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woensdag 30 oktober 2013

Deuxième tentative d'expulsion au départ de Charleroi ce 31/10/2013


Monsieur B, 29 ans, est Algérien. Il a été arrêté à l’aéroport de Liège et a
fait une demande d’asile que le CGRA a réfusé. Il est enfermé au centre fermé
de Vottem.Monsieur B est en France depuis ces 14 ans et a vécu avec des
parents adoptifs. L’adoption officielle a été toujours refusée pas l’état
Français malgré toutes les démarches entamées.

Ses parents adoptifs sont très inquiets et veulent venir à l’aéroport pour
empêcher cette expulsion.

Ce sera sa deuxième tentative d’expulsion avec escorte.

Une demande de libération et un recours au conseil du contentieux est en

Vol au départ de Charleroi ce 31/10/2013 à 17h10 Flights 4847 Thomson Airways
vers Alger

Rv à l’aéroport de Charleroi ( c’est une première) à 15 h 10 pour parler aux

[Jungles] ?mission sur Calais - Radio Egregore Reims

Les copains de Reims de Radio Egregore (qui ?met sur Radio Primitive ? Reims) ont fait une ?mission hier sur les squats, dont entre autre sur Calais!
L'?mission est dispo (en t?l?chargement ou ?coute directe) sur http://oclibertaire.free.fr/spip.php?article1430 ou sur http://www.lechatnoir51.fr/article-20131028-squats-a-calais-et-a-reims-120836301.html 
Elle sera aussi diffus? sur la radio "L?EKO des Garrigues" ? Montpellier et "canal Sud" ? Toulouse Vendredi!
N'h?sitez pas ? faire circuler l'?mission sur vos r?seaux et s'il y a des retours, critiques ou autres, n'h?sitez pas a r?agir en cliquant sur "r?pondre ? cet article" sur le site internet ou alors ?ventuellement en me les transmettant !
Bonne journ?e
Jungles@rezo.net - http://listes.rezo.net/mailman/listinfo/jungles

Alerte:Nouvelle expulsion collective vers Albanie/Kosovo 29/10

- Read this post in English , Nederlands
On apprend que des Albanais/Kosovars sont arriv?s en bus  au centre ferm? 127
bis ces derniers jours. Actuellement ces hommes et femmes sont mis au cachot
au centre ferm? 127 bis en vue d?une d?portation collective aujourd?hui ou
demain! D?autres infos suivent.
La tension est vive dans le centre!
Vol Frontex?
SMS re?u d?un d?tenu:
Apr?s le vol forc? des Congolais,vient le tour des Albanais (Kosovo)et je
crains que ?a continue!
-------------- next part --------------
Vous recevez ce message parce que vous ?tes inscrit-e-s sur la liste d'information de Getting The Voice Out. 
N'h?sitez pas ? nous ?crire ? gettingthevoiceout@riseup.net ou a visiter le site http://www.gettingthevoiceout.org
Si vous souhaitez vous d?sinscrire de la liste, envoyez nous un message ? gettingthevoiceout@riseup.net

Irish Anarchist Review no 8 - Autumn 2013 - Links to articles and Editorial

This issue of the Irish Anarchist Review, explores the idea of solidarity, beyond the 
workplace, as it extends to women in struggle, travellers, migrants and others. We look at 
how, solidarity and mutual aid, should involve, not just supporting the exploited and 
oppressed, but in assisting them in their struggles, and rather than presenting ourselves 
as saviors, with the solution to their problems, to listen and help amplify their voices 
as they work towards their own solutions. ---- Contents:  ---- All of IAR8 is now online 
and linked below.  You can access a high quality PDF on scribd, a lower quality PDF is 
embedded in this post at the bottom. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to get notification 
when future editions are published.
Solidarity for ever?
Apartheid, Irish style
Horizons of our Imaginations: Anarchist & Educations
Many shades, second sex
The conquest of Robots
Creating an Anarchist Theory of Privilege
Interview: Anti-Deportations Ireland
Solidarity, Engagement and the Revolutionary Organisation
Why I became an anarchist
Spanish Civil War walking tour
Book review: Anarchy in a Cold War
Interview: Quebec student movement
2013 has been a year of commemoration for the labour movement. In official and unofficial 
celebrations alike, the word solidarity has loomed large. Rather than acting as a beacon 
of hope, however, it hangs precariously, like a red neon lit sign on a crumbling building. 
It may feel good as we shout and whoop, ?Solidarity!?, it may give us a giddy little 
thrill, but when the banners are packed away, when we?re back home, with our feet up 
watching television, do we think about it anymore? Do we concern ourselves with the fact 
that the solidarity our movement has celebrated has been solidarity for the few. Do we 
think about those left behind?
The idea of solidarity, for the trade union movement, revolved around the idea that ?an 
injury to one, is an injury to (or the concern of) all?, and the tactic of the sympathetic 
strike. This notion of solidarity however, while helping to lift the standard of living of 
a small Irish industrial working class, never extended beyond the workplace. The idea that 
unions could not be political and could only fight on economic issues took hold.
Those left behind included the thousands of women, including one hundred and fifty five, 
found in unmarked graves in Dublin, who had suffered sexual, psychological and physical 
abuse in the Magdalene Asylums, right up until the 1990?s. Though, only then, did the true 
horrors of what had happened in the ?laundries? come out in the open, that these places 
existed, had been a thinly veiled secret. Women who became pregnant outside of marriage, 
the sex workers of the Monto, or any other woman who did not confirm to the idea of faith, 
family and nation, could have their lives snatched away from them as the labour movement 
cowered in the shadow of the bishops cloak.
In the 1930?s, when workers in Spain fought fascism, died, were imprisoned and tortured in 
their thousands, the Irish labour movement forgot about any notion of solidarity, as 
again, they feared the power of the Irish church. If an ?injury to one?, was ?the concern 
of all?, then surely, the annihilation of the the working class of the Iberian peninsula 
at the hands of the reactionary, ultra-catholic fascist regime, should have seen the 
mobilisation of Irish workers, by those who were best placed to do so.
Today, as the professional union bureaucrats, wax lyrical about the struggles of one 
hundred years ago, as they laud their ability to protect the interests of their members 
against the worst aspects of austerity, a suspect claim in it?s own right, they are 
willing to leave behind asylum seekers who languish in direct provision centers. They 
refuse to recognise sex work as work, and support the moralistic crusade of an 
organisation with links to the religious orders who ran the Magdalene Asylums, that would 
see the standard of living of these workers drastically decline; and still, when around 
four thousand women a year are traveling to Britain for abortions, the gentlemen of ICTU, 
refuse to support the fight for abortion rights.
This issue of the Irish Anarchist Review, explores the idea of solidarity, beyond the 
workplace, as it extends to women in struggle, travellers, migrants and others. We look at 
how, solidarity and mutual aid, should involve, not just supporting the exploited and 
oppressed, but in assisting them in their struggles, and rather than presenting ourselves 
as saviors, with the solution to their problems, to listen and help amplify their voices 
as they work towards their own solutions.
We hope the articles here, provide some food for thought and we encourage our readers to 
reply with articles of their own.
IAR team:
Editorial Committee: Paul Bowman, Farah Azadi, Mark Hoskins, Brian Fagan, Dermot Sreenan, 
Leticia Ortega. Thanks to all members of the WSM for contributions, discussion & feedback.
Authors: Paul Bowman, Mark Hoskins, Farah Azadi, Tom Murray, Leticia Ortega, T.J., Vanessa 
Gauthier Vela, Nepele, D. Sreenan, Andrew Flood.
Layout: Brian Fagan.
About the WSM
The Workers Solidarity Movement was founded in Dublin, Ireland in 1984 following 
discussions by a number of local anarchist groups on the need for a national anarchist 
organisation. At that time with unemployment and inequality on the rise, there seemed 
every reason to argue for anarchism and for a revolutionary change in Irish society. This 
has not changed.
Like most socialists we share a fundamental belief that capitalism is the problem. We 
believe that as a system it must be ended, that the wealth of society should be commonly 
owned and that its resources should be used to serve the needs of humanity as a whole and 
not those of a small greedy minority. But, just as importantly, we see this struggle 
against capitalism as also being a struggle for freedom.
We believe that socialism and freedom must go together, that we cannot have one without 
the other. Anarchism has always stood for individual freedom. But it also stands for 
democracy. We believe in democratising the workplace and in workers taking control of all 
industry. We believe that this is the only real alternative to capitalism with its ongoing 
reliance on hierarchy and oppression and its depletion of the world?s resources
contact us:
PO Box 1528, Dublin 8
Facebook: Workers Solidarity Movement
Facebook: IrishAnarchistReview
Twitter: @WSMIreland
Attachment Size
PDF of the Irish Anarchist Review no 8 for download & distribution

