The podcast of our Friday trip to Anarres, the planet of concrete
utopias. From 11 to 13 on 105.250 of the free frequencies of Blackout.Also in streaming . ---- Paternalism and discipline. The queues in front
of the immigration office in Turin ---- “Although charities and
left-wing politicians flaunt their aversion to racist right-wing groups,
their discourse is complementary to the security narrative that sees
immigrants as a threat to social order. In fact, only those who “respect
the rules” can hope to see the fundamental rights linked to the
possession of a document guaranteed. Those who do not want, or cannot,
“integrate” are considered criminals or outcasts who bring
“degradation,” condemned without appeal to the daily violence of
security policies, or alternatively, to remain entangled in the meshes
of welfare paternalism. The long queues and the harassment carried out
by the police in Corso Verona are the striking demonstration that it is
not possible to escape from this process of discipline, as the
right-thinking would like, not even by “respecting the rules” that
society imposes.”
Let's start from an article published in Napoli Monitor to think about
the forms of violent discipline of migrant workers.
United States. The Trump cyclone The president who took office on
January 20 is much stronger than the one who took power in 2016: then he
was an outsider disliked by the majority of his party, today he is the
winning horse, who conquered the GOP by managing to bring together the
scattered souls of the American right. The billionaires who crowded his
court on the day of his investiture hold the real power, that of social
media, the control of which is crucial in building consensus. Numerous
questions are on the table: how long will his social bloc hold up ,
especially that of the Rust Belt, which contributed so much to his
previous success? Trump has dictated the rules to Europe, first of all
an investment of 5% of GDP in military spending. Trump's program is
frightening. Whether or not he will be able to implement it will depend
on the strength of the opposition movements. We talked about it with
Stefano Capello
Musk's Satellites : Internet for the Rich
One of the sectors that has long been a real battlefield is that of
digital communications, in which Musk has been present since 2019 with
one of his best-known companies, "Starlink", a subsidiary of "SpaceX",
which aims to provide Internet connection to individuals and businesses
via thousands of satellites.
Internet for everyone? The exact opposite! We talked about it with Pepsy
Appointments : Thursday 20 February at 9pm Corso Palermo 46 – Turin
Anarchists in the Russian Revolution
Enzo Papa, translator and editor of the Italian edition, presents the
book: “The Unknown Revolution . The Anarchist Movement in the Struggles
for Social Emancipation in Russia” by Volin, Zero in Condotta editions .
Volin, an anarchist, among the protagonists of the Russian revolution,
gives us the vivid image of a social revolution, in which the
self-management and libertarian dimension of the Soviets is suffocated
little by little by the Bolshevik dictatorship. Not without strong
The anarchist theoretician and revolutionary, Vsevolod Mikhailovich
Eichenbaum, known as Volin, tells the story of the Russian Revolution
from 1825 to 1939, with its two uprisings of 1905 and 1917, which he
experienced as a militant actively engaged in the events. Having at his
disposal first-hand documents and testimonies, Volin describes, from an
anarchist point of view – with lucidity and rare analytical finesse –
the entire process of the Russian revolutionary movement, from the birth
of the Soviets to the annihilation of the anarchist movement by
Stalinism, passing through the rise to power of the Bolsheviks, the
revolt of the sailors of Kronstadt and the insurrectional epic of Nestor
The book , in addition to the presentations, can be found at FAT or can
be requested at
Saturday 22 February
three years after the beginning of the war in Ukraine
With Russian and Ukrainian deserters for a world without borders
antimilitarist demonstration at Balon
AD istro and SeriRiot every Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm in Corso Palermo 46
(A)distro – books, newspapers, documents and… much more
SeriRiot – self-produced silkscreen printing benefit struggles
Come and browse through the books and magazines, t-shirts and flyers!
Support self-production and information free from the state and the market!
Find out about struggles and events!
Turin Anarchist Federation
Corso Palermo 46
Meetings – open to interested parties – every Tuesday from 8:30 pm for
info write to fai_torino
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