FR: NL: La tension est depuis déjà plusieurs semaines très vive au centre fermé de Steenokkerzeel. L’attention de certains détenus est fort mobilisée par les situations inquiétantes de certains d’entre eux. La semaine passée un détenu d’origine Palestinienne, qui était à 15 jours de grève de la faim et très affaibli, les avait poussés à entamer une grève de la faim générale pour revendiquer l’hospitalisation de ce Monsieur. Cette gréve de la faim a été très vite interrompue et le Palestinien en question a été expulsé vers la Hongrie : 10 gardes sont venus sans prévenir l’extirper de force de sa chambre pour l’amener à l’aéroport Ce jour nous recevons un nouvel appel : « Un Monsieur d’origine Irakienne est enfermé au centre fermé 127 bis. Il y a quelques jours il s’est automutilé et a eu droit à plusieurs dizaines de points de suture. Il y a 5 jours il a aussi entamé une grève de la faim. Ce samedi soir 14/09 il a essayer d’avaler une lame de rasoir et a été hospitalisé en urgence. Ce matin 15/09 il a été ramené au centre et a été isolé dans une chambre avec caméras et deux gardiens. » Ses amis nous disent qu’il veut mourir et qu’ils sont sure qu’il passera encore une fois à l’acte. Il devrait être expulsé vers la Bulgarie. En Bulgarie il serait détenu pendant une période indéterminée puis expulsé vers l’Irak ou il ne veut plus mettre les pieds et dit qu’il y serait en danger.. Les détenus ne savent que faire pour aider leur compagnon et nous demandent l’aide des associations et la diffusion de cette information . Ils nous disent qu’ il est insupportable de rester témoin de telles souffrances sans pouvoir agir.
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woensdag 18 september 2013
Appel des détenus du centre fermé, oproep uit gesloten centrum,
Monday 16 September FOCUS JAZZ PINTO Margaux Vranken (piano, vocals, compositions), Florent Jeunieaux (electric guitar),Vincent Cuper (electric bass),Samy Wallens (drums) Freshness, energy, light,... These are the words to describe this new young quartet based in Brussels. These cats are influenced by musicians such as Pat Metheny, Lyle Mays, Egberto Gismonti and Ralph Towner. With some contemporary jazz tunes and an original repertoire written by piano player Margaux Vranken, they will take you on a wonderful musical journey. Be ready to travel! TICKET : 7.50€ Tuesday 17 EXCEPTIONAL BALKANIAN MUSIC NIGHT Vodku Band István Bata (guitar, vocal), Bede Sarolta (vocal), Árpád Szabó (violin, vocal),János Vázsonyi (sax), Szabolcs Takács (bass), Csaba Bakos (percussions) The group brings over the traditional Balkan, Russian and Hungarian tunes and melt them with each other, creating the atmosphere of the old taverns where everyone starts to dance as soon as they hear the sound of the violin and the accordion. Other songs touch the soul so deeply that the public imagines itself immediately in a classical Russian novel, and smells the fragrance of old cherry trees. More info on TICKET : 12€ -14 € Wednesday 18 LITHUANIAN SMOOTH JAZZ Druskininkai Jazz Ensemble Tomas Čiukauskas/ Rokas Barzdžius (saxophone), Linas Bankauskas (guitar synthesizer, arranger), Lukas Zinkevičius (guitar), Ričaras Meškerys (bass guitar), Valdas Meškerys (drums) An exceptional evening of the Lithuanian jazz in Brussels. “Druskininkai Jazz Ensemble” pays tribute to one of the greatest Lithuanian composers M. K. Čiurlionis by transforming his preludes into an exciting mixture of jazz modulations. This challenging and unique project has already found its special place in the Lithuanian jazz history. More info on TICKET : 10€ -14 € Thursday 19 TRIBUTE TO ASTOR PIAZZOLLA Argentinian Tango Jazz Quartet Gustavo Firmenich (tenor sax & clarinet, lead), Gustavo Corrado (piano),Federico Hilal (bass), Alejandro Beelmann (drums) Gustavo Firmenich, the leader of this Argentinian band has relaunched in Buenos Aires the Tango & Jazz, « Tipica & Jazz » concerts. In 2005 he founded the Tango Jazz Quartet, which rapidly conquered Argentina. Famous accordeon jazz player Richard Galliano proposed to have a tournée in Europe in 2011. Since then they have played all over Europe in many Clubs and Festivals. For this 3rd European Tournée, arriving from Buenos Aires they stop for one nevening at the Village. TICKET : 12€ -14 € Friday 20 TOP LATIN JAZZ Jan de Haas Vibes Unit Jan de Haas (vibraphone), Ivan Paduart (piano), Sal la Rocca (bass), Mimi Verderame (drums) A another frenetic way to start the new jazz season, in the company of a dream team quartet, where the Latin fever of Jan de Haas as astonishing at the vibraphone as at the drums meets the lyricism of Ivan Paduart at the piano… TICKET : 18€ -20 € Saturday 21 VIOLIN GYPSY JAZZ STAR Roby Lakatos Roby Lakatos (violin), Ivan Paduart (piano), Philippe Aerts (bass), Hans Van Oosterhout (drums) Famous Roby Lakatos is back to the Village in the company of 3 of our super jazz cats! “Devil’s fiddler” Gypsy violinist Roby Lakatos is not only a scorching virtuoso, but a musician of extraordinary stylistic versatility. Equally comfortable performing classical music as he is playing jazz and in his own Hungarian folk idiom. He has performed at the great halls and festivals of Europe, Asia and America. He has collaborated with Vadim Repin and Stéphane Grappelli and In 2004, appeared with the London Symphony Orchestra in the orchestra’s “Genius of the Violin” festival alongside Maxim Vengerov. Book early… TICKET : 18€ -20 € SUNDAY 22 SEPTEMBER CAR FREE SUNDAY SPECIAL FREE ENTRANCE CONCERTS in partnership with AB Artists take over the buildings and venues in the Steenstraat-Rue des Pierres and make a unique musical afternoon of it. The Music village welcomes two concerts. Door : 14.30 More info at: 15.30 Maya’s Moving Castle Duo 16.30 Flip Kowlier Solo THE MUSIC VILLAGE FULL PROGRAMME AND RESERVATION ON |
[Assemblee des voisins] Tr : [TousSansPapiers] ?appel au soutien pour une famille syrienne forc?e ? quitter la Belgique (selma benkhelifa)
Une famille syrienne (parents +fille 10ans, 7ans et garcon de 5ans) va etre expuls?e demain du centre et ramen?e de force ? un centre de retour. Besoin d un hebergement d urgence ou soutien pour mettre une tente devant le cabinet du minstre.malheureusement je suis absent jusk 3/10.? Si qq peut relayer l appel et prendre contact avec? Contact de la famille:?+32491421285.le?p?re?anglais/arabe) la fille et la maman un peu nl. Ni juste, Ni humaine, ni durable La Belgique refuse la protection d?une famille Syrienne. ? ? ? ?Dans un monde domin? par la politique de l?offre et la demande, la gestion des fronti?res -ce qui dit forcement la politique en mati?re de s?jour et d?asile-ob?it aussi ? la m?me r?gle, surtout dans les pays avec une forte histoire migratoire, mais souvent dont les politiques d?immigrations se sont souvent r?duit ? des mesures ? court terme qui suivent des conjonctures socio?conomique sans tenir compte de l?avenir ni du c?t? humain. Et?sauf miracle, rien ne laisse croire que la situation s?arrangera dans les ann?es ? venir. ? ?Comme la r?gularisation, l?expulsion des personnes sans s?jour est une soupape. On ne veut plus r?gulariser, on expulse. On a besoin de la main d??uvre, ou bien le climat politique le permet, on r?gularise un peu.? Ce n?est ni question de valeurs ou de principes, c?est avant tout une question de rapport argent/vote. L?histoire de cette famille syrienne t?moigne de l?absurdit? et de la cruaut? de ces mesures de plus en plus r?pressives. ? Une m?re diab?tique, un p?re, une fille de 10 ans, une autre de 8 ans et un fils de 4 ans, tous ils ont fuit l?enfer d'Alep, en Syrie.? Leur instinct de survie et les relations ant?rieures du p?re avec la Belgique les ont conduit ici. 4 mois apr?s, la Belgique refuse de traiter la demande car la famille a re?u le visa? du consulat d'Espagne au Liban, m?me si elle est arriv?e directement ? Bruxelles. Et comme dit le ??saint?Dublin??, c?est le premier pays europ?en qui rentre en contact avec le demandeur d?asile qui doit traiter la demande. L?Espagne a accept?, bien s?r, mais les parents et les enfants, surtout l?a?n?, ne veulent pas revire le m?me traumatisme ?; ils pr?f?rent plut?t retourner mourir en Syrie. Ils ont dit la v?rit?, ils paient leur na?vet? tr?s cher, car rien ne les emp?chaient de ne pas montrer leurs visa. Et m?me s?ils repartent en Espagne, rien ne garantit la fin du calvaire. Vu le contexte de crise, la politique n?est pas plus favorables pour les r?fugi?s en particuliers, et? pour les immigr?s en g?n?ral. ? Alors, quoi dire ? une fille de 10 ans, qui a mis pour quelque mois sa foi en la Belgique, appris le n?erlandais plus vite que n?importe lequel des fonctionnaires de la commission europ?enne, qui passent par Bruxelles sans conna?tre la ville, qui? pr?parent des lois et qui r?duisent le r?ve de SARA, sa petite s?ur et son petit fr?re en poussi?re. Mais SARA continue ? Croire.? Son p?re et sa m?re qui se sont battus pour pouvoir inscrire? leurs enfants ? l??cole malgr? la