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vrijdag 14 maart 2025

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spain, Regeneracion: The Catalan Housing Trade Union Confederation is born (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The weekend of February 8 and 9, 2025 is coming to an end. The 2nd

Congrés d'Habitatge de Catalunya is coming to an end in Granollers, and
with it, a very important stage of a process that has its own history
and a future that is yet to be built is also concluded. A journey that
seeks to continue developing new and better forms and contents capable
of building, feeding and growing quantitatively and qualitatively a
housing movement that is still not satisfied, and that is forced to
surpass itself again to face the situation it faces.

Faced with the rise of new and mutated dynamics of exploitation,
appropriation, marginalization and repression; the rise in prices for
the purchase and rental of housing; systematic job insecurity; the
complicity and inability of government structures towards capitalist
interests; and the construction of an increasingly reactionary, racist
and patriarchal social framework, which seeks to continue legitimising
repression - also state and paramilitary - towards dissidence. The
housing movement in Catalonia continues to want and need more.

In a process of reflection that is always unfinished, which arises from
the encounter between a theory and a practice that are born and return
to the struggle. And in the face of the enormous diversity demonstrated
by the movement. Many of those involved in this project have had to
agree on objectives, political principles and forms of development and
organisation that have to serve to embrace and mature the ideological
breadth that is represented and intertwined in this journey together. An
action that wants to be channelled towards a common strategic and
tactical deployment that must always be under review, but that must be
the seed and the scaffolding of an authentic mass movement, built on a
dialogue that is the fruit of the active participation of all the
parties that make it up.

With the 2nd Congress, the housing movement has been able to arrange and
begin to develop some vital pieces in its strengthening. Engendering
what must be a new organization for the defense of housing in Catalonia;
the Confederació Sindical d'Habitatge de Catalunya, and establishing a
space to coordinate the entire housing movement in the territory; the
Taula Sindical d'Habitatge. Proposals that we support; given their
origins, forms, processes, principles, and objectives, and that we
believe must be the cornerstones to articulate a mass struggle that
leads, over time, to the achievement of total liberation against the
dominant class.

The struggle raised in this process will not be satisfied only with
defending and winning a decent and universal home for all, but it wants
to spread its wings to other struggles through class conflict. Not only
by working and growing their own capacity, but by creating alliances and
integrating fronts that over time allow them to cover more and more
conflicts and accumulate greater strength. Thus, proposing a power of
resistance sufficient to stop the oppressors, but also forging a
creative capacity from the social bases that can propose the alternative
of and for the oppressed classes.

We find ourselves in a moment of balance between illusion and realism.
In which we want everything, but with the awareness that there are ways
of doing things, a work and rhythms that we must respect if we want to
achieve something so great. In the process of creating unity and trust
there are no shortcuts; only transparency and grassroots work. That is
why we consider that for this force to endure and grow, the involvement
of all parties, and above all that of the politically organized
militants outside the movement, is of enormous importance. It is
necessary that they be available in the spaces with intentions and
practices that are honest. Acting as true catalysts of popular strength
at the service of the struggle and not as an impediment or a hijacking
of it for their own ends. The only way to advance a truly capable
movement is to leave aside vanguardism and sectarianism, building a
class force from a sincere and collective analysis and practice.

That is why, as militants committed to the liberation of the class by
the class itself, we will continue to contribute all our knowledge and
our effort to this and many other causes. Sharing and building spaces
for action and debate with all those comrades who want to weave an
authentically revolutionary alternative, and supporting the
self-organization of the protagonist subjects of the different struggles
that are part of the class conflict, which are born and formed when they
see themselves hit and facing the oppressions they find in their path.

Confederation for the revolution!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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