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zondag 30 juni 2013

stop violences at the borders / film forêt gourougou Maroc‏

Number 9 - Stop violence at the borders!
A field mission led to the making of the film "No. 9" and the launch of the "No. 9 -- Stop violence at the borders!" campaign to denounce the daily and systematic repression of migrants by Moroccan…
Toegevoegd op 28/06/2013
22.149 keer bekeken

Crowdfunding for Danza Duende Festival , July 2013 ,Serpa ,


Bonjour à tous!

Il y a 3 ans, nous avons créé avec BAAL 17 un "Festival de Danza Duende"dans la ville du DRAGON, SERPA, au Portugal dans l'Alentejo.

L'expérience a été incroyable alors nous avons décidé de récidiver en Juillet 2013, du 22 au 28.

Marc Vella viendra avec son piano et sa CARAVANE AMOUREUSE.

Toutes votre inspiration, votre support et vos présences sont les bienvenues.

 Yumma Mudra 

Plus d'info sur notre BLOGPlus d'info sur notre FACEBOOKPlus d'info sur notre présentation PDF
Contact : festivaldanzaduendeserpa2013@gmail.com

 Cliquez sur l'image pour voir la présentation du projet

Cliquez sur l'image pour voir une vidéo du festival 2010

Danza Duende International School --- Danza Duende Portugal --- BAAL 17
Marc Vella --- Michel Raji --- Palinka --- Tarikavalli & Win

Et beaucoup d'autres
Aidez-nous en donnant 5 EUROS

Titulaire du compte : BAAL 17
IBAN - PT50 0035 0765 00018938 330 44

Workshops Trainings www.danzaduende.org Newsletter [-] Se désinscrire

Poetin ondertekent antihomowet ondanks protest

Bewerkt door: redactie − 30/06/13, 17u57  − Bron: ANP
© getty. Vladimir Poetin.
Ondanks protesten van homorechtenactivisten heeft de Russische president Vladimir Poetin een omstreden antihomowet ondertekend. Het Russische parlement nam de wet onlangs aan.
De nieuwe wetgeving verbiedt de 'propaganda van niet-traditionele seksuele relaties'. Zo riskeren mensen die in het bijzijn van kinderen over homoseksualiteit spreken een hoge geldboete.

Volgens critici verbiedt de wet homomanifestaties en geeft die ruimte om iedereen te vervolgen die steun betuigt aan homoseksuelen.

Bron : De Morgen / ANP

Dove kleuter Basil zet "Vanthilt on tour" op stelten

Een prachtig tv moment...


Basil is drie jaar oud en heeft als eerste dove kleuter een tolk Vlaamse gebarentaal in de klas. Zijn ouders kwamen bij Marcel Vanthilt uitleggen hoe dat in zijn werk is gegaan, maar het was Basil die de show stal. (Vanthilt on tour)

Bron : VRT , één


De autoriteiten in het Duitse München hebben zondagochtend vroeg een kamp met asielzoekers laten ontruimen. Dat gebeurde nadat een bemiddelingspoging was mislukt..

De ongeveer 50 asielzoekers waren ruim een week geleden in het kamp in het centrum van de stad in hongerstaking gegaan om een verblijfsvergunning af te dwingen. Sommigen van de asielzoekers waren er slecht aan toe. Toen de bemiddelingspoging van twee politici mislukte, besloten de autoriteiten het kamp leeg te halen.

De actievoerders uit Afrika en Azië hadden gedreigd tot de dood toe te zullen doorgaan met hun actie. Nadat ze ruim een week geleden waren gestopt met eten, namen ze sinds dinsdag ook geen drinken meer tot zich. Tientallen hongerstakers waren de afgelopen dagen ingestort en de autoriteiten spraken van een dramatische situatie.

Na de ontruiming zijn 44 asielzoekers door hulpdiensten naar 12 verschillende ziekenhuizen gebracht.

De asielzoekers hebben laten weten met hun actie door te gaan.