dinsdag 29 oktober 2013

Een trein naar Warschau

    • 15 november  om 14:30 tot 18 november  om 6:00
  • Train from Brussels to Warschau to take part in the demonstration for "Just transition and decent work" on Saturday 16th of november.
    A united struggle of the climate and labor movement.
    Info, reservation or support: train[dot]climatejustice[dot]eu.

    NL/FR - onderaan/en desus

    NL - De klimaatsonderhandelingen vinden dit jaar plaats 11-22 november in Polen. Doordat het op Europese bodem is, geeft ons dat extra mogelijkheden. Wij vinden dat het tijd is om de druk op de ketel terug te verhogen, zodat politici eindelijk hun verantwoordelijkheid zouden opnemen.

    We willen oplossingen in lijn met klimaatwetenschap en sociale rechtvaardigheid. Daarom zullen we zaterdagnamiddag 16 November massaal de straat op trekken onder de slogan "Just transition and decent work". We zijn er immers van overtuigd dat de klimaats- en arbeidersbewegingen partners zijn in dit verhaal en deel zijn van dezelfde strijd.

    Vrijdagavond, rond 14:30h, zal de trein in Brussel vertrekken opdat we de dag erna kunnen deelnemen aan de manifestatie. Tussendoor en op zondag is ook vrije tijd voorzien. Ten laatste maandagochtend, om 6h30, zijn we terug in Brussel.

    Maar dit initiatief kan natuurlijk enkel slagen met genoeg deelnemers. Wat is een massamobilisatie uiteindelijk zonder masse. Ten laatste eind september hebben we hiervoor 500 bevestigde deelnemers nodig.
    Reserveer dus snel en mis de trein niet!

    Info en reservering, surf naar:

    FR - Cette année-ci les négociations sur le climat auront lieu à Varsovie (Pologne) du 11 au 22 novembre. Une grande marche aura lieu le samedi 16 novembre sur le thème “Une transition juste et du travail digne”. Ceci pour montrer que nous sommes préoccupés et que nous voulons des résultats. Pour démontrer que nous ne voulons plus de fausses solutions. Pour exiger un accord qui est socialement juste et responsable du point de vue écologique. L’organisation “Climat et Justice Sociale” organise comme en 2009 un train vers la manifestation, pour que des organisations et citoyens belges puissent être présents en grand nombre. La mobilisation de masse ne se fait pas sans masse, ni sans vous!

    Participez et rendez le “Climate Express” possible:
    • Réservez votre siège ou compartiment le plus vite possible
    • Faites un appel à tous vos amis ou répandez le mot parmi vos membres
    • Soutenez l’initiative financièrement

    Préparez-vous bien et sortez déjà vos bannières!

    Nous nous réjouissons de pouvoir vous accueillir dans le train, ne le ratez pas!

    Pour plus d’informations et reservations:

Alerte:Nouvelle expulsion collective vers Albanie/Kosovo 29/10‏

- Read this post in English , Nederlands

On apprend que des Albanais/Kosovars sont arrivés en bus au centre fermé 127
bis ces derniers jours. Actuellement ces hommes et femmes sont mis au cachot
au centre fermé 127 bis en vue d’une déportation collective aujourd’hui ou
demain! D’autres infos suivent.

La tension est vive dans le centre!

Vol Frontex?

SMS reçu d’un détenu:

Après le vol forcé des Congolais,vient le tour des Albanais (Kosovo)et je
crains que ça continue!


Brazil, FARJ Novo Libera #159 - BUILD POPULAR POWER! (pt)

The voice of the oppressed in acts of June until the present ---- June and July were 
months of large demonstrations where workers, students, unemployed and various sectors of 
the oppressed class took to the streets in cities across the country to fight the abuses 
of capitalist corporations and government. The force coming from the base of the oppressed 
class has achieved worldwide repercussions, and how could it be different reactionary 
adversaries encountered on your way: Rede Globo, the other media capitalists and rightist 
sectors tried to empty the contents of claims of the social agenda of events, either with 
generalizations such as "corruption", or appeals bloodproud like "the giant woke up." 
Nevertheless, the strong popular pressure down transport fares in many cities, 
representing an indisputable victory of the people against the oppressing classes.

During August and September we saw emerge new mobilizations and resistances in the slums. 
Sites that were organized and also took to the streets to denounce violence suffering for 
decades by the state, lackey of capital, and do not use rubber bullets. These initiatives 
have generated significant accumulations as: Favela Movement Not Cala People's Forum and 
Mutual Support (formerly Favela Never Slept ). This leaves us a lesson the need to fortify 
the social movements from the base.

Revolts and popular indignation in the face of insecurity train system should also be 
considered. With the permission of Sergio Cabral and Transportation Secretary Julio Lopes, 
the population is treated by the dealership Odebretch indecent, based whip. The population 
is fed up with the violence imposed by everyday lousy service offered. Is clearly 
incompatible with the quality in the provision of public services when they are delivered 
to the control of entrepreneurs and their mafias, aimed at profit and worker exploitation.

October came and with it broke new manifestations. Two months on strike, server systems 
and municipal state education fight for decent wage increases and floors and a plan for 
jobs, careers and salaries that values ??everyone. Fight for a policy of quality education 
against the measures imposed by the Department of Education and the government, which 
penalizes servers and retirees. And against the advance of a meritocratic system of 
capitalist logic, blaming and playing the blame for structural problems, and the chaos 
experienced in public education, in the lap of workers. The mediocre PMDBista Government 
responds with threats and violence with blows from batons, rubber bullets and tear gas !

Thus, during a situation of moments of descents and ascents of demonstrations in Rio de 
Janeiro, the overall balance is positive. Especially when they were guided by social 
demands mirrored the reality of the oppressed. Note that a new generation formed in the 
heat of political struggles and demands of street is emerging and reacts strongly against 
bureaucratic practices that demobilize the working class. But there is still much to do 
and build on the foundations of several popular sectors and categories of workers, which 
is necessary to fight organized and daily.