pression de l?office des ?trangers. Alors comme premier cadeau pour ses parents, elle a adress? une lettre au premier ministre, un nouveau appel au peu d?humanit? qui reste aux hommes et aux femmes qui font la politique. Avec son n?erlandais simple, elle a introduit sa lettre (voir plus bas). Pour le reste et afin de mieux s?exprimer, c?est en arabe qu'elle d?crit son histoire, esp?rant que monsieur le ministre fera un peu d?effort pour la faire traduire. ? D?un jour ? l?autre la police peut d?barquer, forcer la famille, sans torture physique ni menace, ni avec les armes, mais avec beaucoup de malice et de pressions psychologique et s?il le faut pousser les enfants ? craquer, ? vouloir partir. Car on sait qu?aucune m?re ne r?sistera face aux pleurs de ses enfants. ? Malgr? cela la famille r?siste?; l?instinct de survie est le plus fort. Leur seule chance est que la Belgique accepte de revoir leur demande et de consid?rer la situation particuli?re de cette famille et de la Syrie en ce moment. Mais les responsables continuent ? nous faire croire que si on fait ?a pour cette famille, d?autres viendront, alors que tout le monde sait que la majorit? des r?fugies reste sur les fronti?res en attendant la fin de la guerre pour pouvoir rentrer chez eux, retrouver sa famille ou au moins enterrer le cadavre d?un proche. ? Ni durable, ni juste, ni humaine,? la politique migratoire traite le migrant venu d?un pays plus pauvre comme une menace potentielle. Le seul int?r?t qui peut justifier sa place c?est son apport ?conomique, ses bras. .. tant qu?ils restent op?rationnels. Et de temps en temps, pour faire fleurir l?image terne d?une Europe porteuse des valeurs de? la libert?, on fait croire que des terres d?accueil ont ouvert leurs portes blind?es ? quelques mis?reux r?fugies d?une guerre. Une guerre o? on se bat avec des armes fabriqu?es dans le monde libre, et au nom de la libert?. ? Qui aurait cru cela, dans des pays ou des millions de personnes ont ?t? sacrifi?es lors d'une guerre pour un monde libre, dans une terre ou les camps de d?portation et de concentration sont devenus une partie de la m?moire de l?humanit??? Surtout, il ne faut pas revivre le m?me cauchemar. Mais on oublie que remplacer le mot d?portation par expulsion ou ?loignement ne suffit pas ? effacer toutes les horreurs qu?on fait subir ? une personne dont le seul crime est de vouloir survivre ou vouloir vivre mieux. Remplacer des trains par des avions, des chambres ? gaz par des chambres pour humilier, b?illonner et attacher la personne avant son expulsion. Tuer quelqu?un ou l?envoyer se faire tuer quelque part?..Remplacer les mots ne suffit pas pour enlever tout la cruaut? ? cette politique pr?sent?e comme juste et humaine. ? On ne peut humaniser un centre ferm?, On ne peut humaniser une expulsion. Car on ne peut humaniser ce qui est inhumain. Refuser l?asile ? une famille syriennes en ce moment, c?est le sommet de l?inhumanit?. ? En 2008,? Semira? Adamou a ?t? tu?e pendant une expulsion, ?touff?e par un coussin. Elle voulait crier pour sa libert?, elle a ?t? ex?cut?e. Quinze ans apr?s, l?office des ?trangers est en train d??touffer, jour apr?s jour, l?espoir d?une famille qui fuit l?enfer d?une guerre. ? Quel genre de soutien peut-on apporter ? une personne dont la pr?sence est consid?r?e ill?gale par la loi??? Qui risque l?enfermement ? tout moment?? L?expulsion ? tout instant?? Son seul crime, c?est d?avoir r?v? d?un peu plus de dignit?. Finalement, rien ? part la solidarit? dans sa forme la plus r?duite?: d?noncer.? Mais si on est nombreux ? d?noncer certains choses peuvent changer. Sinon c?est la magie de Maggie de Block qui nous fera avaler toutes ces horreurs?faites au nom d?une politique juste et humaine. ? ---------------------------------------------- Noch eerlijk, noch humaan, noch duurzaam Belgi? weigert de bescherming van een Syrische familie ? In een wereld waar politiek draait om vraag en aanbod, ondergaat het beheer van de grenzen -die samengaat met het migratie en asielbeleid- dezelfde logica van vraag en aanbod. Dit is vooral het geval voor de landen met een oude migratiegeschiedenis. Het migratiebeleid gaat vaak niet verder dan korter termijn maatregelen in navolging op de socio-economische conjuctuur van het moment. De toekomst noch de humaniteit van dit beleid worden hierbij in rekening gebracht. Deze situatie zal niet beteren de komende jaren. Of kunnen we nog hopen op een mirakel?? ? ? Net zoals het regularisatiebeleid, zit het beleid omtrent de gedwongen uitwijzing van mensen zonder wettig verblijf muurvast. We willen niet meer regulariseren maar wijzen naarstig uit. Wanneer we nood hebben aan handenarbeid of wanneer het politieke klimaat wat favorabeler wordt, regulariseren we beetje bij beetje. Het gaat hier niet om waarden of principes het gaat hier om de verhoudingen tussen het kapitaal en het verkiezingsklimaat. Het verhaal dat ik wens te vertellen van een Syrische familie getuigt van de absurditeit en gruwelijkheid van deze steeds repressievere maatregelen.? Een diabetische moeder, een vader, een meisje van 10 jaar, een ander van 8 jaar en een jongen van 4 jaar. Allen hebben de hel van Aleppo in Syri? ontvlucht. Hun overlevingsinstincten en oude contacten van de vader brachten hen tot in Belgi?. Vier maanden na hun aankomst, weigert Belgi? hun aanvraag te behandelen. Ondanks het feit dat ze meteen via Brussel in Europa belanden, gaf het consulaat van Spanje de familie in Libanon een visum. En zoals het heilige ??Dublin??? akkoord stelt, is het het eerste Europese land dat in contact komt met de asielzoeker die zijn aanvraag moet behandelen. Spanje aanvaardt de familie maar de ouders en kinderen, vooral de oudste, wil niet hetzelfde trauma opnieuw beleven?; in desgevalle verkiezen ze te sterven in Syri?. Ze vertelden de waarheid, en betalen vandaag duur voor hun na?viteit. Want niets had hen ervan weerhouden om hun visa niet te tonen aan de Belgische autoriteiten. En zelfs als de familie beslist naar Spanje te gaan, is er niets dat hen garandeert dat hun lijdensweg ten einde is, gezien de huidige context van economische crisis is het beleid niet gunstiger voor vluchtelingen en migranten in het algemeen. ? Wat zeg je dan aan een meisje van 10 jaar, dat gedurende enkele maanden geloofde in Belgi?, dat sneller nederlands leerde dan gelijk welke ambtenaar van de Europese Commissie. Ambtenaren die Brussel doorkruisen zonder haar te kennen, wetgevingen voorbereiden en de dromen van Sara, haar klein zusje en haar klein broertje reduceren tot stof. Maar Sara blijft erin geloven. Haar vader en moeder moesten vechten om hun kinderen in te schrijven in een school, ondanks de zware druk die ze ondervonden van de Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken. Daarom deed Sara haar ouders een cadeau, ze schreef een brief naar de eerste minister. Het is een nieuwe oproep voor een beetje humaniteit bij de politici. Met een simpel nederlands schreef ze een brief (zie hieronder) en beschrijft ze haar verhaal, gedeeltelijk in het arabisch om zich beter te kunnen uitdrukken en hoopt dat de minister een kleine poging zal ondernemen om ze te laten vertalen. Van de ene op de andere dag kan de politie binnenstormen en de familie dwingen -zonder fysieke martelingen of bedreigigen maar met wapens en veel boosaardigheid en psychologische druk en, als het moet, de kinderen doen barsten- om het land te verlaten. Want we weten dat geen enkele moeder weerstand kan bieden aan de tranen van haar kinderen. Ondanks dit biedt de familie weerstand. Hun overlevingsinstinct is sterk. Hun enige kans opdat Belgi? hun aanvraag in overweging wil nemen, is het aantonen van de specifieke situatie waarin deze familie en hun herkomstland Syri? zich bevindt. Maar de autoriteiten willen ons doen geloven dat indien zij een uitzondering maken voor deze familie er nog anderen zullen volgen. Dit ondanks het feit dat we allemaal weten dat de overgrote meerderheid van de vluchtelingen dicht bij de grenzen van hun land blijven, in afwachting op het einde van de oorlog, om terug te kunnen keren naar huis, hun familie terug te vinden of om op zijn minst de lijken te begraven van familieleden en vrienden. ? Noch duurzaam, noch eerlijk, noch humaan, het migratiebeleid behandelt de migrant die komt van een armer land als een potenti?le bedreiging. Het enige dat zijn aanwezigheid kan rechtvaardigen is zijn economische bijdrage, zijn armen... zolang hij operationeel blijft. En af en toe om ons een beeld toe te eigenen van een Europa die de waarde van vrijheid zo hoog in het vaandel draagt laten we overtuigen dat we onze geblindeerde deuren openen voor enkele miserabele oorlogsvluchtelingen. Een oorlog waarin men vecht met wapens die werd geproduceerd in de ??vrije wereld?? in de naam van de vrijheid. ? Wie had kunnen denken dat in landen waar miljoenen mensen opgeoffert werden in een oorlog voor een vrije wereld, in een wereld waarin de deportatie- en concentratiekampen deel geworden zijn van de geschiedenis van de mensheid?: nooit meer mogen we deze nachtmerrie herbeleven. Maar we vergeten dat wanneer we het woord ??deportatie?? door ??uitwijzing?? of ??verwijdering?? vervangen dit niet voldoende is om de verschrikkingen uit te wissen die we aan personen aandoen waarvan hun enige misdaad hun drang naar overleving of een beter leven is. Treinen worden vervangen door vliegtuigen, gaskamers door vernederingskamers, gesnoerd en geketend voor zijn uitwijzing. Iemand vermoorden of iemand sturen naar waar hij de dood zal vinden... De woorden vervangen zijn onvoldoende om de gruwel te verbergen van een beleid dat voorgesteld wordt als humaan en eerlijk. Een gesloten centrum kan niet humaan worden, een uitwijzing kan niet humaan worden. Want we kunnen het inhumane niet humaan maken. Het weigeren van asiel aan Syrische families in de huidige context is het toppunt van unhumaniteit. In 1998 werd Semira Adamu vermoord tijdens haar uitwijzing, gestikt in een kussen. Ze wou schreeuwen voor haar vrijheid, maar ze werd uitgeschakelt. 