On January 11 and 12, 2025, the 11th Conference of APO-OS was held in
Athens, at the anarchist-anti-authoritarian hangout Antipnoia and theoccupation of Lelas Karagianni 37. The collectives, members of APO,
Anarchist collective "Circle of Fire" (Athens), Anarchist collective
"Omicron 72" (Athens), Collective for Social Anarchism "Black and Red"
(Thessaloniki), participated in this two-day process, which on the first
day, in the context of the open discussion, took positions on a series
of issues of the political and social situation, while on the second
day, the internal dialogue and assessment regarding the organization's
course so far, as well as its future, followed. The open proceedings of
the first day were also attended by comrades from the Anarchist Assembly
for Social and Class Emancipation.
The positions in the open process of the first day referred to a series
of topical political and social issues of recent years. The positions of
the groups started from the crisis in which global sovereignty and each
of its individual formations find themselves. The imposition of modern
totalitarianism, the generalization of war, fascism, and death politics
constitute the only way out for the state-capitalist system, with the
political and economic elites preserving a dystopian future for
societies in order to preserve their privileges, expand their control
and increase their profitability. They then focused on the
intensification of interstate rivalries, the escalation of war
preparations and active war fronts, while at the same time the groups,
adhering to the established anarchist position, clarified that as
anarchists we do not choose any power bloc, western or eastern, and no
oppressor, but we always stand next to the oppressed and exploited, the
displaced, the tortured, those who experience the devastating
consequences of war, refugeeism, economic plunder and the draining of
the natural resources of their lands. Alongside those who struggle, the
Palestinian people who resist the fascist state of Israel that aims to
annihilate them, in the struggling Rojava, those who stand up against
the oppressors, from Iran to Turkey, from Chile to the indigenous
communities of the Zapatistas in Mexico. Specific fields were analyzed
where the total restructuring of the system and the development of
anti-social designs of domination are being implemented: in the field of
health, education, in the workplace with the passage of bills that
privatize every field of human activity, exacerbate the conditions of
exploitation by increasing the number of employer murders, poverty,
destitution and exclusions, intensify social control and the
commercialization of public spaces, criminalize trade union action and
target social and class resistance. While issues were raised regarding
the intensification of gender-based violence, the suppression of the
anarchist and revolutionary movement, the continued targeting and
evictions of squats, the intensification of state violence and terrorism
in every field of everyday life to impose the plans of the state and
capital and the reappearance of fascists who function as a crutch for
the state and capital, launching attacks wherever they indicate them, on
immigrants, refugee structures, squats and places of struggle. Finally,
the need to develop and expand organized resistance and statements from
below in a series of fields of intervention such as educational, social
and class/labor and the more comprehensive defense of the anarchist
project itself and the social,of its subversive and revolutionary
character, especially in a volatile period where the overall and
organized attack of the state and bosses is constantly intensifying,
making the issue of the Organization of anarchists and their
counterattack even more urgent and necessary both today and in the near
future where repression will intensify as will efforts to mediate and
assimilate social and class struggles.
On the second day, the Conference proceedings continued with the
internal discussions of the collectives, which took stock of its
movement so far, the operation of the organs and special thematic
groups, reassessed the political framework and set the organization's
directions for the coming period, with a view to the next Conference
scheduled for the summer of 2025 in Thessaloniki.
The A.P.O. has expressed, since its formation, an open proposal for
anarchists who refer to the organized and collective struggle and to the
social revolution; a permanent proposal for the political and
organizational formation of the anarchist movement. Given the
assessment that the state's repressive campaign constitutes a long-term
choice of suffocating restriction of social and class struggles and the
spearhead of the overall operation of changing the social landscape into
a dystopia of exploitation and subjugation, and having the assessment of
the underlying social explosion against this operation, we want to
proceed with the formation of a political planUpdate from the 11th
Conference of the Anarchist Political Organization - Federation of
On January 11 and 12, 2025, the 11th Conference of APO-OS was held in
Athens, at the anarchist-anti-authoritarian hangout Antipnoia and the
occupation of Lelas Karagianni 37. The collectives, members of APO,
Anarchist collective "Circle of Fire" (Athens), Anarchist collective
"Omicron 72" (Athens), Collective for Social Anarchism "Black and Red"
(Thessaloniki), participated in this two-day process, which on the first
day, in the context of the open discussion, took positions on a series
of issues of the political and social situation, while on the second
day, the internal dialogue and assessment regarding the organization's
course so far, as well as its future, followed. The open proceedings of
the first day were also attended by comrades from the Anarchist Assembly
for Social and Class Emancipation.
The positions in the open process of the first day referred to a series
of topical political and social issues of recent years. The positions of
the groups started from the crisis in which global sovereignty and each
of its individual formations find themselves. The imposition of modern
totalitarianism, the generalization of war, fascism, and death politics
constitute the only way out for the state-capitalist system, with the
political and economic elites preserving a dystopian future for
societies in order to preserve their privileges, expand their control
and increase their profitability. They then focused on the
intensification of interstate rivalries, the escalation of war
preparations and active war fronts, while at the same time the groups,
adhering to the established anarchist position, clarified that as
anarchists we do not choose any power bloc, western or eastern, and no
oppressor, but we always stand next to the oppressed and exploited, the
displaced, the tortured, those who experience the devastating
consequences of war, refugeeism, economic plunder and the draining of
the natural resources of their lands. Alongside those who struggle, the
Palestinian people who resist the fascist state of Israel that aims to
annihilate them, in the struggling Rojava, those who stand up against
the oppressors, from Iran to Turkey, from Chile to the indigenous
communities of the Zapatistas in Mexico. Specific fields were analyzed
where the total restructuring of the system and the development of
anti-social designs of domination are being implemented: in the field of
health, education, in the workplace with the passage of bills that
privatize every field of human activity, exacerbate the conditions of
exploitation by increasing the number of employer murders, poverty,
destitution and exclusions, intensify social control and the
commercialization of public spaces, criminalize trade union action and
target social and class resistance. While issues were raised regarding
the intensification of gender-based violence, the suppression of the
anarchist and revolutionary movement, the continued targeting and
evictions of squats, the intensification of state violence and terrorism
in every field of everyday life to impose the plans of the state and
capital and the reappearance of fascists who function as a crutch for
the state and capital, launching attacks wherever they indicate them, on
immigrants, refugee structures, squats and places of struggle. Finally,
the need to develop and expand organized resistance and statements from
below in a series of fields of intervention such as educational, social
and class/labor and the more comprehensive defense of the anarchist
project itself and the social,of its subversive and revolutionary
character, especially in a volatile period where the overall and
organized attack of the state and bosses is constantly intensifying,
making the issue of the Organization of anarchists and their
counterattack even more urgent and necessary both today and in the near
future where repression will intensify as will efforts to mediate and
assimilate social and class struggles.
On the second day, the Conference proceedings continued with the
internal discussions of the collectives, which took stock of its
movement so far, the operation of the organs and special thematic
groups, reassessed the political framework and set the organization's
directions for the coming period, with a view to the next Conference
scheduled for the summer of 2025 in Thessaloniki.
The A.P.O. has expressed, since its formation, an open proposal for
anarchists who refer to the organized and collective struggle and to the
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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