Violence is the true Law of the State

As already mentioned, bourgeois democracy was not intimidated and made use of apparatuses 
and repressive mechanisms inherited from the dictatorship. Created the nefarious Special 
Investigation Commission of Acts of Vandalism in Demonstrations ( extinct in the face of 
popular pressure ), criminalized the use of masks, planted evidence, arrested minors, 
chased and arrested activists and forged " gangs ". In the slums State sated his desire 
for the blood of workers and oppressed : 13 residents killed in Complexo da Mar?, and 
Rocinha, the disappearance of Amarildo (if they won repercussions also on the streets ).

Accordingly, the forms of resistance and self-defense of the people against the 
oppressions are legitimate and should not be criminalized. Are not comparable with the 
violence committed by the state, organized military, political and legal, and we have full 
support of the bourgeois media. When the fight is massifies, as was the case of the strike 
of education professionals, workers need to defend this orchestrated police repression.

We recognize the importance of the initiatives of self-defense of the Black Bloc, which 
meets the needs of resistance in demonstrations and bearing a symbolic demand against what 
is capitalism and bourgeois democracy. We are attentive to the attempt of the bourgeois 
media to polarize between protesters " vandals " and " orderly " and reject generalized 
and conservative opinions that disqualify the role and necessity of self-defense in the 
demonstrations. We made a generous analysis of events, including those who take to the 
streets, which are organized in databases, which are militant movements or political 
organizations that do not yield to governismo and has faced the power of the bosses on the 
streets. Thus, we argue that the organization of forms of self-defense must have the 
people and the sectors of the working class and oppressed as protagonists.

We understand that state violence is not the exception but the rule, and his main 
instrument is the Police, be it Civil, Military or Municipal Guard. In this sense, we can 
not see the police only by economic sphere, such as "worker " wage, without realizing that 
there is an inseparable ideological sphere in the role played by the police in the system 
of capitalist domination : the defense of private property, control and murder of poor 
black and repression of all popular organization that threatens the existing order. Facing 
just causes, there was no retreat lackeys of State in the demonstrations. Thus we believe 
that defending the police as an employee is to nourish illusions or be opportunistic.

Our position on the situation and proposals to advance

We and other organizations of the CAB, the face of this situation in the demonstrations in 
June so far, we seek to participate and adjust our strategies to different contexts that 
arise and change quickly, which is not always easy. Never compromise on our principles and 
follow with our militant style and design of practical politics as an active minority. 
Erring and learning from mistakes, hitting and generating accumulations.

Different practices forefront, our minority perspective is grounded in a " rear " rooted, 
ie, we propose to always be with the oppressed. Our program indicates our dedication to 
respect the autonomy of grassroots in relation to the construction of their agendas and 
decision making. We act as a leaven in the struggles, proposing to organize what is not 
organized, and helping to strengthen and empower the popular sectors already organized, 
and self-management, federalism and direct action as methods. Do not delegate the power of 
the people, built on the everyday struggle and along bodies of the base, which is the germ 
of the future society we want to cultivate.

Before an action more modest, collectively constructed than outlandish proposals made ?? 
with outrage and disrespect to the role of foundations in organization and decision 
making. We are aware that we will not operate alone a radical transformation of society, 
so we propose solidarity in the struggle with other revolutionary forces and against all 
forms of repression. For us, freedom does not mean isolation. This solidarity and alliance 
are given to us primarily by social movements that helped build. Likewise repudiate the 
actions bureaucratise struggles, shifting political action of implementing bodies to hand 
technical lawyers, Economists, bureaucrats or politicians. This will undermine the role of 

We understand that this is our role in the demonstrations and social movements that rely 
on our membership, as the Movement -Based Organization (formerly BAT - Through Base ! ), 
The Movement Free Pass - RJ, Cooperative Roca, the Association of Producers autonomous 
Field and the City ( APAC ), the Movement of Small Farmers ( MPA ), the Pastoral Land 
Commission ( CPT ) and the Movement of Landless Rural Workers ( MST ) in Rio strengthened 
initiatives that help build the organization and popular power. We understand anarchism 
and political organization as tools in the service of the struggle for social 
transformation, jointly with the popular organizations and class of workers. So in modest 
steps, but acting with quality and ethics, we walk shoulder to shoulder with the workers 
of the city and countryside. Prioritize raising the flags of social movements and 
grassroots organizations when participants spaces of struggle, such as : Forum Fights, Not 
If Cala Favela, People Forum Mutual Support and supporting the struggle of education 
professionals. We work aligned with our fellow members of other organizations in the CAB 
peasant struggles, trade union, student and against all kinds of oppression. We believe 
that anarchism only makes sense when put into practice, creating roots from the popular 
mobilization. We call everyone to have according to our proposals and want to take part in 
this project, seeking to mobilize themselves in places of study, work and live. We invite 
everyone to build a project and libertarian socialist society ! We invite everyone to 
organize, with firm strategy and the struggle to build from now, people's power !

Fighting, create, People Power ! !

Live demonstrations and struggles of the people ! !

Finland, Baltic Anarchist Winter Meeting 5th of January 2014 in Helsinki

The first Baltic Anarchist Meeting was held in Tallinn, Estonia in May 2012. The meeting 
was attended by many anarchists from many countries and the atmosphere was good and 
exciting. Second gathering will be arranged 5.1.2014 in Helsinki, a day after Father frost 
against Putin-festival (https://avtonom.org/fi/node/22485). ---- The purpose of this 
gathering is to exchange experiences and improve the co-operation between anarchists 
around the Baltic Sea. Participants from all around the world are very welcome but we hope 
to see especially people from countries around Baltic sea, from individual activists to 
people active in different groups. The program and participating groups will be updated 
later. There will be at least lectures, discussions and distributing of publications and 
other materials.

Just as in the first Baltic Anarchist Meeting, we will discuss spreading
anarchism for a broader public and updates from different groups, but we
are also in search for other topics. Please let us know, if you or your
group want(s) to take part in organizing and preparing the meeting and
the program. Send email to amr_hki@anarkismi.net.
The meeting is open for everyone, but in case you are in a need of
accomodation, please register. Accomodation is provided only for known
and trusted activists, thus you need recommendations if you are in need
of it. The first update containing more information about the program
and participants will be out in November.
The program will begin on Sunday morning 5.1. and will continue until
late, so accommodation will be arranged for both Sat-Sun (3.-4.1.) and
Sun-Mon (4.-5.1.) nights when needed. Accommodation can also be arranged
for the Fri-Sat night for those who want to participate in the Father
frost against Putin-festival on Saturday.
Organized by Anarchist Black Cross Helsinki and A-ryhm?
Registration form:
Name or nickname:
Place of activity:
Phone number:
Time of staying, need for accommodation:
Who could recommend you?
Diet, allergies or anything we should know (food prepared during the
meeting will be vegan):
Suggestions for a discussion or workshop you could organize:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/664933820204407/

Network-meeting in Brussels - BRÜKSEL'DE ENTERNASYONAL TOPLANTI‏

Dear all,
I mentioned in my last email a meeting in brussels at 20th of october. I forward the short report and i hope, that something more detailed will follow soon...and obviously proposals and plans for transnational campaigns and mobilisations next year start to get developed and discussed... 

Report - Europe wide refugee network meeting
20th of October 2013 - Brussels

Participants from the following groups:

Collective Sans Papiers Paris

Collective Sans Papiers Brussels and Belgium

The group of 400 Afghans in Brussels

Refugee Strike Amsterdam (Group we are here)

Refugee Strike Berlin – Oranienplatz

1. Exchange:
  • about: actions, marches, squatings, communications, negotiations, experiences, protest camps, years of fighting, solidarity

2. Ideas:
  • refugee-parliament (peoples parliament) in front of EU-Parliament
  • decentralized action day 18th of December or earlier– focus on EU-Representations – starting mobilization to Brussels next year, before EU elections May 2014
  • big mobilization to Brussels next Spring or May – protest march from different countries to Brussels – protest march from Strasbourg to Brussels
  • action week in Brussels in May 2014
  • poster campaign
  • common website
  • build a good network, broad coalitions... coordination with other protests: http://marche-europeenne-des-sans-papiers.blogspot.de/http://www.euromarches.org/, noborder networks, ...