15 jaar later verstikt de Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken, keer op keer, de hoop van een familie die de hel van een oorlog ontvluchtte. Welke soort steun kunnen we bieden aan een persoon waarvan de aanwezigheid wordt aanzien als illegaal door de wetgeving?? Aan iemand die op elk moment het risico loopt om opgesloten te worden?? Uitwijzing op gelijk welk moment. Zijn enige misdaad is zijn droom van een minimum aan waardigheid. In feite, niet meer dan de solidariteit in haar gereduceerde vorm?: de aanklacht. Maar als we met velen deze praktijken aanklagen kunnen we bepaalde zaken veranderen. Zoniet, zal de magie van Maggie De Block ons deze verschrikkingen doen slikken, in naam van een eerlijk en humaan beleid. La lettre de Sara pour le premier ministre ? Mijnheer de EersteMinister ? ik ben sara mijn oud tien jaar ik kom uit naar Syri? ik heb problemen maar ik spreek nederlands een beetje het spijt me ik moet bij arabic schrijven Ikonrecht aangedaanin Belgi?
(en) Poland, Warsaw : Protests against the anti-social government policy (de)
In the last two years, the workers / interior in Poland have to suffer serious setbacks : Your legal and working conditions were worsened repeatedly by the government. The retirement age was raised to 67 and the 8 -hour day was abolished. ---- Last even a 78- hour week was introduced as a bill, in which the total annual working time can be processed in a short period of time without overtime pay, while in the remaining time compensatory leave is planned at a lower wage. This profitable for the employer agreement should then be discussed individually between workers and employers, without the participation of trade unions, and it is even possible that the respective council meets such an agreement themselves. ---- As the elected representative / inside these councils would also seek the consent of the workforce, to address the waiver of collective rights. Thus, not only would circumvent collective agreements, but there is a broad attack on organized labor / interior generally. In response, now, all major trade unions to campaign days from 11 to 14.09. called - but not to an indefinite general strike, which could exert a real counterweight... As a final day of action on Saturday, 14.09., A large protest in Warsaw instead of the reformist trade unions, organized in the form of a star march. Each of these unions that participate in the Trilateral Commission for government- mediated labor disputes, attracts with its own march through the city to the common final rally. The Polish ZSP based union, member of the International Workers / inside 'Association (IWA ), will also participate in this protest. However, they do not just run along with one of the mainstream political groups, as they offer no alternative. The ZSP - IAA will not defend the current status quo, but to build a new alternative that is. Therefore, there will be an alternate block, which is open to all unions that are outside of the Trilateral Commission. All small, independent unions, but also non- unionized workers / inside, as well as social Organsiationen outside of the political parties are welcome. The demonstration begins at 11 clock at the presidential palace, and aims to participate in the protest march. To support the ZSP calls to all other Mitgliedsorgansationen the IAA International Union, to support the fight for a real general strike in Poland. This could be written protest letters to the government of the Republic of Poland or Polish conducted demonstrations outside embassies and consulates. update: Already on 12.09. has conducted a protest in front of the Polish Embassy in Bratislava, the Slovak Priama Akcia (PA- IAA). Also in Melbourne plans to anarcho-syndicalist Federation ( ASF IAA) an action. and Contact the ZSP - IAA
(en) Britain, Call-out from the Autonomous Student Network for (Re)creating an Autonomous Student Network
We (Glasgow Anarchist Federation) have been contacted by the Autonomous Student Network. They are keen to talk with student groups in Glasgow that would be interested in working with others using anarchist principals. If your group is interested being part of the network then their call-out and contact details can be found here: ---- This is a call out for radical anti-authoritarian students and student groups interested in (re)creating a national Autonomous Students Network. ---- Following the statement of the original ASN(active in 2010-2011), we are proposing a network for building solidarity and grassroots power in our campuses, workplaces and communities as part of the struggle for radical social change. The ASN would be a project aiming to highlight the problems facing higher education and the student movement and taking action to resolve these problems. In the bog of trotskyist soundbites, we need an anarchist discourse on education and student organisation that has a sustainable network of contact and support behind it. The network should have both a local and a UK-wide focus, allowing local groups to support each other?s actions and projects while also coordinating groups for joint action on wider issues. We hear plenty about cuts to education but we hear nothing about how our universities have been taken over by oligarchies of professional managers running undemocratic institutions for business interests. Our universities depend on students, lecturers and staff to function. We should be the ones deciding how they are run. Similarly, there are few voices pointing out that the NUS is perhaps the single biggest obstacle to the realisation of a strong student movement capable of bringing meaningful change. It is little more than a careerist ladder for future Labour politicians whose vested interest it is to suppress radical student action. The NUS is unreformable and unrepentant. It should be opposed with creative alternatives. This is merely a post to test the waters. We look forward to hearing what people think. Get in touch by commenting here or by messaging In solidarity, Sheffield Autonomous Students. (Re-blogged from
Brazil, Brief analysis of the episodes of September 7, 2013 by Bruno Lima Rocha
As I have been doing for the months of June and July I present here, in point form, a brief analysis of this year?s ?Independence? Day protests. The Saturday, ?day of the nation?, was marked by protests in all the state capitals in Brazil, besides Brasilia. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that they were the most violent September 7 protests in the country?s history, with acts in more than 150 cities. The analysis follows: - ? It is a fact. The date of Brazil?s Independence is a factor of national unity. The Brazilian Army as a myth of the integrating institution of the three ?races? arising from the Battle of Guararapes (in the current state of Pernambuco, in 1654) against the Dutch has no great significance. September 7 never enthused, like much of the official history of a country that was born as a united kingdom with a Lusophone colonial metropolis. ? A date like February 7(martyrdom of Sep? Tiaraju in the region of the Guaranis Missions), November 18 (Workers Insurrection of Rio de Janeiro in 1918), July 09 (1917 Sao Paulo General Strike) and November 20 (for Zumbi dos Palmares) has a much stronger representational weight, equating the popular struggles in Brazil to those of the 1st of May to the working class on a world scale. ? For the previous stage of the Brazilian struggle, even at the time before and after the PT?s assumption of Executive Power, the Grito dos Exclu?dos (Cry of the Excluded), a consensual march convened by Liberation Theology within the Catholic left, was enough for the level of the previous protest. The first Grito dos Exclu?dos took place during the ECO-92 summit in Rio de Janeiro (World Ecology Conference organised by the UN in Rio) and afterwards the date gained regularity in the year 1995. The day has