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vrijdag 14 maart 2025

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE UNITED-KINGDOM UK uk - news journal UPDATE - (en) UK, ACG: In 2025 More than Ever: Peace to the Cottages, War on the Palace (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The following is a translation of the editorial of Bulletin 7 of the

Olga Taratuta Initiative, a French-based group that supports Ukrainian
and Russian war resisters. ---- This newsletter is the seventh of the
Solidarity Initiative "Olga Taratuta", created on February 24, 2022. It
comes one year after the previous issue, published in January 2024. Does
this mean that our activities have slowed down in 2024? Unfortunately
not, quite the contrary, because the war in Ukraine has only redoubled
and with it the need for solidarity with those who refuse it. Our human
and material resources have been mainly devoted to "field" activities,
but we will try in 2025 to publish the newsletter more regularly, why
not with your help? We need translators (Russian, English), and
especially distributors. You can photocopy the newsletter to distribute
it around you. We can also send you copies if you have the possibility
to drop the newsletter off in bookstores, associative places. In any
case, do not hesitate to contact us by email

In this maelstrom of misfortune and despair that war brings, we have
been able to see some reasons for hope. Of course, it is at our
microscopic level, but these grains of sand contradict many current
speeches, in the media but also sometimes in activist circles! First of
all, Ivan, a young Russian rebel whom we had favorably supported in his
asylum application, has now acquired his autonomy and flies freely on
his own wings. There is also our young friend Boris, also a Russian
rebel, who has also officially obtained his refugee status. Thanks to
his efforts and the support of companions who have housed him throughout
this period, in one year he has learned French and found a job that will
also allow him to have his autonomy. In addition, his friend Natalia,
who is Ukrainian, was able to join him and has also obtained refugee
status. We wish this couple much happiness, a symbol of a possible
future despite the din of the bombs.

We warmly thank all the people who participated in the solidarity fund
with the rebels and deserters. We collected almost 5000 euros, half of
which was used for winter solidarity with the anarchists in Ukraine, and
the other half for solidarity with the Russian rebels we are hosting, as
well as for solidarity with the Orange Fox Bike strikers. This strike,
led this fall in Paris by Russian and Ukrainian refugees who went so far
as to occupy their workplace, is another reason for hope.

Solidarity can be expressed in different ways. For example, Sergei,
another Ukrainian refugee, has happily made the most of the vegetable
garden that a companion of the Initiative has made available to him.

We participated in the anti-militarist days organized by the CNT-AIT of
Auch, the weekend of November 11, where we presented the situation of
the anti-war movement in Russia and the deserters in Ukraine. The Union
Pacifiste (UPF) also invited us to present the Initiative in its program
"Si Vis Pacem" on Radio Libertaire. The program can be listened to
online here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb3toLOuNtg. We also
participated in the Friends of Maurice Joyeux programme on January 12th

Finally, in December, we participated in a rally in support of Russian
and Ukrainian deserters, in order to make visible the reality that
thousands of young people refuse to go and get themselves killed.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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