3. Next meeting:
  • 16th of November

Verspreid de verboden teksten van Joke Kaviaar

Nieuws, gepost door: Steungroep 13 september op 26/10/2013 10:05:33
Voor het recht op opruiing!
Op 1 november begint het hoger beroep van Joke Kaviaar tegen haar veroordeling voor 'opruiing'. Deze veroordeling raakt ons allemaal! De Steungroep 13 September roept op tot uitingen van solidariteit!
Vooraf aan deze (regie)zitting zullen muurkranten worden uitgedeeld met daarop één van de ‘opruiende’ teksten. Locatie: voor het Gerechtshof Amsterdam, IJDok 20, 13.30 uur!
De eerste muurkrant: Waar blijft de Hollandse opstand?
Twee jaar geleden viel de nationale recherche ineens binnen bij het huis van dichteres en activiste Joke Kaviaar. Ze werd direct opgepakt en drie dagen lang in alle beperkingen vastgehouden. Haar 'misdaad' was het schrijven van teksten. Ze werd aangeklaagd voor opruiing. Anderhalf jaar later oordeelde de rechter dat ze er vier maanden voor de bak in moest.
Op 1 november begint het hoger beroep tegen deze belachelijke veroordeling. De Steungroep 13 September, die werd opgericht naar aanleiding van Kaviaars arrestatie, wil opnieuw indringend aandacht vestigen op deze belangrijke zaak.
Niet alleen Joke Kaviaar staat namelijk terecht. Met haar staat de vrijheid van meningsuiting van ons allemaal op het spel. Niet alleen Kaviaar moet sinds haar veroordeling steeds de stinkende adem van de mee lezende smeris in haar nek voelen, ook anderen kunnen niet meer de pen pakken zonder bang te moeten zijn om veroordeeld te worden voor het uiten van hun gedachten. De Steungroep 13 September is van mening dat mensen het recht hebben op opruiing. Justitie pakte Kaviaar op haar woorden, die opriepen, en nog altijd oproepen, tot verzet tegen de apartheid van het Nederlandse migratiebeleid. Een beleid dat niets minder verdient dan keihard verzet, in woord en daad.
Dagelijks vinden vele in de wet verankerde misdaden plaats tegen mensen die 'vreemdeling' worden genoemd. Migranten (zonder papieren) worden structureel uitgesloten van de maatschappij. Ze worden gesloopt, vernederd en genegeerd. Op dit moment zitten duizenden mensen vast in grensgevangenissen, van wie velen wachtend op deportatie. En masse worden er mensen gedeporteerd, zowel volwassenen als kinderen. Zo'n 10.000 per jaar, volgens de officiële statistieken. Dat is gemiddeld 27 deportaties per dag. Rondom de deportaties is een complete industrie ontstaan, waar multinationals zoals KLM en G4S bakken met geld aan verdienen. Deze moderne Endlösung vindt grotendeels plaats in de onzichtbaarheid. Verzet is nodig om de misdaden te benoemen voor wat ze zijn. Verzet is nodig om het apartheidsysteem zichtbaar te maken. Verzet is nodig om de deportatie-industrie te bestrijden, op alle mogelijke manieren.
Maar verzet in de vorm van tekst is blijkbaar zelfs al verboden. Niet de verantwoordelijke ambtenaren, ministers of directeuren moeten zich verantwoorden voor hun aandeel in het scheppen van apartheid; daarentegen worden degenen die zich verzetten en anderen oproepen dat ook te doen, vervolgd en veroordeeld. De autoriteiten hebben Kaviaar de mond proberen te snoeren.
Natuurlijk is ze dat niet gelukt. Allang zijn de verboden teksten op talloze plekken op het internet te vinden. Direct nadat bekend was geworden dat Kaviaar was opgepakt, verschenen er kopieën van haar 'opruiende' teksten en mirrors van haar website op het web. Een goede start. Het waren uitingen van solidariteit die hard nodig waren en nog steeds zijn. Deze reactie vraagt om navolging.
In de betere boekhandels en op andere plekken vind je vanaf heden ook een stapel muurkranten met een van de verboden teksten: “Waar blijft de Hollandse opstand?” Durf een stapje verder te gaan dan het snelle kopiëren/plakken van de verboden teksten op je website. Pak een emmer lijm en een kwast en breng de 'opruiing' aan op de muren. Maak je 'medeplichtig' aan opruiing door de verboden woorden overal in het zicht op te hangen, om alle voorbijgangers ermee te confronteren. Laat zien dat justitie er nog een hele kluif aan zal krijgen om de noodzakelijke oproep tot verzet uit de publieke ruimte te verwijderen.
Vooraf aan de regiezitting bij het Amsterdams hof worden bovendien ook de posters uitgedeeld. Dit gebeurt voor de deur van het Hof, IJdok 20, vanaf 13.30 uur. Hiervoor is ook een event op facebook aangemaakt.
Solidair met Joke Kaviaar! Verspreid de verboden woorden! Voor het verzet tegen de apartheid! Voor de vrijheid!
LIJST met plaatsen waar je de muurkrant kunt verkrijgen (deze wordt nog uitgebreid):
Fort van Sjakoo, Jodenbreestraat 24 1011 NK Amsterdam
De Rode Rat, Oudegracht 65, 3511 AD Utrecht
– De muurkrant vind je digitaal hier.
– De verboden teksten vind je hier.
– Lees hier het laatste woord van Joke Kaviaar tijdens haar rechtszaak.
– Zie hier een adressenlijst van rechtbanken en openbaar ministerie.
– Zie hier een blacklist van de deportatieprofiteurs: De Schandpaal.

[Noborder] Proc?s CAS et No Border : appel ? soutien.

Bonjour tout le monde,

Ci-dessous vous trouverez l'appel du Comit? de soutien au CAS (Comit?
d'Action et de Soutien) qui passera en proc?s en appel le 27 novembre. Un
autre proc?s conna?tra une audience une semaine plus t?t, celui des
inculp?s du camp No Border.

Les personnes concern?es par ces deux proc?s vont devoir faire face ? de
lourds frais de justice, or nous le savons tous, retirer l'?pine
p?cuniaire du pied est ?galement un moyen de soutenir toutes les luttes
contre les politiques d'immigrations! Le but des proc?s ?tant aussi
d'asphyxier les gens mobilis?s par tous les moyens possibles, aider ?
assumer ces frais est aussi une assurance que ces luttes continuent!

Alors dans ce cas, tout est bon comme aide: deux bi?res en moins au caf?
du coin, un kinder surprise laiss? chez le marchand et deux jour sans Le
Soir et nous voil? d?j? quasi ? 10 euros! (Bien entendu, plus est aussi

Voici le num?ro de compte : BE73377047367460

En pi?ce jointe vous trouverez le document 'Retour sur pr?s de trois ans
de proc?dures judiciaires' expliquant les faits reproch?s au CAS, et sur
le site vous trouverez progressivement diff?rentes informations sur le CAS
et les proc?s, et bient?t une carte blanche ? signer le plus largement


Sign? : un individu dont l'?pine fut g?n?reusement arrach?e du pied par le
pass? (oufti ?a fait du bien!)