always been about symbolic struggle and so it remained, changing perspective. From the 1980s until the middle of the last decade protests with the same significance as Grito dos Exclu?dos have even functioned like an escape valve or a way to make public a permanent agenda and struggle. For the current moment, a large part of Grito has become irrelevant. ? September 7, 2013 carried with it the prospect of renewing the June protests. It is obvious that the date is symbolic and the distance between the left coming from the tradition of radical reformism and that of libertarian orientation is also obvious. Within this path, organised, especifista, anarchism is not the majority but, in focus, it is large. Particularly, one such incident gained a larger dimension in Rio Grande do Sul, when Governor Tarso Genro (PT) ordered ? without a warrant ? the Pol?cia Civil intelligence to invade the headquarters of the political organisation the Federa??o Anarquista Ga?cha (Gaucha Anarchist Federation, FAG). The attempt to criminalise the Federation resulted in the national dissemination of the episode, increasing the FAG?s notoriety and political respect. But, contrary to what was understood at the end of July, the attempts to criminalise the protests and the hijacking of the agenda and direction of the movement did not stop. ? The criminalisation is in regards to the issue of the use of masks. First it was the state of Pernambuco which, through an ordinance (administrative decree) from the Secretary of Public Security and ratified by Governor Eduardo Campos (PSB), prohibited the use of masks in any form of protest. Since then repression against any type of protest increased, forcing the demonstrators to seek forms of protection and response. The increase in the level of violence and the criminalisation of the act of hiding one?s face ? something predictable once there is filming the whole time ? may increase the confrontations, but decrease the number of adherents of disorganised people like there were in May, June (the peak) and July of this year. ? Already the hijacking of the agenda, when the mainstream media ends up singing the choir with the government ? when they affirm the absurd, that the protests are a blow from the right ? when it includes demands foreign to all the demonstrators. Who ever is organised would no longer convene an act in order to strengthen measures that favour the opposition to Dilma, and even less the young people who join the Black Bloc. Tackling the endemic corruption and denouncing it is one way of exemplifying the crime of the Rio and Sao Paulo governing elite and their relations with Brazilian and transnational capital. Respectively, S?rgio Cabral Filho (PMDB) and Geraldo Ackmin (PSDB) today galvanise in their respective governments an umbilical relationship with campaign financiers and government purchasing and service contracts. Thus, in the country?s two largest cities and states the level of conflict will only rise. ? I conclude by affirming that it is the tendency of mass movements to have ebbs and flows, thus being that the incidence of fighting on the street decreased in the months after June, but they have not stopped. The state agendas gained strength, but at the same time are in tandom with a new culture of street politics. On July 25 even Globo (television network) recognised the anarchist presence in Brazil and did a special report (Sem Fronteiras, on its 24 hour news channel, Globo News) which although very much centred on Occupy Wall Street and the anti-globalisation movement, at least made the ideology and its organised component visible. Those who know the power of agenda know that this is the recognition of a new relation of forces. Today, in Brazil, exists the paradox of having greater capacity for timely mobilisation ? even violent ? than conditions of permanent grassroots organisation throughout the year. If this distance decreases, the new political culture of the streets may be the balancing scales in the year of the 2014 World Cup. Translation: Jonathan Payn
?CALAIS : DISTRIBUTIONS SOUS PRESSION POLICI?RE DISTRIBUTIONS SOUS PRESSION POLICI?RE ? nouveau contr?les de police avec palpations corporelles syst?matiques ? l'acc?s au lieu de distribution des repas hier soir vendredi. Le pr?texte : une altercation la nuit pr?c?dente qui s'est sold?e par des coups de feu et un ou deux bless?s, la police ne sait pas trop. Bien entendu, aucun passeur ne s'est pr?sent? ? la fouille avec des revolvers dans les poches. Le but n'a rien ? voir avec le pr?texte. Ce genre de dispositif a au moins quatre utilit?s : il rend visible que les autorit?s font quelque chose, m?me si c'est parfaitement inutile ; il stigmatise les exil?s et leur violence suppos?e ? un moment o? les expulsions et la mise ? la rue de dizaines de personnes donne une mauvaise image de la politique men?e ? leur encontre ; il participe du harc?lement par l'effet dissuasif de la pr?sence polici?re qui dissuade des exil?s de venir manger et les coupe du coup des associations, et par l'humiliation de devoir se faire tripoter pour pouvoir manger ; il d?cr?dibilise les associations, associ?es ? la police, dans un moment o? la solidarit? est particuli?rement n?cessaire. Un ?ni?me groupe a ?t? d?couvert dans un camion citerne de produits toxiques ou irritants, effet des op?rations de d?guerpissement sur la prise de risque. ? nouveau contr?le et fouille aujourd'hui samedi ? la distribution du midi. Toujours aucun passeur charg? de pistolets.
Broadcast in English and Deutsch - The Voices #15 Nigerian Embassy Process and Protest against Deportation
Broadcast in English and Deutsch: Berlin: Listen to Mbolo Yufanyi, Hatef Soltani and Thomas Ndindah Radio Broadcast of THE VOICE Refugee Forum on Reboot FM 88,4 in German and English. The Voices #15 Protest gegen die nigerianische Botschaft Broadcast PDF DOWNLOAD Einladung zum Pressegespräch und zur Prozessbegleitung am 18. 09. 2013 Berlin - Vereint gegen koloniales Unrecht Nigerian Embassy Process: Invitation for press conference and attendance of legal trial on September 18th 2013 Die Sendung ist den FlüchtlingsaktivistInnen die während den Politischen Protesten an der nigerianischen Botschaft am 15.Oktober 2012 verhaftet wurden und jetzt angeklagt sind gewidmet. Am 15.Oktober 2012 war die nigerianische Botschaft in Berlin eine (auch medial überregionale) Bühne für FlüchtlingsaktivistInnen des Refugee-Protestmarsches von Würzburg nach Berlin, um die korrupte Kollaboration zwischen der deutschen und nigerianischen Regierung sowie ihre menschenverachtende Zusammenarbeit bei illegalen Zwangsabschiebungen von Menschen in zutiefst kolonialer Verbrecherart zum wiederholten Male und nachdrücklich zu skandalisieren. Gegen diesen berechtigten politischen Protest gab und gibt es Versuche der umfänglichen Repression durch das deutsche Regime vermittels unmittelbarer und unverhältnismäßiger Polizeibrutalität (einschließlich zahlreicher Verhaftungen in und vor der nigerianischen Botschaft) sowie mit reihenweisen Strafandrohungen gegen die Verhafteten und weitere Protestbeteiligte in der offensichtlichen Intention, das politische Thema zu diskreditieren sowie die stattgehabten illegalen Übergriffe und Gewalttätigkeiten der deutschen Polizei zu vertuschen bzw. nachträglich zu legitimieren. Wir werden im Angesicht dieser kolonialen Ungerechtigkeit nicht schweigen und auch weiterhin klar und deutlich Stellung gegen diesen Ausverkauf deportierter Menschen nach Afrika beziehen, indem wir die bekannten Verantwortungslosigkeiten der beteiligten Regierungen nachvollziehbar benennen. Wenn Sie/ ihr sich/euch als einen Teil dieses Kampfs fühlt(en) und solidarisch sind/seid, fühlt euch eingeladen und kommt am 18. September 2013 um 12:00 Uhr in den Sitzungssaal 768 und auch am 26. September um 12:30 Uhr in den Sitzungssaal 672 des Amtsgerichtes Tiergarten/Moabit in der Turmstraße 91 (10559 Berlin). "Widerstand wird zur Pflicht, wenn legitime politische Proteste gegen die Kontinuität kolonialer Verbrechen vom deutschen Regime kriminalisiert werden!“ Mehr Info: The Voices #15 Protest gegen die nigerianische Botschaft Broadcast PDF DOWNLOAD Einladung zum Pressegespräch und zur Prozessbegleitung am 18. 09. 2013 Berlin - Vereint gegen koloniales Unrecht Nigerian Embassy Process: Invitation for press conference and attendance of legal trial on September 18th 2013
[Noborder] Rencontre ? Bruxelles autour du projet SURVEILLE
Salut, Ca se passe par chez vous ? BXL : une rencontre autour du projet SURVEILLE (un projet qui, sous couvert d'?tudier les implications ?thiques de l'implantation de syst?mes de surveillance, facilite surtout les conditions de leur d?ploiement).? La rencontre est organis?e avec le patronage de l'EFUS, le Forum Europ?en de S?curit? Urbaine qui rassemble un certain nombre de municipalit?s europ?ennes en avant-garde dans le domaine s?curitaire, des id?ologues et des professionnels de la s?curit?. A surveiller de pr?s ...
