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maandag 17 maart 2025

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, FAI, Umanitanova #2-25: February 15th demonstrations for Rojava in Rome and Milan (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On February 15th, two important demonstrations will be held in Rome and

Milan in support of the Kurdish liberation movement that for over a
decade has developed a perspective of non-sectarian society,
experimenting in some areas of Rojava and Syria with forms of grassroots
organization that represent an alternative in a world caught between war
and authoritarianism. ---- In Rome, the national demonstration called by
Uiki Ufficio informazione del Kurdistan in Italia, Rete Kurdistan Italia
and the Ararat sociocultural center of Rome has as its slogan "A
solution for Kurdistan, Freedom for Öcalan". In Milan, Rete Kurdistan
Italia instead calls a demonstration with the slogan "Defend Rojava".
Every year on February 15, demonstrations are held for the release of
Abdullah Öcalan, president and founder of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers'
Party), imprisoned on the prison island of Imrali since he was arrested
on February 15, 1999 after Italy denied him political asylum. This
anniversary is particularly important because for some months now, peace
talks seem to have been reopened between the government of Ankara and
the party that for 46 years has led, also through guerrilla warfare, the
fight for liberation in what is called Bakur, northern Kurdistan in
Turkish territory. At the center of the talks are the dissolution of the
party, the release of Abdullah Öcalan who could have the opportunity to
speak to the Turkish parliament, and the start of a peace process. Many
questions remain unanswered that the proposal was launched on October 22
by Devlet Bahçeli, leader of the fascist and racist Turkish party MHP
(Nationalist Movement Party, linked to the Grey Wolves organization),
after having shaken hands a few weeks earlier with parliamentarians from
HEDEP/DEM (People's Equality and Democracy Party, which brings together
minorities and the left, as well as representing the demands of the
Kurdish people), and before declaring his support for a new mandate for
Recep Tayyip Erdogan as president of Turkey in 2028. But it should be
remembered that it is precisely the PKK that has been pursuing a
perspective of pacification for decades now. Since the 1990s, it has
abandoned Marxism-Leninism and the goal of independence through the
establishment of a separate Kurdish state, developing an eclectic
ideological paradigm, also influenced by libertarian ideas, and adopting
a new pacification strategy, which on the one hand rejects the
nation-state, but at the same time opens up to negotiations with
governments. It is a widespread opinion in various anarchist groups in
the region that pacification could open up new spaces for action and
self-organization of the popular masses and for revolutionary
perspectives. In this sense, it is important that the experimentation
that has been underway in Rojava and Syria for over 10 years is not
suffocated by war developments. Last January 26, the tenth anniversary
of the end of the siege of Kobanê was celebrated. At the time, many of
us were committed at various levels to concrete and direct solidarity.
Today, in a different situation, we return to the streets so that the
final partition of Syria after the fall of Assad does not lead to the
elimination of alternative forms of social organization being tested in
Rojava as well as to a massacre of the populations that inhabit that
region. Numerous initiatives have been held in various cities in recent
months also organized by FAI groups, on February 15 the mobilization
continues with the demonstrations in Rome and Milan. See you in the streets!


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