3rd at 6 p.m. with a lecture on the topic:
"Persecution of inter* people during the Nazi era."

We would like to thank Clifford Harper for the great illustration we
used. You can find more of his work at cliffordharper.com
We look forward to seeing you, good discussions and new networking!

For an end to patriarchy - for anarchy!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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