(en) Coletivo Mineiro Popular Anarquista (COMPA) - Manifesto for freedom of political prisoners from September 7 in Belo Horizonte (pt)
Who was arrested in the demonstrations of September 7? Random people that the police arbitrarily identified as "suspects." The persecution of masked protesters is an apology from the state to criminalize social fighters. ---- We came through that denounce the Military Police of Minas Gerais, using war tactics in the popular (as used for decades in the suburbs and slums), with the clear intent to oppress and silence the people who go to the street to fight for rights. ---- We repudiate the PM who refuses to use the identification and acts that infiltrated among the demonstrators, always starts the confusion. We repudiate the racist police and sanitizing hitting, humiliates, torture, arrests and kills, choosing generally young blacks to invest their brutality. During the September 7, 56 protesters were arrested, of which 14 remain trapped delos (2 were released tonight) even without trial. It is noteworthy that most part of social movements, black, student and independent. This is a call to all social lutadros and a warning to all opressoros: no matter how many or how we will be oppressed, not the calaremos! We call on all to join the acts in opposition to the criminal conduct of the Military Police of Minas Gerais and its commanders Cel. Carvalho, Cel. Claudia and the Governor Antonio Anastasia. ATO: * MONDAY, September 9 at 9am on Square Road - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS OF SEPTEMBER 7. repudiating a Press Conference convened by the Civil Police in the RISP Square Road in order to criminalize the companions. Release OUR FELLOW! Demilitarization of the police ALREADY! FASCIST AM NOT PASS! Belo Horizonte, September 8, 2013.
(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Unemployment, poverty: Battle for fall (fr)
The Un?dic agreement will be renegotiated this fall, probably in the sense of a return to the progressive reduction of benefits. Only the street can prevent this decline our rights. ---- Listen carefully, because your interests are threatened. This fall, as every three years, the Un?dic Convention, which sets the conditions for unemployment benefits, will be renegotiated. Since 1992, almost every negotiation resulted in a regression. The tactic is proven: 1) when Un?dic accounts are in the red, they are "cleans" by cutting benefits, 2) three years later, they are in the green : what a bargain, we lower employer contributions 3) accounts right back: fast, kidneys benefits... ---- burning negotiation ---- For unemployed workers are less likely to compensate, just move the cursor requirements : it will have contributed more months to be compensated less time... Each cursor, unemployment insurance tens of thousands of people are denied. In 2013, it will surprise no one, the accounts are in the red. With 112,700 unemployed compensated in 2012 and 89,600 in 2013, the debt Un?dic will reach ? 18.6 billion. So negotiating the autumn turns hot. Pierre Gattaz, the new head of MEDEF, said he would oppose any increase in employer contributions, and he wanted the restoration of " degressive allowance" [1]. The formula is released. This is the key to the battle ahead. What is the "degression"? It is a place between 1992 and 2001 system that benefits the unemployed d?croissaient regularly, until they reach the minimum social benefits. It was said cynically CFDT at the time, to encourage them to find work... Degression was canceled by Un?dic 2001 Convention, in exchange flicage of unemployed workers, now threatened with removal if they refuse jobs offered to them [2]. The challenge in 2013 is to restore degression maintaining the policing. On the street As usual, the yellow unions, CFDT head sign with both hands everything will MEDEF under their nose. As usual, the CGT refuse to sign. The problem is that non- signature is not sufficient to block the deal. We must therefore rely on the street. Otherwise, the next convention Un?dic will be a very hard blow to the fragile, so all workers and workers. For now, the opinion remains passive. The marches against unemployment held between June 15 and July 6 ( read here ) did not echo hoped. But the fall can be a new step, articulated mobilization is preparing against the pension reform. Must initiate a campaign with a broad forehead, from which it must exclude any opposing the Government PS- EELV union and political forces, but the organizations of the unemployed, precarious must be the pivot. Such a campaign could have steps: 1) a week of information to alert the public about what is coming, 2) a national demonstration in front of the negotiation, to measure forces, and 3) a week of action at the time negotiations with occupancy Pole Employment agencies. Roll up our sleeves ! William Davranche (AL Montreuil ) [1] Interview with Pierre Gattaz the World June 14, 2013. [2] Since October 2008, we incurred if the radiation is denied two " reasonable job offers."
France, Organisation Communiste Libertaire: What we want is not more bosser for bosses! (fr)
The vast majority of people who will show September 10 will do so because they want a stable work properly paid to an age enabling them to enjoy a healthy retirement for as long as possible. ---- This ideal of a human capitalism redistributing a portion of its profits to maintain social peace that has prevailed for decades in rich countries is not at all what is today for those who lead world affairs. They returned more openly bases of capitalist exploitation: paying the labor force as little as possible, precarious jobs, reduce payroll taxes, increase profits by financial speculation. So what if tomorrow the most proletarians have nothing to get a full pension : unemployable for 25 years, disposable 50, how could they justify 43 years of contributions even pushing the legal retirement age until at least age 65 in 2040 ? In 2012, the CAC 40 companies have $ 41 billion distributed to shareholders, and tax evasion is estimated at $ 60 billion per year. The tremendous productivity gains for decades only serve to increase the fortunes of Bettencourt, Arnault, Pinault, estimated respectively at 23, 22 and 15 billion euros in 2013 ranking, while the pressure on labor income s ' increases. This means that the MEDEF, the social- environmental government will grant it : extending the contribution period required for a full pension, de-index pensions to inflation, calculate the pensions of the public service of more than six current month are considered in the tracks Moreau report. ANI ( national agreement ) of 11 January 2013 which resulted in the so-called " job security " law has already established within companies a real blackmail accept flexibility, lower wages and mobility on pain of dismissal. To those who say that the class struggle is for the " old days ", we say that currently it is the bosses who openly lead and it is high time that we may live our turn ! Their "crisis" is not ours, but we nevertheless suffer more. Not only the number of employees decreases stable jobs in Western countries ( in favor of less expensive jobs in "emerging" countries, precarious contracts and statutes in OCD ), but most banks, there is little saved by States bankruptcy due to their hazardous speculations, now impose drastic reductions in public spending. We will work harder for less money, we are subject to the laws of the market for former public services (transport, energy, telecommunications... ), and on top of that, the state will give us more of the same quality of service for what he has kept or given to local authorities ( education, health...). There is little that the police and the various tools of social control that not too may find their ways down, so it is necessary to maintain order and to bend the rebels. But if we live in difficult times, it is also an opportunity for us to rest the fundamental question of the place of work in social relations. The refusal bosser for patrons is the relationship of subjection involved wage labor in a market economy. It is not to live at the expense of others as do the capitalists, but the means of production and exchange are not managed by their current "legal" owners or by state bureaucrats, but by people involved in the foreground, and what each one produces and consumes is thought and decided collectively through social relations based on equality. This is what we call communism. It is necessary now to think different from those that oppress us social relations. Bertolt Brecht expressed something very similar in the Arts and the Revolution : "As long as we can live in looking for the right deal, as long as they say" you or me "and not" you and me " as long as it will not move ahead but others, as long as there will be war. As long as capitalism exists, as long as war exists. " We still live in this state of permanent war, the news reminds us. We are still in an economic war is what is called "crisis." Finally, we are also always in a situation of ideological war, the enemy "red" being replaced by "Muslim" or migrant " undocumented ". It is important to reaffirm and demonstrate through concrete solidarity that their wars are not ours, that we are all equal and operated all exploiters our common enemies. One war should we, the class war ! Libertarian Communist Organisation
(en) Britain, Bristol, Anarchism and the Black Revolution
On Wednesday the 17th of October, Bristol will be hosting JoNina Abron-Ervin and Lorenzo Ervin as they give talks on their involvement in the US Black Power Movement and struggles that continue to this day. ---- JoNina is the author of Driven by the Movement: Activists of the Black Power Era and will speak about her interviews with some 20 Black Power Activists aswell as her own activity in the Black Panthers, where she became editor of the Black Panther Newspaper. She will detail the experiences of those organising from the grassroots, and participants in radical organisations including the League of Revolutionary Black Workers. ---- Lorezo was sentanced to life imprisonment after he allegedly attempted to murder a Ku Klux Klan leader before hijacking a plane to Cuba. Whilst in Prison he was supported by the Anarchist Black Cross and wrote Anarchism and the Black Revolution. He has continued to struggle against the Prison Industrial Complex and other forms of state sanctioned racism after an international campaign led to his release after 15 yeras inside. Both are currently involved in the Black Autonomy Federation, and anti fascist organising. Learn how they and other protesters in Memphis faced down the Ku Klux Klan and 500 riot police earlier this year, and the strategies and tactics people across America are using to confront fascism and state repression and build autonomous, anti-authoritarian networks. When: 7pm Wednesday October 16th, Where: Malcolm X Centre, City Road/Ashley Road Cost: Free/Donation Publicity: We are currently printing and distributing flyers/posters, if you would like any to put up get in touch. Facebook event for the talk. The Bristol leg of the tour, which also includes a talk by JoNina hosted by the UWE Feminist Society on Thursday the 17th, and hopefully a further talk by Lorenzo, is Supported by the Malcolm X Centre, Bristol Anarchist Federation and the Solidarity Federation. If you can?t make it to Bristol there are also talks taking place in Cardiff, Birmingham, Nottingham and at the London Anarchist Bookfair.