Bron Shuv Vluchtelingen Hulp

(en) Brazil, Aurora Obreira #27 - Thinking about the situation today (text republished other times) (pt)

(Text made and remade in the last 15 years of militancy as certain facts repeat and repeat 
and repeat and repeat)--- Imagine yourself in the following situation: --- You are in the 
middle of a busy street next to several people, many of which are known for a long time. 
You are side by side these people, shouting slogans against the government and the system, 
leaving the traffic stopped, making the very tense moment and noisy. Suddenly, the front 
forms a row of men helmet and therefore shields. Close avenue, profiled in order and 
silently watching you and all the others through the sunglasses. - Awaiting the signal 
from his superior officer, like well-trained dogs. The air feels tension, a moment of 
silence for both parties. A cop with megaphone calls the end of the demonstration and the 
patency of avenue, thus restoring "order" of the city system. A push, a person falls to 
the ground right next to you.

It is the sign, the police begin walking yet profiled, banging their batons on their 
shields in order to dispersal of the demonstration, protesters intimating including,
You. What to do?

Run, stay calm, be paralyzed with fear, face the
police, etc..

There are several options that should be taken into consideration and
few seconds to make a decision and act. This means not only preserve
their physical integrity, but also the group of people around you and
the very manifestation.

This text appears with the goal of discussing the need for
workout so that in situations of tension and imminent danger
coping, have at least one coherent action and answers
fast, many of which depend on the moral integrity, physical and policy
each individual and the collective.

The first point needed for each element and the group is to have clear
what you want and how it occurs. Individuals and groups prepared
theoretically means actions consistent and clear practical purposes,
if you know why fight, fight more and better.

Think the situation today is essentially to keep informed and
continuing education, forming a solid and well-grounded
on chosen subjects relevant. When more conscious
are the group and its individuals, the chances of manipulation
decrease proportionately and shows the quality of direct action and
because we make a difference.

By extrapolating the discussions developing them in the whole group and even
beyond it, generates an increase of internal links and external network
support. Break up the monopoly of party leaders and vanguards,
great manipulative movements, which uses them to his maneuvers
policies and reform strategies.

But this will not be done on the day of action!!! We must prepare the
best way to find and not be waiting for someone to say
what to do. Remember: actions and changes rely more heavily on

Think of the situation today and develop questions and answers as:

a) What is happening to the region where I live and what relation it has
with the world?

b) Because the situation of millions of people are miserable?

c) What is my role in the region where I live and what my relationship with

d) Where are the inequality and what can be done regardless of
be legal or not to reduce it?

e) The current economic and political model is the best way to conduct
society, there is another way?

f) We act consistently with our beliefs and know what they are?
This will be helpful in your consciousness and action as the benchmark because
fight, but not to "philosophize" at critical moments in them that action is
account and not atheism remote and abstract. No use expound a thesis
about oppression before police treinadxs precisely oppress
as are mandadxs. His attitude at that time should be fast,
firm seeking to maintain their integrity and dxs companheirxs
envolvidxs in the act.

This leads to another question: how is your health revolutionary?

Keep up with the fitness, having a power
healthy (we are not preaching that convert to a vegan life, it
would be asking too much and that choice is up to you and not an imposition,
but seriously consider declining in addictions such as alcohol, cigarettes
and drugs in general, and practice more sports and a balanced diet).
Know that the majority of the police, especially eltite, practice
sports regularly and train weekly as oppress and repress
to all that are sent. So it is in the military and this
means a contingent of nearly 2 million people trained to
repress, oppress and if necessary "neutralize" the enemy, or kill.
Do not think we're doing condoning violence, it is already done and is
reinforced by sensational news that preach law enforcement
tougher, stronger and more police violence against those who are
outside the system. And that ends up generating more violence and so on up the
escalation of fear, it is useful to keep the population hostage.
But in any case, we are pointing out the importance of resisting and
know how to fight, and in that sense, we produce some texts
enhancing the preparation for the fight. No use is an ideal well-structured
we do not have a base to keep it.

Contact to us arrange, through our contacts in the magazine or look for a
collective anarchist group closest, if not, the form Yours!