Nous nous sommes constitu?s en tant que Comit? de Soutien aux inculp?s du CAS

Le 27 novembre ils seront six ? passer devant la cour d?appel de
Bruxelles. Ils auraient pu ?tre beaucoup plus nombreux car nombreux sont
ceux qui n?acceptent pas que les migrants ??sans-papiers?? soient trait?s
comme des sous-hommes d?pourvus des droits fondamentaux. Avec les inculp?s
nous disons que l?on a raison de se r?volter. On a raison de se r?volter
contre le sort r?serv? par nos Etats ? ceux qui n?ont rien fait d?autre
que ce que, depuis que les humains existent, on a toujours fait ? ?chapper
? ce qui est devenu invivable, aller l? o? peut-?tre quelque chose sera

Ce proc?s est avant tout le proc?s de la politique belge en mati?re
d?immigration. Il est pour nous une occasion nouvelle de d?noncer sans
rel?che la politique d?exploitation et de criminalisation des migrants
??sans-papier??. Nous demandons ? ce que soient entendus des t?moins qui
ont assist? aux faits mais aussi des personnes qui ont ?tudi?es les
probl?mes migratoires pour expliquer les actions et les contextualiser.
Nous nous d?clarons solidaire des actions qui ont ?t? men?es par les
inculp?s ainsi que toutes les actions qui visent ? transformer en
profondeur les politiques d?accueil des ?trangers???sans-papiers??. A
travers les inculp?s, en Belgique, comme ailleurs en Europe, l?Etat
cherche ? criminaliser la protestation n?cessaire contre le traitement
inflig?s ? des personnes ? femmes, hommes, enfants ? qui n?ont d?autre
tort que celui de ne pas disposer de papiers reconnus par l?autorit?
publique. Par l? il s?agit ? nouveau de masquer la violence des politiques
migratoires de rafles, d?enfermements et d?expulsions.

Nous r?clamons l?arr?t des rafles et des expulsions, la fermeture des
centres ferm?s ainsi que la r?gularisation de toutes les personnes
??sans-papiers??. Nous d?fendons l?institution d?un droit nouveau de la
circulation des hommes, de leur r?sidence, de leur travail, de leur
protection sociale qui s??tablisse par-dessus les fronti?res.

Nous appelons ? un grand rassemblement le 27 novembre ? partir de 9h
devant le palais de justice. Nous organisons le samedi 16 novembre ?
partir de 19h une soir?e de soutien aux inculp?s qui se tiendra au 221 rue
des Coteaux.

Num?ro de compte : BE73377047367460

N?h?sitez pas ? ?crire pour tout renseignement:

Today is my day party ...

Vandaag is het mijn verjaardag ! Heute ist mein Geburtstag ! Today is my birthday ! Aujourd'hui, c'est mon anniversaire! 

Luc Schrijvers : 0032492555161

facebook : l.m.j_schrijversluc@hotmail.com
skype : luc-schrijvers

maandag 28 oktober 2013

main migration routes (source frontex)‏

Les principales routes migratoires vers l'Europe

Le Monde.fr |  • Mis à jour le 



Please find these updates on the 3 oct Lampedusa tragedy:




Prof. Dr. Mirjam van Reisen
Endowed chair of International Social Responsibility in name of Marga Klompé
Department of Culture Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Tilburg University
PO Box 90153
NL - 5000 LE Tilburg
Kamer D 247
Tel.: + 31 13 466 28 22
Tel.: + 31 13 466 26 68 (secretariat)
E-mail: M.vanReisen@uvt.nl
Skype: eepa-mvreisen
Director Europe External Policy Advisors (EEPA)
115 Rue Stevin, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 230 07 32

(en) France, Organisation Communiste Libertarie (OCL) - Video surveillance in Boulogne-sur-mer (fr)

The proximity of the municipal elections, the small local social democratic bourgeoisie 
... and its cameras ---- Monday, October 28, 2013, by admi2 ---- We felt it was only a 
matter of time. The period and the proximity of municipal elections have apparently 
hastened things. The left Boulogne has taken the plunge and recently abandoned the 
practice of video surveillance. Recognize first that the local population, the 
announcement sparked little reaction. Daily difficulties account for a growing share of 
families, the commoditization of many forms of social control made ??by hand, very little 
sensitive to the issue. (Text also available in pdf here ) ---- Video surveillance in 
Boulogne-sur-Mer near the municipal elections, the small local social democratic 
bourgeoisie and their cameras ---- The security consensus of the fascist Social Democrats, 
an old story ...

There was not even in the heart of the local political seraglio. Espionage street there 
sparked a verbal tussle between the top candidates in the upcoming municipal, without 
regard to the candid citizen escomptait a proper debate. But now, debate, there will not. 
National Front until the straw woman Transport Minister, Acting Mayor, all have protested 
in unison and claimed authorship of the population control by screens. Meaningful 
consensus. All in a flat close. PS, holding double ordinary discourse is discarded on the 
Office of Public Housing who pretended to turn the "redevelopment areas". Nice number ... 
In a duo citizenist version equal in all respects his Republican twin sisters right or 
extreme right, the accession of the left ideology and safe practices is not a surprise for 
flycatchers. For those who know the history of European social democrats, the record in 
this matter is not to write but tirelessly to unearth. Small non-exhaustive list: "Go to 
War" on both sides of the border in 1914, won the Sacred Union in France, butchers of the 
town of Berlin and murderers of Rosa Luxemburg, a little murder between "comrades" 
addition Rhine rallied to Petain in April 1940 (90 parliamentarians SFIO) breakers of 
miners' strikes of 1948, the first time colonialists and asks "native tappers" Indochina, 
Algeria ... Gustav Noske Manuel Valls through Mitterand1, social democracy is made for 
more than a century a small upstart bourgeoisie prompt any rallying strong powers, 
invariably on the side of the handle, only to serve the interests of capital .

What security policy?

The security policy is ideological Appendix offensive disguised under the term "crisis" 
that led the bourgeoisie against the proletariat since the end of the Fordist compromise. 
That is, since the early 70s. From that date the capital is facing an unprecedented crisis 
of its development, a structural crisis. To impede the very heart of the process of 
production, the falling rate of profit, States first used the restructuring and 
liquidation of entire industry considered obsolete. The restructuring will be a first 
step. The same states will then engage in all-out deregulation of labor markets and 
finance, and will resort to offshoring and finally attack all that the bourgeoisie was a 
time granted to employees as compensation for their operation, namely various forms of 
social insurance: pensions, health care, benefits and indirect wages, etc ... It is the 
policy of scorched earth that can be seen today in Greece effects that bourgeois 
economists call the "liberalism" . But above all, capitalism is a total and not only 
social, economic report, it also determines the forms of existence of specific 
individuals. That is why a growing mass of proletarians become supernumerary suffered 
outright destruction of their way of life. An entire culture, forms of solidarity, social 
and collective life, self-help and resistance were forty years simply eradicated, annihilated.