(en) Under Attack, Mexico?s Teachers Fight Back Against Neoliberal ?Reforms? by Scott Campbell
Along with attacks from the police, the teachers have been under siege from all sides. With the state pushing reform forward, the National Representative Assembly of the CNTE decided to call off the beginning of the school year and declared an indefinite work stoppage starting on August 19. They called for a massive convergence in the Z?calo and for more than three weeks, over 40,000 teachers from all corners of Mexico have reinforced the encampment, turning the Z?calo into a tent and tarp city. ---- On December 1, 2012, while protests were being brutally repressed in the streets, Enrique Pe?a Nieto addressed Mexico for the first time as the country?s newly-anointed president. He outlined the five main goals of his administration and announced ten ?presidential decisions? to achieve them. To reach his third goal of ?quality education for all,? Pe?a Nieto stated he had decided to pursue a program of educational reform requiring the modification of the constitution and the establishment of a national evaluation system for teachers. And in doing so, Pe?a Nieto ? the Butcher of Atenco and the signed, sealed and delivered choice of the ruling elite ? made clear his intention to target education and take on Latin America?s largest union, the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE). He wasted no time in getting to work. The following day, the heads of the three main political parties signed the ?Pact for Mexico,? a document committing them to Pe?a Nieto?s five goals. With such backing, Pe?a Nieto?s proposed changes to the constitution easily passed both houses of Congress and were quickly approved by a majority of state legislatures. On February 26, 2013, the constitutional reforms related to education went into effect. Full implementation of the reforms required the passage of three regulatory laws, which Pe?a Nieto sent to Congress on August 14. While opposition to the reform was immediate, the impending start of the school year, along with the introduction of the laws, kicked the resistance into high gear. The struggle was and is led by the National Coordinating Committee of Education Workers (CNTE), a democratic formation within the markedly anti-democratic, corporatist and corrupt SNTE. Since the announcement of the educational reform, the CNTE has organized marches, strikes, and meetings with government officials, presented alternative models to the proposed reform, and undertaken educational efforts to inform parents and the public in general about the repercussions of the reform. On April 19, teachers from the CNTE established an encampment in the Z?calo, the main plaza in Mexico City. With the state pushing the reform forward, the National Representative Assembly of the CNTE decided to call off the beginning of the school year and declared an indefinite work stoppage starting on August 19. They called for a massive convergence in the Z?calo and for more than three weeks, over 40,000 teachers from all corners of Mexico have reinforced the encampment, turning the Z?calo into a tent and tarp city. In an assembly on September 7, teachers from 25 states (out of 31, plus the Federal District) and 37 SNTE branches (out of 59), joined by 55 civil society organizations, announced their united opposition to the educational reform and their plan to amplify the scope of the struggle. The neoliberalization of education The attack on education did not begin with Pe?a Nieto. In recent years, Mexico?s teachers have seen the imposition of a nationwide standardized test, ENLACE; reforms to privatize and reduce the benefits available to teachers and other federal employees through the Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE); and, an attempt by previous president Felipe Calder?n and SNTE boss Elba Esther Gordillo (now in prison for corruption) to exert more federal control over teachers through the Alliance for Quality Education (ACE) scheme. The basis for Pe?a Nieto?s reforms can be found in a 2010 agreement Mexico signed with the neoliberal Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which in part stated, ?Mexico urgently needs a standards-based teacher evaluation system?to reward excellent teachers or support lower-performing teachers. Teachers who permanently display a low level of performance should be excluded from the education system.? Publicly supported in his efforts by pro-business lobbying groups such as Mexicanos Primero and the Employers Confederation of the Mexican Republic (COPARMEX), Pe?a Nieto set out to implement the OECD agreement and then some. The constitutional modifications and regulatory laws change Articles 3 and 73 of Mexico?s Constitution. Together, they create a standardized system of teacher evaluation, as well as granting schools ?autonomy? ? that is, autonomy to raise funds from the private sector ? in other words, to become privatized. A standardized evaluation system that is imposed from above without the input of teachers, yet at the same time placing the fault for low scores solely on teachers? shoulders, is extremely problematic. The attempt to create a monocultural, one-size-fits-all education system that produces a certain type of student, as Gallo T?enek notes, ?doesn?t, knowing the cultural diversity that exists, take into account the reality and local conditions of each of the regions, municipalities, communities and states in the country, as well as the inequality and poverty that prevail throughout the nation ? for example, in regions of Oaxaca, Chiapas, Guerrero, contrary to the better conditions that exist in cities such as Monterrey, Guadalajara and the Federal District.? The second major aspect of the reform, making schools ?autonomous,? opens up each school to be directly influenced by capital. As CNTE Section 22 from Oaxaca explains in a letter to parents, ?Parents will have to pay for the education of their children, since the federal government has disowned its responsibility to maintain schools, meaning it will not send funds to build, equip or provide teaching materials for schools. It also clearly states that parents and teachers will manage the financial resources to maintain the operation of the schools, which will lead to the establishment of compulsory monthly, bimonthly, or semiannual fees.? By forcing schools to continually fundraise in order to exist, CNTE Section 9 points out that the legislation ?opens the door for, in the name of autonomy, and with the pretext of involving parents in the management and maintenance of the schools, the de facto legalization of fees, allowing the entrance of businesses into schools and turning the constitutional provision guaranteeing free public education into a dead letter. This has a name: privatization.? The teachers fight back Given the broadside attack on education, it is no wonder teachers have mobilized in such numbers. As Lev Moujahid Vel?zquez Barriga, a teacher from Michoac?n who even in 2002 was teaching students under a tree as there was no classroom, told Contral?nea, ?If we aren?t here, in the future the children aren?t even going to have a school or a place to study.? The teachers and their supporters have organized daily marches from their encampment in the Z?calo. Carolina previously reported for El Enemigo Com?n, ?Since they set up camp in the Z?calo, they?ve held marches and protests, encircled the national House of Representatives and Senate, blocked the highway to the Mexico City Airport, made ?courtesy calls? to Televisa and TV Azteca, cordoned off the Public Education Department, carried out a megamarch to Los Pinos (the Mexican White House), joined a multitudinous march against the energy reforms, and despite extreme harassment, encirclement and armed violence by the Mexico City riot police, marched on the federal Congress at San L?zaro on September 1.? Along with attacks from the police, the teachers have been under siege from all sides. The corporate media have embarked on a ?satanization campaign,? relentlessly painting the teachers as violent, lazy, greedy vandals responsible for generating chaos in Mexico City and holding the nation?s children hostage. Congresspeople have called for investigations into the CNTE, claiming that outside groups are funding the encampment in order to foment rebellion. Their own union ? loyal to power, not its members ? has been calling for them to return to work, while SNTE President Juan D?az de la Torre tours the country extolling the educational reform and the SNTE website lauds the plan. Realizing what is at stake, the teachers have not been moved. In recent days they have carried out several massive marches. On September 1, as noted above, teachers and their supporters marched on Congress, forcing Pe?a Nieto, who was due to give his first State of the Union address there, to delay it until September 2 and deliver it from Los Pinos. The September 1 action saw clashes and police violence, with over 20 people arbitrarily arrested, including three independent journalists. All but seven were promptly released, and after paying exorbitant bails of 126,000 to 135,000 pesos each, all are now free, but still facing a litany of trumped-up charges. Large marches also occurred on September 4, 5 and 8. On September 10, Pe?a Nieto signed the three regulatory laws, completing the legal process of his education reform. Unwavering, the teachers moved forward with the previously announced national general strike on September 11. Marches and other actions took place in at least 23 states. In Mexico City, tens of thousands of teachers and supporters took the streets. For hours they blocked major roads such as the Paseo de la Reforma and the Circuito Interior. Clashes with the police occurred on numerous occasions, with police beating, kicking and spraying fire extinguishers at protesters. At least 12 protesters were injured by the police violence. On September 12, the negotiating committee of the CNTE met with Interior Minister Miguel ?ngel Osorio Chong, netting no results. The CNTE demanded a meeting with Pe?a Nieto and for a detailed analysis of the impact of the educational reform to be carried out. Osorio Chong asked for the teachers to leave the Z?calo before the Independence Day celebrations on September 15 and 16. With reports of a joint military and police plan to remove the teachers? encampment by force before September 15, the CNTE has announced it will decide its next moves through national and state assemblies. Pe?a Nieto, with the collaboration of the media, the corporate class and the main political parties, may have been able to move his educational reform package through the legislative process with relative ease. Yet, when it comes to implementation, that is another matter. CNTE Section 18 from Michoac?n, which has 12,000 teachers in the Z?calo, has already announced its intention to ignore the reform. In the face of unceasing attacks and pressure, the teachers continue to steadfastly reject the latest neoliberal offensive against Mexico?s education system. Link esterno:
(en) US, Workers Solidarity Alliance, Ideas &Action, The Revolutionary Party Is An Oxymoron By Steven Fake
The campaign of socialist Kshama Sawant for the Seattle City Council continues to attract excitement on the left for her strong showing. A Counterpunch contributor recently called it a ?highly significant? development. I wish her well of course. A socialist threat in the city of Microsoft, Amazon, and Starbucks is indeed heart warming. Hopefully the publicity will introduce some new people to socialism. But electoral campaigns are not a promising strategy for systemic change. ---- As a native of Reading, PA, one of only three cities in the country that were once controlled by socialists (the others being Bridgeport, CT and Milwaukee, WI), I can appreciate the genuine positive policy implications (The Historical Review of Berks County noted in 1965 that ?the Socialists should be remembered for having given Reading the best municipal government it has had within the lifetime of any Reading citizen today?) and hopeful symbolism involved. It?s a bit like the emotions stirred up by electing the first black president. History, however, forces us to cast a skeptical eye on this route. The idea of the revolutionary party goes back to Marx. Opposition to this conception of the path to socialism from Bakunin created one of the foundational splits of the anarchist-Marxist rivalry that has endured for generations since. Charged partisan score-keeping of these two factions of socialism is not particularly edifying in general, but on this question Bakunin is clearly validated by history. The party strategy was first exemplified by the Social Democratic Party in Marx?s homeland, Germany. The strength of European workers? movements showcased the strengths and limitations of the method. On the one hand, workers were able establish genuine social welfare states that made the Nordic countries the envy of the world ? but that marked the limit of their achievements. The ruling class remained. The reasons were always clear. If the party operates within the the existing political system it will stall within the structures of managed democracy controlled by big business. Its politicians will be corrupted or they will not be (re)elected. The mistake is in believing that mere popularity with the public is sufficient to win under such a system. By engaging in the electoral battle, one is naively perpetuating the illusion that the political structure is essentially democratic. Even if a party manages to achieve success while subverting the established political system, results are unlikely to improve. A party by definition seeks to install itself in power. Its aim is not ? upon marching into the palace vacated by the old rulers ? to reformulate governance so that power is distributed throughout society, i.e. to establish democracy, for that would be organizational suicide. Thus seeking to obtain socialist democracy through a party is a non sequitur. Still, the party idea has never died, though its appeal has happily diminished somewhat in the last two decades. Paul Le Blanc, at a talk given in London in May, tells us that ?The possibilities now exist for the coming together of the kind of revolutionary party that Lenin spoke of.? A parenthetical note on Lenin. Le Blanc assures us that ?Lenin was concerned in all of his political thinking and activity with the question of what must be done ? actually, in the real world ? for the workers to take power.? The assertion is demonstrably false. It is hard to think of a misreading of history that has done more damage, given that it caused generations of revolutionaries the world over to follow a false star towards authoritarianism. Returning to the party strategy for achieving socialism, Le Blanc says ?The responsibility of any revolutionary group worth its salt will be to help create the preconditions necessary for the emergence of [a mass revolutionary] party.? Le Blanc is a member of the ISO, one of the two largest revolutionary groups in the U.S. (the other being the IWW) and an organization which takes as a given the beliefs expressed here by Le Blanc. So clearly the old notion of Marx is still popular, despite its track record. The alternate danger is to leave a vacuum while disavowing power, which is sure to be filled by the unscrupulous. This was unfortunately what transpired when Zapata and his forces seized Mexico City and, after taking some iconic photos, simply returned south to their homes. It was an action that bestowed great honor upon him. This was no typical power-hungry charlatan. Unlike Villa, he refused to even sit in the presidential chair. Contrast that with Lenin. Having just seized power in Russia, Trotsky recounts that he smiled and said ?The transition from the state of illegality, being driven in every direction, to power?is too rough. It makes one dizzy,? and crossed himself. Zapata was not dizzy with power. But subsequent events in Mexico would prove that leadership uninterested in power was not enough ? more was needed: a vision of democracy. Filling the vacuum is a difficulty confronting not just Zapata but every activist. If a party is not needed, organization surely is. Institutionalizing protest in a democratic manner is the great challenge before us. It is the problem being tackled, successfully or not, by Occupy and the World Social Forum, by dissidents in Puerta del Sol, Tahrir, Syntagma, and Taksim. Links at:
(en) Turkey, Devrimci Anar?ist Faaliyet DAF: Now Every Street Is Ahmet, Every Street Is Ali Ismail... Now It Is Time To Raise Struggle (tr)
Now Every Street Is Ahmet, Every Street Is Ali Ismail... Now It Is Time To Raise Struggle Under the sun of June; the riots which have started in Taksim and have spread everywhere; have turned into the September riots in Ankara. The wind of the resistance which has been blowing for many days in ODT? and Tuzlu?ay?r, have been saluted from all around the region, near and far. The ones who shine in the sky, the ones who are waving the flags of rebellion, who have been carrying the passion of revolt and who turn winds to storm, welcomed September with resistance. Salute to all who resist! The authority and his law enforcement officers has murdered six of our brothers. The pain in our hearts is so deep. But they have also been a source of life for our struggle. Now the squares, the streets are resonating with the name of Ahmet... Resisting with his name, Ahmet. Ahmet Atakan was our second brother who was targetted by the police and murdered in Antakya. He was taking part in the actions, on every monday for memory of Abdullah C?mert and the resisters of Taksim Gezi Park. While he was walking to Armutlu, the police attacked and the clashes have started. Just behind the barricades while resisting to the police, he fell down suddenly, after being hit on the head by one of the many gas canisters. The murderer police of the murderer state killed Ahmet. The state that had said ?he was beaten by his own friends? after the death of Ali ?smail, was now saying that ?Ahmet has fallen down from the roof by himself.? After the murder of our brother, the state wanted to justify himself, wanted to hide this murder. But he couldn?t manage. Just like we have gone out to the streets, after Ali ?smail, Ethem, Abdullah, Mehmet, Medeni; this time we have gone out for Ahmet as hundreds of thousands. Our brothers have been murdered and our rage have flooded to the streets. Medeni Y?ld?r?m is one of the last victims of the murderer state?s new war period under the name of peace period which the state is trying to build using a new army station system, Castle-station. Medeni is the nephew of Adnan Y?ld?r?m who was assassinated by the state in 1994, which is a strong proof that the systematic genocide in the region is still continuing. Murderer soldier of the murderer state has stolen the life of our brother Medeni. Medeni was standing against the castle-stations on the 28th of june 2013; he was standing as U?ur?s rage, as Ceylan?s rage who have been murdered with machine guns and howitzers. Medeni was always on the front with his growing rage and in the growing resistance, he still is, with U?ur?s and Ceylan?s. Ethem Sar?s?l?k was shot by a police officer, Ahmet ?ahbaz, on the 1st of june , in G?venpark in Ankara. Ethem was a revolutionary worker. While he was studying in an industrial high school, he quit on his second year. He took part in the protests for free education while studying. Ethem?s life was always in the center of injustice and he was always fighting against it. Thus he resisted throughout his life and the day came and he lost his life resisting. Abdullah C?mert has texted a message just 8 hours before his death, saying; ?In 3 days I have slept for only 5 hours. I got tear gassed countless times, rode out from death for three times. And do you know what the people say? ?Let it go, are you the one to save the country? Yes, even though we can not save her we are going to die while trying. (I am so tired, I am standing on 7 energy drinks and 9 painkillers in 3 days. My voice is husky but I am on the streets on 6 am again, only for revolution.)? Abdullah was talking about dying for a revolution in his text, and it became true and death has caught him while resisting. Mehmet Ayval?ta?, on 2nd of June in Umraniye, has blocked the highway along with tens of thousands. May Day neighbourhood was resisting with Mehmet. During the intensive attack of the law enforcement forces, one taxi driving on the highway, drove toward Mehmet. He ran over Mehmet and ran away. Mehmet was only 19, he was on the streets for the struggle of the oppressed ones against the oppressors. He was believing in a thought that no one can oppress the other, and he was a revolutionary resisting for this. His body was run over but his thought and the struggle of the oppressed has grown even more. While the news for the ?need AB blood, for our friend in Osmangazi Medical faculty, who have been exposed to police violence.? have been spreading through the social media, Ali ?smail was struggling for his life. On 3rd of june, he was beaten by the cooperation of fascist and police, had wounds on his body and head, going from one hospital to another and given a clean bill of health, went back home and later taken to hospital again with the cerebral bleeding symptoms and rushed into surgery immediately. Even though that Ali ?smail was struggling for life, the state, its police, its fascist, its hospital and its doctor have made an effort to kill him in an organised way. Ali ?smail who believed resisting on the streets in order to win, went out from the surgery losing his life. He was the last victim of Taksim resistance. They became milestones, became resistance, became life. The murderer state and bloody handed government should know that our struggle is going on and will continue. Ethems, Abullahs, Mehmets, Ali ?smails, Ahmets have become millions resisting and will resist! Authority is killing our brothers, under these conditions revolt is inevitable. Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF)
