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vrijdag 14 maart 2025

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, FAI, Umanitanova #2-25: Climate crisis and direct action (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Friday, January 31 at 9:00 pm at FAT. in corso Palermo 46 Turin ---- the

meeting with the physicist Andrea Merlone, Research Director at the
National Institute of Metrological Research (INRiM) and associate
researcher at the Institute of Polar Sciences of the CNR, was held. ----
Watch here: https://youtu.be/5fI6NuKEnPU?si=Zhc03WnPjPp1QQnE ---- That
climate change is underway with an unprecedented acceleration is a fact
that no longer has any evidence to the contrary. The extensive analyses
of the climatological community lead to a single conclusion: the climate
is changing at such a speed that life forms are being placed in serious
difficulty in adapting. Variations in the concentrations of elements and
a few degrees of increase in temperatures lead to sudden collapses in a
system governed by stable but chaotic equilibria. Climate research and
studies, never supported enough compared to other technological and war
disciplines, base their analyses on a competent, distributed and
continuously comparing research community, which produces tens of
thousands of analyses constantly examined by the International
Climatology Commissions.

Far from being in the hands of interest lobbies, IPCC scientists and
authors are often discredited. At COP28 the president argued that there
is no evidence of the need to reduce the average temperature rise to 1.5
°C. After all, if the CEO of the state oil company of the United Arab
Emirates is appointed to preside, it is the least that can be expected.
Statements now accepted without shame, of a denialist and reactionary
nature, similar to the re-flowering of fascist and Nazi statements that
we witness daily.

A problem of capitalist origin cannot have a capitalist solution.
Global warming is mainly caused by human activities linked to the
compulsive impulse towards impracticable infinite growth. The need for
mitigation actions is now a fact that capitalism has learned to ride,
"evangelizing" towards virtuous behaviors that increase the "green"
business. See the ever-increasing "green washing" operations flaunted by

"Green" actions that on the one hand bring a minimal contribution to
reducing direct climate-altering impacts, on the other cause much more
serious "indirect" effects. Slowing down growth until it is sustainably
reversed is therefore the only seriously adoptable solution, even
together with shared energy transitions.

Climate change requires clear actions and urgent mitigation plans,
increasing dissent towards governments that turn their backs on the
problem, relaunching self-managed and direct action.

Measuring the changing climate
The ability to evaluate climate change depends on the quality of the
data that come from multitudes of measurements of different parameters.
A scientific effort without geographical distinction, which sees
hundreds of researchers collaborating from different disciplines. With a
journey that starts from the laboratories of Turin, we will present
instruments and measurement stations, from urban ones to high mountains,
from the Arctic base to Everest, which show how the acceleration of
climate change is an even underestimated phenomenon.

Andrea Merlone, physicist, is Research Director at INRiM and associate
researcher at CNR. He deals with accurate temperature measurements and
promotes studies on data useful for understanding global warming. He has
participated in several scientific missions and is the author of over
120 articles. He chairs the committee of experts on temperature
measurements for the environment of the World Meteorological Organization.

Federazione Anarchica Torinese
meetings - open to interested parties - every Tuesday from 8:30 pm in
Corso Palermo 46


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