Health and wellness for the revolution!

France, Alternative Libertaire AL #228 - Tunisia: The revolution against the power (fr)

After the first revolutionary triumph of January 2011 and the departure of Ben Ali, only 
the maintenance of popular mobilizations had confirmed the transition process, the then 
government would have limited the departure of the dictator. The sit-in Kasbah 1 and 2 
(January and February 2011) and allowed to file the government of the former regime and to 
obtain the departure of interim president Ghannouchi and the establishment of a 
Constituent Assembly, elected on 23 October 2011. But the transition process is impeded by 
the ruling circles. On the one hand, the troika government since the elections, bringing 
Ennahda (religious right), the Congress for the Republic (CPR, left) from which the 
President Moncef Marzouki and Ettakatol (Social Democrats). On the other hand, former Ben 
Ali officials remained in institutions. And finally, the army wants to limit disruption 
and keep a lot of weight.


This triptych is mired eclectic work of the Constituent Assembly and to take its current 
dominance, trampling democracy, independence of justice and social rights in the 
continuity of the regime of Ben Ali. It establishes, together with the IMF, structural 
reforms banking deregulation, lower taxes on businesses or preparatory audits 
privatization of public enterprises. And holds its course despite the violent political 
crisis, exacerbated by the latest assassination of opposition Chokri Bela?d, which ended 
on March 13 with the appointment of a new unity government led by Ali Larayedh Ennahda 
party and bringing together ministers of the troika and independents.

The cons-revolutionary movement is indirectly supported by the positions of the parties or 
unions left. Even the left-wing parties (together with the Popular Front liberals) and the 
ruling bureaucracies main unions (Tunisian General Union of Labour, General Union of 
Tunisian Students) have chosen to follow the institutionalist process for now dominated by 
Ennahda, and gave up a regime change. These bureaucracies contemptuous part of their base 
and betraying their earlier commitment to the revolution, are now fighting against the 
government and not against the system, yet not far from that of Ben Ali.

The revolt is always scolding

But with unemployment at 17% at the national level (50% of graduates in some areas), 
inflation, insecurity increases, corruption persists, and early popular disappointment 
with the democratic process in Western , popular pressure remains strong. Strikes and 
protests are almost daily, despite the government's attempts to suppress the repression, 
which combines police and militias sometimes more or less extreme. But this popular 
discontent is diverted from the revolution by the extreme left which advocates 
institutional stability.

This benefits the end to Ennahda and extremist Salafist movement types. Even if they do 
not have time for broad support, they gently penetrate the popular inner city, with the 
active support of the Gulf monarchies. And under the watchful eye of Ennahda, which does 
not hesitate to exploit to occur last bulwark against too radical Islamism that leaves 
grow on the ground. To put the revolution back on track, only a large-scale popular 
movement can lead the way.

Jocelyn (AL Montreuil)

Solidarity at german embassy Vienna for refugees in Munich -

Stop repression and police brutaliy against refugee movement – protest 
against the eviction of the hunger- and thirststriking refugees in 
Munich! Rise up in solidarity with the refugees' demand for receiving 

Politicians and authorities, stop playing with the lives of refugees!

Protest at german embassy in Vienna:
Monday, 1st of July, at 11 pm,
in front of german embassy building, Metternichgasse 3, 1030 Wien 
(near U4 Stadtpark)

In the morning hours of Sunday, 30th of June, the german police has 
started evicting the 55 refugees who had been on hunger- and 
thirststrike since 25th of June on Rindermarkt in the city center of 
Munich. According to reports of the non-citizens activists, people 
have been facing beating and brutal abuses by the police during the 

Before the eviction, not only the refugees' demand for receiving 
asylum according to article 16a of german constitution has been 
constantly denied by the authorities and politicians of Bayern. During 
all the negotiations, the refugees did not get any kind of solution 
that would enable them to get a regular residence permit – not from 
the bavarian prime minister Horst Seehofer, not form the „negotiators“ 
Hans-Jochen Vogel (former SPD-mayor of Munich) and Alois Glück (former 
head of CSU-party in bavarian parliament and chairman of the central 
committee of german catholics).