A mode control and management of people in times of "crisis"

Since, on the ruins of the fallen proletariat "thirty glorious years", a growing crowd of 
new downgraded consists diffuse mass less inclined to the most contradictory reasons to 
let himself sometimes. Urban riots raging on all continents, without exception, we 
reported the echo recent decades. Parties and trade unions today unsuited to control the 
masses of atomized individuals, states are turning to more direct desexp?dients. The 
development of an ideological discourse criminalizing all or part of the proletariat is a 
tool among others a comprehensive process support to the bourgeois order. This speech is 
not just the preserve of the right and fascists. Lately, the left is appropriate as it 
would draw its electoral base to other latitudes. Leaving a working base that had 
previously led to the slaughter, it now spawns with the so-called "middle class" 
liberal-scented essences safe. But ideology alone is not enough if it was on the ground, 
to be embodied in effective practices for control and domination of the people. To this 
end, we are witnessing the mobilization of an entire arsenal against mixing-insurgency 
methods inherited from the colonial wars, militarization of police, misinformation and 
deployment of technological tools of surveillance last cry.

Surveillance cameras and "civil liberties"

Let us set aside now all arguments in defense of non-compliance with "civil liberties and 
human rights." There has long been known as "civil liberties" are reduced to the single 
order to comply with the rules issued by and in the sole interest of the bourgeoisie. And 
it is precisely in the name of the "public interest" that the same minority masked by its 
monitors screens of high legitimacy usurped the anonymous mass of the exploited who gives 
life and maintains. The screens are only tools of a generalized social control for which 
the State has been charged to establish the legal framework tailor-made to. A framework 
also fully bypassed since a large part of them, the cameras are installed, is in full 
violation of laws enacted or in a legal limbo. These cameras are primarily an instrument 
in the hands of the better-off urban classes: merchants, middle class, and other objective 
allies of the bourgeoisie in control and Redistribution way of urban areas to their 
subordination to the laws of capital.

The very lucrative market surveillance

Now, talking big bucks! The cost of installing new cameras "to start on a trial basis" 
would rise as local officials in the amount of "83,000 euros" and "Half of this amount 
should be funded by the Inter-fund the fight against crime. " According to the state 
itself, the cost per camera per year would amount to 7,400 euros on average. If it is a 
market that does not know the crisis, it is that of the security industry. Currently in 
France, fifteen major companies share a jackpot of nearly a billion euros a year in which 
a significant portion comes directly from the pockets of taxpayers. And this is only the 
beginning! Soon, a new kind of camera for the use of software and the use of global IT 
system will replace those currently in use. So the whole park that these companies intend 
to renew and thus can continue to gorge to the muzzle. In short, small business friends 
have a bright future ahead of them ...

At the factory, the office and the pub: the boss you matt

Whether the factory, office, industry or services, the policing has always been an 
integral part of the condition of the proletariat. The last business day under the brand 
groups Ikea, Castorama, etc ... are only the visible part of a very widespread practice in 
many forms. The CNIL this democratic security to the security hysteria said today worry 
about. According to her, between 2011 and 2013, complaints by an employee against his 
employer for video spy rose 13%. In fact, the only thing that has changed, it is now the 
employers qu'emploient methods to achieve its ends. The little chef or the cookie is 
gradually giving way to an arsenal that the video is only one instrument among others. But 
this process is coupled with another, even more perverse. This one is introduced 
everywhere and watch it all the more formidable benefits of membership, at least in part, 
essential to all forms of domination so that it can be deployed and subject to his will. 
The new tools of communication now put the camera lens in the center of regressive 
consumerist practices rather unusual. Their users do not hesitate to take the stage on 
networks called "social", where domestic and mercantile disinhibition is embodied 
ostensibly through unbridled exhibitionism. The fascination / submission to the capitalist 
scheduling technique and technology reaches new heights every day ...

God forgives ... Not the proletariat!

Now what? Of course we are in solidarity with the ongoing struggles against the order and 
security which are expressed through the actions of local groups. We are just as those 
conducted specifically against surveillance cameras: campaigns, debates, destruction of 
cameras, etc ... All that is won, even on a small scale, partial and temporary shows, if 
still necessary, the domination of capital is not and will never be complete or final. But 
it is perfectly clear that it is only from the time when operated es will begin moving, 
they begin to organize on their own to defend only their interests are, fear begin to 
change sides. For this, there is no recipe, nor the gender of the angel-waiting. There is 
the need to begin to come together, discuss, reflect, discuss our workplaces, our living 
... And that is what is most difficult to achieve at this time, we are well aware. On 
several continents popular movements challenging the street the existing order and logic 
that leads us to open to barbarism tomb. In Europe, it is also the case in countries such 
as Greece, for example. So there is no "recovery" or "stimulus" to wait, capital simply 
means we make the skin and in the surplus on our collaboration to achieve. For us all, 
workers, unemployed, pensioners, students, high school students ... with or without papers 
to make him leave the stage of history as soon as possible and the only way it should (!): 
the two front feet! A revolution needs to be done!

Small gallery of portraits Social Democrats with citations to support:

Gustav Noske (1868-1946). Artisan and journalist. Elected SPD, it ensures collaboration 
party with Staff of the army which he has full trust for the duration of the First World 
War. In the town of Berlin, Noske gives full power to the "corps" of mercenaries who 
prefigure the Nazi militia to quell insurgent workers. At these events, Rosa Luxemburg and 
Karl Liebknecht are murdered. Quote: "We need someone to do the bloody dog: I'm not afraid 
of responsibility."

Fran?ois Mitterrand (1916-1996). Minister of the Interior in 1954, as opposed to the 
independence of Algeria. Covered abuses of all kinds of the French army against the 
separatists. Quote: "We do not hit so in a collective manner. We will avoid anything that 
might appear as a sort of state of war that we do not want but we chastise an implacable 
way responsible. "

Manuel Valls (1962). Interior Minister of F.Hollande. Not yet reached the previous two 
palmares but shows promise. Quotes: "You put me Whites, the Blancos ... hi hi hi "or:" 
Yes, we must tell the truth to the French: these people have extremely different from our 
own lifestyles and who are obviously in confrontation with the local population. "

Count When you filmed the Court of Auditors criticizes surveillance cameras

For us, the Court of Auditors is not only not a reference, but rather a political 
instrument of the state and the bourgeoisie. We will note, however, that the state itself 
is concerned when our sub, leading its own contradictions. In concluding his report on the 
use of "security forces" in France, we read: "... Encouraged by the government, the 
growing use of video surveillance of the highway can not substitute for the action of 
forces state security, he adds. The financial burden and responsibility of management 
devices, for the most common. The deployment and use of these devices operate under 
conditions of regularity poorly controlled by the state and sometimes in violation of the 
law. The absence in France of any rigorous evaluation of the effectiveness of CCTV in the 
street is a damaging gap, particularly with regard to the amount of public expenditure ... 
"1 The court criticized among other things the government does not give means the county 
commissions control of CCTV to do its job ie prevent abuse, "its role is only formal," 
"... in the absence of material and human resources, the county commission may exercise 
this control ... ". Another criticism is the lack of qualification or authorization of 
those responsible for the operation of CCTV systems. Finally pointing the absence of 
scientific analysis on the impact of crime and delinquency, the court noted that the 
number of solved crimes CCTV is negligible.

In other words, we are made to pay too much unnecessary tool used by incompetent that the 
state itself can not control ...

1 - The Court of Auditors. The organization and management of public security forces. July 

The seagull enraged

Anarchist Communist Group Boulogne-sur-mer

BP 403-62206 Boulogne-sur-mer

lamouette.enrag?e @ wanadoo.fr

http://lamouetteenrag ?e.over-blog.com

(en) Britain, Albert Meltzer and the fight for working class history

Albert Meltzer was a central figure in the development of the Kate Sharpley Library, both 
practically (laying out and distributing the bulletin and pamphlets) and also 
philosophically. His concern at seeing the history of anarchism rewritten to suit other 
people?s agendas was part of the motivation for the founding of the Library. [1] It also 
connected with the rest of his anarchism: class-conscious, committed to liberation from 
below, sceptical of ?experts? and unafraid of criticising them. ----His historical 
writing, like all of his writing, was punchy, humorous and anecdotal. ?Our historical 
judgement was criticised as based only on anecdotal history from veterans but knowing how 
conventional history is concocted I doubt if it suffered from that.? [2] Albert wrote 
anarchist history from his own experience and the accounts of comrades he knew.