Time for Plan A - Anarchy campaign in the Rhine-Ruhr area (de)
On 05 October starts with an opening party in the autonomous center in M?lheim an der Ruhr, a three-month campaign with the slogan: "Time for Plan A". Organized by various groups around the Anarchist Federation Rhine / Ruhr, more than two dozen events provide an insight into past, present and future of anarchism. General introductions will take place as well as events at certain anarchist currents, such as anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-communism or the Anarchafeminism and anarchist positions on topics such as religion, gender, city policy or veganism. In addition, you expect readings, poetry and film screenings. Concluding with a meeting in the framework of an organized, like new interested people together to evaluate the campaign and plans for the future. In addition to the support provided by individual member groups and individuals, we support the campaign as a federation of material and a special edition of G?i D?o. This will include discussions on various topics touched upon here, as well as perceptions of the involved groups and structures and an interview with the editors, with some people from the preparatory committee, which we publish here already. Please introduce yourselves short. How did the initiative AFRR? What groups are there? How has the initiative from the first meeting on the 2nd Libertarian media exhibition developed to date? Petra: The initiative AFRR occurred because several people had independently the need for anarchist organization. By chance these people then came together. Through a contact with the inside of the organizer * 2 libertarian media fair, it was possible to organize a first public meeting on this very show. Heinz: And this meeting was huge. About 50 people had gathered to discuss the possibility of an anarchist federation in the Ruhr. (Laughs) Sorry, could not be saved all over this momentum. But now there is at least one group in Dortmund, Bochum and one in another in Dusseldorf, in the widest sense emerged from this meeting. With the eastern Ruhr anarchichstischen group there is also already a group member of the Federation of German anarchists (FdA) is. Petra: Basically, we are very happy with the last year. The anarchist organizing our attempt is certainly the largest and most serious attempt since a long time in the Rhine / Ruhr area. The current status seems that the locally forming groups focus primarily on themselves and their work. What is logical for us because these initiatives must also only consolidate once. We wish all of us but for the future a stronger networking and that the federal structure of the AFRR is further established. Why anarchy campaign in the area between the Rhine and the (In) watch? Heinz: Well, we know that there are many people in the Ruhr area, which is either an anarchist understand * the inside or the Anarchist idea but facing very positive. But often they see in the anarchist movement (yet) organizational alternative. Therefore, they are often active in groups, where they constitute a political minority. We want to show, among other things, that the anarchist movement in our area is now able to go through with ambitious projects. Petra: Not to mention all the other people who are all too happy to think of anarchy "chaos and violence." Them we want to bring the idea of ??anarchy content closer especially. Because we know from many conversations that most people hold exploitation and oppression of man by man is not a good idea. The question is just how to get to a society where it is implemented? We try to answer with our campaign. Bernd: Or rather, we try to get in touch with the campaign to people about these very issues. We have answers often do not, but are often seekers. Because our way is a process and we do not presume to be able to give answers to all urgent issues, how can we presume to find a relatively small answers related to all people? This would contradict our ideas and ideals. And why now? Bernd: I do not quite understand the question. But I think that we had no particular reason to do it now. I mean, there is no anarchsistischen anniversary or any other event that we have taken as the occasion. Petra: It was so easy that anyone has incorporated the idea, and then immediately gave people who have said, "Yes, we do." We stopped and keep it simple for a good idea, the idea of ??anarchy times specifically and concentrated in the region between the Rhine and Ruhr-On imagine. Who do you want to address with the campaign? Bernd: There are actually three target groups. The first is ourselves, because as Bernd has already said, we are even more "seekers". That is, we learn a lot in and through this campaign. A second target group are all the anarchists who are still non-anarchist groups active in others. You, we want to show that the movement is a self-organizing at all weaknesses, already an alternative. Of course we do not expect that they therefore all occur with us - but we hope to have more contacts, cooperation and honestly on another, new, explicitly anarchist groups in the Rhine / Ruhr area. The third target group are people who do not move in anarchist and radical leftist groups, which we will try to inspire you with our ideas. Since we also want to clearly point out: This system is not alternative as it is too often shown! And how the campaign will run exactly? Petra: In the beginning we had a lot of very creative ideas and what the shapes, but also what the places and was concerned that. Unfortunately, much of this time we could not convert. Yet we are simply too few and sometimes we simply lack the necessary contacts. Such a program is left at the end, which is usually served with the traditional lecture and discussion. We have also tried to organize some cultural events, just stay tuned to one or the other action. Can you tell about the program of events of the campaign a little more? Bernd: That will be very colorful! There are events to gentrification, jail, gender issues, to anarcho-syndicalism, poetic evenings, something about the situation in Greece and much, much more. So it looks like we will not all events are in our printed materials. Therefore please respect on our blog, where we will set up a special page. And how you organize it all? Heinz: The answer is simple: self. We do all in our "free time", so in addition to work, study, school, or unemployment. We get money from anyone for it, and are also dependent on anyone. Petra: At this point, however, we must penetrating the Federation of German anarchists mention inside that helps us not only with a special edition of Gai Dao, but also with flyers and posters and a lot of manpower there. Without this direct form of assistance the Kampage would not have been possible in this form. You can still actively participate in the planning / implementation? Heinz: The campaign, as such, is now already. But who knows, maybe it is indeed no fluke and we repeat that again. You can contact with you your ideas to us now. For it must not be that we organsieren the next campaign. Maybe you do that then yes? And we are only in contact with you fro;) Bernd: And for the impatient: If you really still want to bring an event of this campaign, then get in touch with us quietly. In the printed program, then we can not take them again, but we will update the special page on our blog. Is there something you can do to help you? Bernd: Yes, of course: there's always something to do. The best you take to contact the groups involved in the campaign and asks what you can do in concrete terms, or even offers concrete help. And of course all of you what you always like to do is to throw bills into the donation boxes that will be at each event there. Because we still live in capitalism, and we have quite a few costs. Last words? Petra: There would certainly be a lot to talk about. But at this point I would just like to point out the organizing meeting at the end of the campaign. We hope to inspire people within the campaign or even already existing groups for the Anarchist Federation Rhine / Ruhr (AFRR). The organization meeting will be open to different aspects. So we could imagine on the one hand to provide help for tings just founding groups, and on the other hand we would like also about bringing the process of federating in our region forward. More information, as well as all dates can be found on the campaign website , as well as on the blog of the Anarchist Federation Rhine / Ruhr.
vrijdag 13 september 2013
Videos from Eisenberg Refugee Strikes - Speakout on the desperate situation in the camp 09.09.13]
Videos from Eisenberg Refugee Strikes speakout on the desperate situation in the camp 09.09.13 -- English: Make Donation / Please support our efforts of self-organizing refugee’s resistance against human rights abuses in German Europe by spreading the word and financial donation in favor of independence of our work: THE VOICE REFUGEE FORUM – A Nationwide Campaign and Network: Activity report and call for support! Deutsch: Für Spende: Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere Bemühungen zur Stärkung des selbstorganisierten Widerstandes Geflüchteter gegen die alltäglichen Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Deutschland und Europa indem Sie die Nachricht weiterverbreiten und die Unabhängigkeit unserer Arbeit durch Geldspenden sichern helfen: Bundesweite Kampagne und Netzwerk - THE VOICE REFUGEE FORUM Bericht über Aktivitäten und Unterstützungsaufruf Bankverbindung: Förderverein The VOICE e.V. Sparkasse Göttingen Kontonummer 127829 BLZ: 260 500 01 BAN: DE97 2605 0001 0000 1278 29, BIC: NOLADE21GOE The VOICE Refugee Forum Jena Adresse: Schillergässchen 5, 07745 Jena Tel. Handy 0049(0) 17624568988, Fax: 03641 / 42 02 70, E-Mail: Internet:
Kolya's Story - Trapped at Home | Syria News - Human Rights Watch
THE WEEK IN RIGHTS September 12, 2013 |
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For many 19-year-olds, the world is a place of growing possibilities and increasing independence. Not for Nikolai Titkov. Thin and pale, he spends nearly all day, every day, in bed. Pushed against a wall in his narrow bedroom, the bed is a jumble of blankets and pillows with a table strewn with medicines at its foot. When he was 5, Nikolai – or Kolya as his mother, Tatiana, calls him – was diagnosed with a condition in which his muscles waste away. Over the years, he has lost his ability to walk, write, or bathe himself – relying on Tatiana to care for most of his needs.
Even when Kolya does get out of bed, a dangerous exercise given how brittle his bones are, he cannot move around easily. The Titikov’s municipal apartment is cramped, with narrow corridors that make maneuvering between rooms in a wheelchair all but impossible.
In March, Russia will host the Winter Paralympic Games. But many people with disabilities in Russia are struggling.
Read Kolya's Story >> | share on: |
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