Shame on the german authorities and politicians who have been risking 
the lives of 55 refugees by showing repression and cold ignorance 
against their demand for their demand to receive asylum as a base for 
living in human conditions after years of discrimination and 
traumatisation! For these authorities and politicians, their aim to 
show strength by breaking resistance against an inhumane asylum system 
is more important than the lives of 55 refugees!

Let's show solidarity with the Munich refugees' demand to receive 
asylum, let's cry out loud to demand an immediate solution for all the 
participants of the refugee strike in Munich.

Solidarity with all refugees struggling against an inhumane system in 
Munich, in Vienna and everywhere in the world!

Come out, raise your voice, spread the word!

vrijdag 28 juni 2013

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #228 - International Trade Union Meeting: A union network control (fr)

From 22 to 24 March, held in Saint-Denis an international trade union meeting. The 
content of the call from the meeting, and work commitments taken together, represent an
important step forward for the revolutionary syndicalism. ---- Sixty union delegations 
from over thirty European, American, African and Asian countries had responded to the 
invitation of Solidarity, the Central sindical popular e-Conlutas (Brazil) and Spanish CGT 
at an international meeting in Saint-Denis, from 22 to 24 March. Given the diversity of
stories and structuring around the world, the meeting was open to organizations and 
currents. ---- Challenge ---- In France, in addition to United, attended the 
CNT-Solidarity workers, the CNT-f, Emancipation and the Committees revolutionary 
syndicalists. Invited, CGT, FSU and emancipated School did not respond.

Gather already members of organizations and different orientations to international 
networks unions was already a challenge. The National Union of Rail, Maritime and 
Transport Workers (Great Britain), Batay Ouvriye (Haiti), the General Union of Tunisian
Workers, but also many basic unions and the opposition of the general Confederazione 
italiana del Lavoro of Italy, the National Autonomous Union of Public Administration 
personnel from Algeria, the Confederaci?n de Trabajadores paraguaya, or sectors of the 
Confederation of Christian Trade Unions and the General Federation of Labour in Belgium, 
the Basque Country Lab ... the geographical range, political and trade union, was wide.
That this will result in the establishment of an international trade union Solidarity 
Network and struggle is not trivial. This meeting marks an important step forward in the 
construction of an international coordination of revolutionary syndicalism. Because this 
is exactly what he is, the call issued at the end of the three days (see box below) is 
very clear! But it is more than the collective will of all these activists organizations 
in this initiative that will determine the real utility of the network.

Mouldi C. (AL Transcom)

Call the international trade union Solidarity Network and struggles

"[...] The crisis of the capitalist system has consequences in the world. Economic, 
financial, environmental and social crises intertwine and self-reinforcing. The global 
crisis of capitalism shows an impasse based on shared increasingly uneven development of 
the wealth produced, financial deregulation, the generalized free trade and contempt 
ecological imperatives.

To save the profits of shareholders and owners, to ensure the future of banking, global
institutions (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, etc.)., 
Governments and employers tackle increasingly strongly the rights of working men and women.

The current political and economic system organizes the looting of many countries, forcing 
millions of people to leave their region of origin in order to survive ... and then denied 
all their rights because they are immigrants, and are [...].

Our unionism is the overthrow of the model of economic, social and political development, 
based on the hegemony of finance, profit and competitiveness. Instead, we want to build a 
system based on common property, the redistribution of wealth between all those and all
those involved in their creation, the rights of workers and environmentally sustainable

We demand the extension, democratization and social appropriation of public services 
(education, health, transport, energy, water, housing, etc..). The free movement of people 
and equal social and political rights of all people, regardless of nationality, origin,
gender, are part of our common goals.

Our defense unionism combines the immediate interests of workers, and the willingness to 
profound social change. It is not limited to protest economic field, it covers topics such 
as the right to housing, land, equality between men and women, racism, ecology, 
anti-colonialism, etc..