He did not have the leisure (or the patience) to comb through archives. He also knew that 
relying on published sources could write the people who made up the anarchist movement out 
of history. To Albert, most academics had proven themselves incapable of understanding the 
anarchist movement: ?Working-class theoreticians who express and formulate theories are 
totally ignored as of no consequence: what they say is attributed to the next available 
?Intellectual?.? [3] Albert was sceptical of both academic methodology: ??Research?? often 
means looking up dated reference books, and passing it off as knowledge.? [4] and also 
their motivation: ?Anarchism has become fair game for those eager to climb on the academic 
gravy train?. [5]

History, and the writing of history, was deeply political to Albert. ?Many would like to 
filch the history of the Anarchist movement.? [6] A shining example of this ? and the 
?sectarian? riposte ? came in Black Flag?s response to Keith Paton?s ?Alternative 
Liberalism : in search of ideological neighbours? suggesting Young Liberals adopt 
?non-violent? anarchism. Paton wrote ??I?m not talking about the violent or destructive 
currents of anarchism or the anarchism that tail-ends Marxism and is obsessed with 
preventing the ?emasculation? (sic) of the revolution? We claim a long and largely 
honourable tradition: e.g. it was we anarchists whom the Bolsheviks first attacked in 
post-revolutionary Russia, April 1918; e.g. the social creativity of the anarchist 
influenced workers and peasants in Spain in 1936-37, before snuffed out by the troops of 
right and left; May 68 to some extent[?]? Black Flag responded ?Humbug! ?We anarchists? 
whom the Bolsheviks attacked, ?we anarchists? who fought in Spain, and struggled ever 
since ? what have ?we? to do with you? Or are you pretending that it was ?Peace News? 
types that fought in Russia and Spain? What with, bunches of posies?? [7]

Albert pointed out the positive value of history ? and its contested nature ? in his 
review of British syndicalism by Bob Holton: ?The histories of whole peoples were wiped 
out for precisely the same reason that the history of the working class movement in recent 
times is wiped out: it does not suit the conquerors for it to be known, because traditions 
keep alive the spirit of revolt.? [8]

The study of anarchism has ballooned since Albert?s death. Much solid history has been 
written and, importantly, published (not all of it by academics). Those of us who work on 
the history of the anarchist movement ? a history from below if ever there was one ? will 
keep digging. If we move on from Albert?s anecdotal approach to history, we would do well 
not to forget his scepticism. It would be unfortunate to leave history (or theory) to the 
?experts? only to find ourselves lamenting, like the ?uncontrollable? from the Iron 
Column, ?maybe we have failed to make ourselves understood?. [9]


1, See ?The Kate Sharpley Library Then, Now and Next: An Interview with Barry Pateman? 
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 63-64, October 2010 

2, Describing Cuddon?s Cosmopolitan Review, in chapter 12, pages 182-3 of I couldn?t paint 
golden angels (1996) http://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/ngf32q

3, Albert Meltzer ?Only a few intellectuals? Black Flag vol.3, no.19 page 7 (April 1975)

4, Albert Meltzer I couldn?t paint golden angels chapter 9, page 166 

5, Albert Meltzer Anarchism: arguments for and against, 2nd edition (2000), page 18.

6, Albert Meltzer ?What is the anarchist movement?? Black Flag vol.7, no.7 page 36 (Autumn 

7, Anonymous but probably Albert Meltzer ?Roon ?n? aboot : Keith Paton knew my father? 
Black Flag vol.4, no.13 page 4 (1977)

8, Cienfuegos Press Anarchist Review no.2 page 16 (1977)

9, An uncontrollable from the Iron Column, ?The Iron Column, militarisation and the 
revolutionary future of Spain? [AKA A day mournful and overcast] in Abel Paz The story of 
the Iron Column (2011) page 188.

From KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 76, October 2013 

(en) US, Solidarity networks spread as a new alternative to ?alternative labor?

We caught a break. Most weather reports promised rain, and the outskirts of Portland were 
getting soaked. But as we arrived at the meeting point there was a pause in the downpour. 
We were expecting 20 people, 30 if we were lucky. From the crowd that had formed in the 
parking lot of the pawnshop around the corner, it looks like we had more than 60. We began 
a march to our target: the gigantic Fubonn Asian grocery store. Upon arrival, we were 
greeted by private security who let us know where the arbitrary boundary was: Do not step 
over the white line. That curb is off limits. ---- This was the first community picket for 
Portland Solidarity Network?s new campaign, and people were coming out of the woodwork. We 
could see that the owners and management were watching us from the roof of the store, 
peeking over the edge to see how many protesters had shown up during their Mid-Autumn 
Festival, one of the biggest shopping days of their year. This was just a step in a longer 
escalation campaign, and they knew that there was more to come.

Marisol and Norma, who asked that their last names not be used, have suffered years of 
abuse by Fubonn. In June 2013 they both approached Portland Solidarity Network, or PDXSol, 
saying that they had been forced to work off the clock, refused bathroom breaks, subjected 
to verbal abuse, and forced to do strenuous and dangerous tasks while pregnant. The owners 
of Fubonn have consistently denied the claims and have threatened legal action if the 
campaign continues.

?When one of my co-workers made a mistake at work, the manager would yell at them so badly 
that they would cry,? said Marisol. She and Norma also reported that managers had told 
them that they ?would never hire Latinos again.?

?There was a lot of discrimination there,? said Norma. ?Because I was a female I got paid 
less than the rest.? After working there for eight years, she still only made $9 per hour.

PDXSol, along with Norma and Marisol, calculated what Fubonn owed them for the years of 
abuse and unpaid work. On June 29, Marisol, Norma and 45 supporters marched into Fubonn to 
deliver a letter demanding that the store make good on the thousands of dollars that 
Marisol and Norma are owed, and that it start providing employees with clear overtime 
documentation. PDXSol gave Fubonn a week to respond, and then the group began developing 
an escalating direct-action campaign.

?We would fight with them?

Portland Solidarity Network started in September 2011 with a small group of activists 
working on labor and community issues who wanted a strategic project that could win 
tangible demands. PDXSol began looking for winnable campaigns around town. As Alex Snapp, 
one of the founding members, explains, ?We put up posters that communicated to people that 
if they had had their deposits stolen, wages stolen, or had been suffering from numerous 
other abuses by their landlord or boss that they had a resource, and that resource was us. 
We would fight with them to get them what they were deserved.?

Participation in the PDXSol organizing committee is a prerequisite for anyone looking for 
the network to help with their fight. All members of the organizing committee, including 
the affected people, have equal say in the decision-making process. At first, calls were 
sparse, but PDXSol eventually took on some campaigns and began seeing wins. This started 
with grievances like stolen security deposits and illegitimate rental fees.

Much of the inspiration for this organizing came from the creation of the Seattle 
Solidarity Network in late 2007. Rik Huhta, one of the founders of both the Seattle 
Solidarity Network and the Boston Solidarity Network, refers to what the networks do as 
?direct-action casework.? They attract people who have radical political ideas but little 
experience building strategic and effective campaigns. ?I was hoping it would become a 
relatively simple idea for a tactical skill-set for talking to people outside your comfort 
zone and doing some real organizing,? said Huhta. Another goal was to connect campaigns 
about a variety of issues by weaving them together around their common socio-economic roots.

