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maandag 17 maart 2025

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria #456 - NO MUOS - Press release (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The No MUOS camp in contrada Ulmo, at the Niscemi garrison, which took

place around New Year's Eve, ended on January 3. An event that combined
joy, hope and determination to face the new year. The participation was
heterogeneous and youthful, with people coming from different parts of
Italy and the world. Some supporters chose to stay since December 23,
spending Christmas at the garrison and extending their stay until
January 5 for the final dismantling. ---- The workshop days proved to be
key moments of complicity and collective growth, strengthening both
human bonds and political commitment. This created the basis for
bringing crucial issues such as water, agriculture, health, depopulation
and emigration, linked to MUOS and the environmental impact of the Gela
refinery, back to the town of Niscemi. Despite the widespread sense of
resignation, the desire to rebuild a dialogue with the population was
stronger. An example is given by a citizen of Niscemi who, before the
start of the camp, openly expressed his anger against the military
occupation of land bordering the base belonging to his family. With the
support of the participants, he placed banners such as "Warmongers are
not welcome" and "Liberated land" and built barriers to prevent the
passage of military trucks, which for years have been devastating the
land, making it uncultivable. A reappropriation that allowed to better
defend the garrison and gave impetus to the entire movement during the
days of the camp.

In 2014 the MUOS dishes were completed, and since 2019 they have been
operating at full capacity illegally, helping to coordinate drones,
bombings and global military communications. In recent years, thanks to
the direct actions of No MUOS activists, the base has been sabotaged
several times, interrupting its operations. We will continue to build
new actions to ensure that this structure is dismantled and that peace
and environmental justice can flourish.

On January 1st, the planned "Passiata rraggiata" turned into a
determined march that completed the entire circuit of the base for the
first time. From the garrison, they crossed the newly liberated land,
passed by the well privatized by the US Army and Villa Masaracchio, a
symbol of the devastation of the cork oak forest and the collusion
between the Italian State, mafia forces and the US Army. The group
approached the satellite dishes, guarded by law enforcement, barbed wire
and aircraft, finally completing the route and reaffirming with
determination the will to liberate the territory.

A special thanks to Menestrella Femminista, The Jackson Pollock and Pupi
di Surfaro who filled some of the evenings of the camp with music and
energy; to all the comrades who cooked during the days of the camp; and
to all the comrades and people who donated essential material and food
for the creation of the camp. Mutual support and solidarity are our

This camp has strengthened the bonds between different realities and
offered the local population a message of solidarity and hope. The
participants said goodbye with concrete intentions to continue the fight
and rejoin the territory, dismantling this base of death and destruction.

For those who want to join the fight or learn more about the territory
of Niscemi:




Pippo Gurrieri

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