The interests we defend are those of the working class (workers active or retired, 
unemployed, trainees). They tie in with those of the peoples of all regions of the world. 
In this, we oppose frontally employers, governments and institutions in its service, and 
we assert our autonomy vis-?-vis political organization [...].

We do not proclaim the establishment of a new international trade union organization. We 
resolve to strengthen, expand, more effective, a network of attacking unions, democratic, 
independent, alternative, feminist, internationalist [...].

We do not fight to go back, of course, the attacks on the working class are very strong
and sometimes in new forms. But capitalist exploitation is not new and it is with this 
need to break, to create ways of organizing society based on the needs of the population.

[...] We have concrete goals, shared commitments:

? We act in time for international solidarity, including anti-union repression against all 

? We will take action so united and coordinated to support the struggles and existing 
international campaigns, reaffirming the right to self-determination of peoples support to 
Palestinian and Sahrawi peoples, recognition of independent trade unionism in the Maghreb 
and the Middle East against the military occupation of Haiti, against the European 
treaties that impose austerity, for the right of all peoples to decide their future ...

? We strengthen and extend the international work carried out in the professional sectors 
(transport, education, call centers, industry, commerce, health, etc..) And 
interprofessional issues (women's rights, immigration, housing, ecology, health and work, 
etc.). already, the work is organized in several of these areas, including the animation 
is supported by unions in our various countries.

? We continue the process of reflection and development on issues of crisis of the 
capitalist system and alternatives to it.

? Finally, we put together the necessary to the success of our joint projects material 
resources: websites, d?changes list by email, coordination professional sectors, etc.. "

(en) F?d?ration Anarchiste / IFA : [Br?sil, communiqu?] Solidarity with Federa??o Anarquista Ga?cha (FAG) and with the struggle of the Brasilian population

In a context of anger and social struggles which has been lasting for weeks, the police of 
Porto Alegre invaded and searched the premices of the Federa??o Anarquista Ga?cha (FAG) in 
all illegality. For years, the FAG had been undertaking its public activities in these 
premices. ---- Already in October 2009, their former seat had been invaded by the civil
police on order of the governor of the time, Yeda Crusius, because of a poster on which
the FAG held the governor responsible for the death of Elthon Brum, a militant of the 
Movement of the Landless (MST) in San Gabriel. ---- This time, the FAG is accused by the 
mainstream media to plan actions of urban guerrilla warfare. The FAG is also accused of
distributiong anarchistic literature. But what did they expect to find in anarchist premices ?

The F?d?ration anarchiste (FA), member of International of anarchist
Federations (IAF), denounces the municipal, provincial and federal
government, who are responsible for these cowardly attacks against an
anarchist organization, and ensures Federa??o Anarquista Ga?cha of its
most total solidarity.

We will continue to support those who fight against all forms of oppression.

No Pasar?n !!!

Down with repression against those who fight !!!

F?d?ration anarchiste, June 26th, 2013.

[SOURCE : http://www.federation-anarchiste.org/spip.php?article1173]

Inside the Filibuster -- an anarchist account of the fight for the right to choose in Texas

Interview with Texan Anarchist, Jen Rogue ---- Texas State Capitol ---- Q. How easy is to 
get an abortion in Texas? ---- Depends on what you mean by ?easy.? To begin with, there is 
a very conservative culture that shames and silences women about sex and opts for 
abstinence-only sex education, which contributes to abortion being inaccessible. Texas is 
almost ten times the size of Ireland and has the nation?s largest rural population, which 
is yet another obstacle to access, given the limited options in health care. Additionally 
, with a price tag of $450 to $3,000 (depending on how advanced the pregnancy is), the 
cost alone makes access to abortion a huge challenge. ---- Q. How was this law going to
change the situation? ---- The bill would ban any and all abortions after 20 weeks. Also, 
it would require clinics to be certified as ?ambulatory surgical centres? and their 
doctors to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles.

This would close almost every clinic in the state, leaving only 5 out of the current 47.