?When starting SealSol? ? short for the Seattle Solidarity Network ? ?we made a point of 
defining the scope of it very broadly, and this has proved to be our greatest strength,? 
explained Huhta. ?Last month we were fighting a housing agency over towing fees. Today we 
are fighting a restaurant owner over unpaid wages. Next month we might be up against a 
bank, an insurance company or a school administration.?

The approach that these networks have in common is relatively simple. Each network begins 
with a few experienced organizers, who in turn pull in one or two dozen more people. 
Together, they reach out to communities that may be having housing and workplace issues. 
When someone approaches them who is interested in fighting back, they develop a 
direct-action campaign to meet specific goals.

An alternative to the alternative

The solidarity networks represent yet a further alternative to the union-driven 
?alternative labor? campaigns emerging in recent months, such as those supporting 
fast-food and Walmart workers. While the major unions generally seek to conduct 
negotiations and make deals on behalf of their constituencies, these networks depend on 
the self-organization of people in an affected area ? people who understand that their 
success depends on the success of everyone involved. Participants in these solidarity 
networks hope that such bonds will spread throughout communities, making neighborhoods and 
workers more conscious and confident about their power.

Inspired by the Seattle Solidarity Network, people have started organizing in a number of 
other cities along similar lines, including in Providence, R.I., and Boston. As the 
precarious and part-time workplace quickly becomes the norm, few of the traditional labor 
unions have presented solutions for temporary, part-time or under-the-table workers. This 
sector, however, is where a solidarity network can shine. The Boston Solidarity Network, 
for instance, took up the case of a caretaker for a severely disabled child who was owed 
thousands of dollars in unpaid wages over his 14-year tenure. The campaign began by 
delivering demands to the trust that was paying him his wages, and it escalated into using 
direct-action tactics. Solidarity networks have become popular among radical 
anti-capitalist subcultures, although Rik Huhta insists that this approach might not be 
the most effective one in all cases ? a reality that many participants have been willing 
to recognize. ?The important thing was to see that they were actually thinking 
strategically about things,? he said, ?so if they think some other organizing model makes 
more sense, then go for it.?

Compared to a conventional labor union, solidarity networks may be difficult to scale up 
quickly since they rely on strong, local community bonds to function effectively. Also, 
lacking the legal protections (and hindrances) of the conventional union model, they 
expose participants to potentially serious risks ? such as those posed by the threatened 
Fubonn lawsuit.

Despite their limitations, solidarity networks can be a piece of the larger alternative 
labor puzzle ? one with a particular emphasis on building connections between working 
people in similar circumstances. The networks? bottom-up use of direct democracy and 
direct action may help foster more democratic practices in larger-scale unions. But first, 
these networks have to continue to prove to the communities they serve that these radical 
ideas have practical benefits. Doing so will probably be slow going; while conventional 
unions tend to fight for collective gains for an entire working staff, the casework model 
takes on only one situation at a time, with the hope that such victories will have ripple 

Marisol and Norma were pleasantly surprised by the turnout at their picket at Fubonn, but 
they are still in the thick of their campaign, and winning won?t be easy. ?It is only 
going to get more personal from here,? Alex Snapp said about the plans for what?s to come. 
But as Norma and Marisol help lead the campaign on their own behalf, they?re thinking more 
and more about the impact it will have on others.

?I want to let my co-workers know that we have rights, that we also have a voice,? Marisol 
said. ?They cannot abuse us as they were doing.?

Organisation Communiste Libertarie (OCL) - Turkey / class struggle in A Busy Factory in Istanbul (fr)

Employees of the textile factory Kazova were accustomed to receive their pay with a few 
months late. But in late January 2013, with four months of unpaid wages they found all 
licensed overnight. It is for them the beginning of a long struggle that will bring a 
dozen of them to occupy the factory to resume production and to consider another operation 
work without hierarchy. ---- In early 2013, 94 employees of the factory Kazova (clothing 
knitted cotton) learn that the plant will be sold. They have not yet received their last 4 
months of salary. On January 31, their boss, Mr. ?mit Somuncu gives them a week off, 
promising to resolve the situation and pay. When they return to the factory, it is the 
lawyers who welcome Mr Somuncu with a letter of dismissal.

With the support of lawyers Contemporary Lawyers Association (?a?da? Hukuk?ular Derne?i) 
and members of the Movement of Revolutionary Workers (Devrimci Hareketi ISCI), former 
workers Kazova refer the matter to court. The procedure is in progress.

During the following month, they organize several events and press conferences, at 3 per 
week: one to the Taksim Square in central Istanbul, one in the Bomonti ?i?li district 
where the plant is located, and to the house of their former boss.

At the end of April, to the fact that trucks come to the factory at night to take the 
machines, a dozen of them decide to respond by giving a new shape to their strength: they 
set up camp before the factory where they will stay for two months, until 29 June

Since that day is the factory itself they occupy.

From the first days of the occupation, Mr Somuncu trying to negotiate with its former 
employees by promising to pay them after 50 days if they leave the factory. It was not 
shown at all in the first five months of struggle. The occupants do not believe and refuse 
to leave the factory before getting their pay and recognition of their rights.

During the summer occupants continue to organize. They are in the factory stock of 
garments whose construction was interrupted. They finish the production, sell, use the 
money to repair old machines that are in the factory, in order to resume production in 
early September. On Saturday, September 28 they organized a fashion show to promote their 
products and their struggle to the public. Many people came to support them and they sell 
most of their stock.

The following "Occupy Gezi"
and solidarity with Kazova

The overall feel of resistance and solidarity in which diving is a part of the city since 
June Turkey has allowed workers Kazova to feel more supported in their struggle. If this 
context helped decide to occupy the factory, solidarity was also concrete repeatedly.

For the record, Gezi Park, in the heart of Istanbul, was the scene of a major uprising in 
June, against an urban project that threatened the park. The park was held for two weeks, 
until a particularly violent police operation on June 15. Thereafter, if the resistance 
movement became more discreet, it is still present in the minds of many Turks and found 
other forms of existence. After the expulsion of Gezi Park, forums, or popular assemblies 
are held in parks. These forums are less busy at the beginning but their existence is 
maintained by those who see it as a working model for future social organization.

Forums now have a role in organizing the resistance at various local struggles. Occupants 
Kazova have found support and help to repair old machines, selling their first 
productions, organizing occasional gatherings at the factory when a particular difficulty 
arises ...

If occupants are Kazova a dozen, many more are those who are willing to come support if 

Consider the future:
the cooperative

The fight is far from over. The factory building is sold to another company and the new 
owner is likely to claim his property. Ownership of machines is not clear because the 
company was in debt. The judicial process is still ongoing for the former employees of 
Kazova demanding their rights. The occupants of the factory hoping to get the ownership of 
machinery in exchange for unpaid wages. The court will decide.

Once a week the occupiers of the factory held a meeting in the old boss's office to decide 
how to proceed. Also present lawyers Contemporary Lawyers Association and member of the 
Movement of Revolutionary Workers.

Together they seek solutions in order to sustain in another room a new organization of 
work without hierarchy. They want to establish a self-cooperative in which each would not 
work more than 6 hours per day and would be paid fairly.

A portion of the profits of the cooperative is to be used to support other struggles ...

L., October 2013