Q. Who would this change affect?

Rural folks for sure. Many clinics don?t have a hospital within 30 miles, and in a lot of 
parts of Texas, the only hospital around is religiously affiliated and refuses admitting 
privileges to abortion providers. Not to mention the women whose lives would be at risk if 
forced to give birth after 20 weeks regardless of any concerns for their welfare.

Q. How did you hear about the filibuster attempt?

There was a ton of social media conversation about it over the last few days, but it was 
also being discussed in line at the grocery store and at the bus stop ? Austin is a pretty 
politically active town.

Q. When did you get to the building and what was the atmosphere like?

When I first arrived, it was fairly orderly. A lot of people had been there for hours or 
even days, and everyone knew Senator Davis would be going until midnight. As time passed, 
more and more people packed the building, and the closer we got to the deadline, the more 
tense and noisy things became. Senator Wendy Davis had been filibustering for hours and
the Republicans were throwing every procedural point they could at her in an attempt to
shut her down, which continually frustrated the crowd. About 15 minutes before midnight, 
when Senator Leticia Van De Putte tried to challenge the latest Republicans attempt to end 
the filibuster, she was flat-out ignored. After being refused the floor, she said, ?At 
what point must a female senator raise her hand or her voice to be recognised over her 
male colleagues?? The gallery exploded in cheers and applause, and the whole Capitol went 
up in a deafening roar that lasted well after midnight.

Q. Who was protesting at the building?

There was a sea of orange-clad pro-choicers with the occasional smattering of anti-choice 
people in blue. Austin is a progressive-leaning town in an extremely conservative state, 
but the crowd was much more than just locals and University of Texas students. I talked to 
people from all over Texas, urban and rural, young and old, religious or not; it was a 
pretty diverse crowd of people who were angry about the bill.

Q. Are there other anarchists involved in this struggle?

There were several anarchists present and to varying degrees involved in the organising in 
response to the bill. There is no specific anarchist organisation in Texas, but a lot of 
anarchist and sympathetic folks are involved in mass work or community organising.

Q. Why is this struggle important to anarchists?

I see it as a largely defensive measure that is very personal to me, and directly effects 
the lives of the working class in concrete ways, but it is also an opportunity to talk 
about state intervention into bodies. Texas is a pretty individualistic state and with 
this fight, there is a lot of room to connect the struggle for choice to a critique of the 
state and capitalism. Organising within and alongside a broad coalition affords the 
opportunity to challenge and push feminists to broaden their analysis. When the senate was 
continuing to vote after midnight and were illegally backdating the vote to be before the 
deadline, there was a lot of anger and frustration in the crowd. The response from the 
democrat politicians was to push the crowd to vote in November 2014. This was met with 
cheers, but also quite a few looks of skepticism and frustration. There is a growing 
understanding of the limit of electoral politics and that is a key rupture for anarchists 
to be involved in.

Read more about Anarchists and gender politics in Insurrections at the Intersections: 
Feminism, Intersectionality and Anarchism by Jen Rogue and Abbey Volcano which is 
published in the extended edition of Quiet Rumours

Related Link: http://www.wsm.ie/c/filibuster-anarchist-account-texas-abortion

France, Alternative Libertaire AL #228 - Cyprus: Taking the poor to give to the banks (fr)

After Greece and Ireland, it is the turn of Cyprus to pass under the yoke of the Troika
(European Union, European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund). But the plan to 
"rescue" made headlines by considering a moment to tap directly into the deposits of 
Cypriot banks to recapitalize. ---- Cyprus is (was?) A tax haven where Russian mafia, but 
also staunch capitalists come launder money. The result is a bloated banking sector, 
representing eight times the country's GDP. And risk multiplied in case of problems - for 
example, the current financial crisis ... The Europeans pretended to discover with 
surprise that Cyprus was a tax haven, and it was used to justify in June 2012, the 
conditions for the first loan , contracted with the IMF and the European Union to bail out 
banks to the brink of bankruptcy.

Since Cyprus is a haven for mafia, is it not legitimate to get the money in accounts in
banks in the country? In exchange for a plan to recapitalize banks 10 billion euros, 5.8 
billion euros should thus be taken on deposits. " German taxpayers do not have to pay for 
Russian oligarchs , "said Angela Merkel. The existence of tax havens prevents little 
sleep European leaders to the point of having their own use, as shown by the recent 
example of Jerome Cahuzac and his Swiss bank account. But out of the question that it 
costs them a dime when the system collapses.

The first project involved 18 March a levy on deposits 6.75% below 100,000 euros and 9.9% 
thereafter. The absurdity vies with cynicism in the guise of taxing the Russian mafia, why 
not get a few million on the back of the employee-es and retirees Cypriot?

Technocratic cynicism and popular mobilization

Certainly they and they have benefited little from the tax haven status of their country, 
but in these times of crisis, the sacrifices they not be shared, as repeatedly stated by 
European leaders? Cypriots do not they call on their part, to pay for "Russian oligarchs"?

Faced with such cynicism, events involving thousands of people have grown on the island
and on 25 March, a new plan was abandoned collect accounts of less than ? 100,000. Thus, 
the banking part of the plan to "rescue" will not impose any levy on workers and small 
workers. Incidentally, the European banks operating on the island (such as BNP Paribas,
Societe Generale and Deutsche Bank), will also be spared: there is still no need for banks 
dominant European countries paradise (fiscal) turns into hell.

But do not worry, the people still pay for the banks: the plan imposed by the Troika has, 
as always, a lot of privatization, cuts in social benefits and wages of civil servants.

Vincent (AL Paris-Sud)

urgent question for examples of exceptional asylum‏

hi all,
are there any examples, where (collective) asylum was granted because of 
political pressure/struggle? Especially eventual cases of "communal 
asylum"/asylum granted by a city or so would be important.
To show the authorities in Munich/Bavaria/Germany, that they could 
indeed fulfill the claims of the hunger/thirst striking asylum seekers.

worried greetings from Munich

Bron :   Lisa Riedner 

Nieuw Climaxi-project. Een klimaatneutrale toekomst... Is iedereen mee?

Dit najaar vindt in Warschau de 19de VN-klimaattop plaats. Sinds Kopenhagen heeft dat onderhandelingsproces veel van zijn glans verloren. Een globaal klimaatakkoord blijft uit en zal pas ten vroegste vanaf 2020 in voege treden. Veel te weinig en veel te laat dus.
Het enige lichtpuntje in het verhaal komt van onderuit: steeds meer steden en provincies wachten niet langer op een globaal akkoord om zelf ambitieuze klimaatdoelstellingen na te streven. Ook in Vlaanderen willen een aantal steden en provincies tijdens de komende jaren hun uitstoot flink reduceren. De vraag is echter of er niet opnieuw een hele groep van mensen uit de boot zal vallen? Climaxi gaat hierrond aan de slag in Vlaams-Brabant. Meer info

Onteigeningen N42
Sinds kort wil de Vlaamse Regering nog eens werk maken van de omleiding van de N42. Onteigenaars zijn op pad om de mensen stukjes tuin en weiden te ontfutselen. Voor sommigen is het de derde keer dat ze er mee geconfronteerd worden. Mensen bouwen een landbouwbedrijf uit of kozen voor een rustige omgeving en krijgen plots een halve autostrade op dertig meter van de woning. Het Aktiekomitee N42 blijft zich verzetten tegen de omleiding in Sint-Lievens-Esse/Steenhuize.
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Democratieproject 'CRISIS' van start
De economische crisis choqueert heel wat jongeren. In sommige Europese regio's stijgt de jeugdwerkloosheid tot twintig procent of meer. Tegelijkertijd stellen we met de klimaatopwarming vast dat we ook in een stevige ecologische crisis beland zijn. Verschillende organisaties (Victoria Deluxe, Samenlevingsopbouw Oost-Vlaanderen, Friends of the Earth, Eco-Vie, Verlin vers l'autre (Frankrijk), Environnement et Devéloppement Alternatif (Frankrijk),  vzw Climaxi en vzw VAAK) willen hierrond werken de komende maanden door het mobiliseren van jongeren, het inblikken van hun eigen inzichten en ervaringen in een documentaire én een tournee.
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Duurzame markt in Herzele
Tijdens de Herzeelse avondmarkt organiseert 't Uilekot een duurzame markt, met tweedehandsmaterialen, rommelmarkt, ... De Eco&Fair winkel heeft er een stand. Samen met de mensen van Fairwine laten we onze biowijnen van kleine Franse, Italiaanse en Portugese producenten proeven.
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Deze zomer wordt er terug een klimaatactiekamp georganiseerd! Deze keer in Brugge. Meer info op onze website.
Open Climaxi Weekend, van vrijdag 18 tot zondag 20 oktober in Genk
Steenkoolgas? Laat maar zitten!
Climaxi voert al een hele tijd samen met anderen de campagne 'Stop steenkoolgas'. Genk ligt midden in het gebied waar men wil gaan boren naar steenkoolgas. Voldoende reden om er een weekend neer te strijken en wel op de internationale actiedag tegen steenkool- en schaliegas. Iedereen is welkom tijdens dit open Climaxi-weekend. Meer info
Climaxi zoekt stagiairs!
Missing Links – N42 - Gedurende jouw stage help je de bewoners in hun verzet: acties, een wandeling, een foto- of filmreportage, juridisch opzoekingswerk.
Info: filip[at]climaxi.org - Periode: zo snel mogelijk
Verkiezingen - Gedurende jouw stage zoek je adressen van politici op, schrijf je een idee van aanpak uit, kan je (leren) filmen en monteren, met websites werken én leg je contacten om het geheel te laten uitstralen naar anderen.
Info: filip[at]climaxi.org - Periode: voorjaar 2014
Heb je een bijdrage voor onze nieuwsbrief? Stuur deze dan vóór de 15de van de maand naar info[at]climaxi[punt]be
Het climaxi-team
Famke Vekeman, Filip De Bodt & David Dessers

How China's Policies Change Tibetans' Lives - Human Rights Watch

Photo © 2006 Michel Gounot/Godong/Panos 

Over the last seven years, over two million Tibetans, both farmers and nomadic herders, have been rehoused – through renovation or reconstruction – in “New Socialist Villages.” 

While the main justification has been economic, the Chinese government has made clear that there are larger objectives – including strengthening control over the Tibetan rural population. 

Tibetans have no say in, or ways to challenge, these policies that are radically altering their way of life. 

“They don’t have any other skills than farming, and won’t have any herds or land worth speaking of anymore,” said Tenzin Gyaltso, a villager probably facing relocation this year. “How is the next generation going to survive as Tibetans?” 
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EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIAIn Lebanon, Police Torturing Vulnerable People 

Lebanese Internal Security Forces threaten, ill-treat, and torture drug users, sex workers, and LGBT people in their custody. The abuse of prisoners, especially the most vulnerable people in society, isn’t going to stop until Lebanon ends the culture of impunity in its police force. 
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USAIn the US, Senate Approves Major Immigration Reform Bill

It is far past time for the United States to address a broken immigration system that divides thousands of families and denies due process. In passing this bill, as flawed as it may be, the Senate has taken an important first step. 
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ASIAUN Sets Inquiry into North Korea Prison Camps 

After a year of pressure by Human Rights Watch and others, the UN Human Rights Council has agreed to investigate the serious allegations of extrajudicial executions, torture, rape, and the kidnapping of foreign nationals by the North Korean government. 
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EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIAIn Syria, Detention and Abuse of Female Activists 

Beyond the daily gun battles, women have been a powerful voice in the opposition in villages and towns across Syria. In response, the Syrian government is punishing women for delivering humanitarian assistance, participating in protests, and supporting the opposition by subjecting them to detention, torture, and sexual assault. 
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Images show the destruction of Tibetan homes and the reconstruction of "New Socialist Villages." View Now >>
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Police use violence to coerce confessions in Morocco, leading to unjust trials and convictions. 
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“DOMA is history,” tweets LGBT Program Director Graeme Reed 
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Twitter reacts to the US Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. 
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