Klimaat en Sociale Rechtvaardigheid ondersteunt de campagne “Jobs for Climate” van de Klimaatcoalitie.
Klimaat en Sociale Rechtvaardigheid doet mee aan de syndicale betoging tegen bezuinigingen.
Deze vrijdag 4 april om 11 uur
Noordstation Brussel
Europa en heel de wereld zinken weg in de crisis, steeds meer verergerd door de bezuinigingsingrepen. We hebben tientallen miljoenen werkplaatsen te kort in Europa en nog steeds worden bedrijfssluitingen aangekondigd. Ook drijven donkere wolken boven ons klimaat. Het laatste verslag van het IPCC stelt duidelijk dat Europa niet gespaard wordt van de klimaatontaarding en dat men nu meteen moet handelen! Nu staat het vast dat zelfs één graad stijging van de gemiddelde wereldtemperatuur rampzalig is.
Zowel de klimaatontaarding als de globale economische crisis veroorzaken steeds meer een zware sociale weerslag.
De arbeidersbeweging en de vakbonden zijn de beslissende kracht om zo snel mogelijk het gebruik van hernieuwbare energie op te leggen; om de productie te oriënteren naar het vervullen van de werkelijke behoeften van de mensen, zowel in het Noorden als in het Zuiden; om openbare energiebedrijven in te stellen ter volledige en definitieve vervanging zonder schadeloosstelling van de bestaande private kapitalistische energiebedrijven.
Wat we vandaag nodig hebben om het milieu te redden gaat samen met een fundamentele eis in deze beweging van loontrekkers: de inkorting van de werktijd met behoud van loon. Enkel zo kunnen we miljoenen werkplaatsen scheppen in een aangepaste economie.
Wij eisen:
Climat et Justice Sociale soutient la campagne «Jobs for Climate» de la Coalition Climat
Climat et Justice Sociale sera à la manifestation syndicale contre l’austérité
Ce vendredi 4 avril à 11 h
Gare du Nord Bruxelles
Le monde et l’Europe s’enfoncent dans une crise aggravée par les cures d’austérité. Il manque des dizaines de millions d’emplois en Europe et des fermetures s’annoncent encore. De sombres augures pèsent sur le climat : le dernier rapport du GIEC démontre clairement que l’Europe est largement concernée par le changement climatique et qu’il faut agir immédiatement! Il est clair à présent qu’une augmentation de la température globale ne serait-ce que d’un degré sera catastrophique.
Le changement climatique et la crise économique globale ont déjà - et auront de plus de plus - de répercussions sociales majeures.
Le mouvement des travailleurs et des syndicats est la force décisive pour imposer au plus vite l’utilisation d’énergies renouvelables, pour réorienter la production vers la satisfaction des besoins réels, tant au Nord qu’au Sud et pour imposer des entreprises publiques de l'énergie qui remplacent complètement, définitivement et sans indemnisation les entreprises capitalistes existant dans le secteur énergétique.
Les impératifs environnementaux d’aujourd’hui rejoignent la revendication fondamentale du mouvement des salariés, la réduction du temps de travail avec le maintien des salaires, qui seule permettra la création des millions d’emplois nécessaires dans une économie sobre.
Nous réclamons:
- L’arrêt de l’extraction des énergies fossiles et de l’uranium au profit de l’utilisation massive des énergies renouvelables
- Des entreprises publiques démocratiques pour la production et la distribution d’énergie, des tarifs progressifs et une garantie de fourniture minimum
- Des initiatives publiques fortes dans la recherche, l’implantation des nouveaux équipements, l’isolation et l’instruction nécessaire à l’émergence des métiers nouveaux
- La réduction du temps de travail, sans perte de salaire : stop au chômage, travail pour tous !
Contacts: Néerlandais: Wiebe Eekman 0477/89.21.89 wiebe.eekman@telenet.be. Français : Jean-François Pontégniejf.pontegnie@skynet.be ou natalie.eggermont@gmail.com
Any information or special reports about various countries may be published with photos/videos on the world blog with bold legit source. All languages are welcome. Mail to lucschrijvers@hotmail.com.
Autobiography Luc Schrijvers Ebook €5 - Amazon
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maandag 31 maart 2014
Nieuwsbrief KSR 31 maart2014 Newsletter CJS 31 mars 2014 - Bruxelles - Brussel
RAPPEL : Assemblée / Algemen Vergadering D19-20 n°4 : 31/03
Bonjour à tou-te-s,
Suite à un soucis technique, nous n'avons pu envoyé l'invitation pour l'AG D19-20. Mais voici avec du retard le rappel !
ASSEMBLÉE N°4 en 2014
Ce lundi 31 mars de 20h00 à 22h30
Rue du Congrès 17-19, 1000 - Brussels
On parlera de l'action 13 mars.
Des actions directes sont prévues entre le 15 et le 25 mai à Bruxelles et partout en Europe !
On approuvera aussi la note de fonctionnement en pièce-jointe et les propositions des groupes de travail.
Algemen Vergadering n° 4 2014
Maandag 31 maart 20u00 à 22h30
Congresstraat 17-19, 1000 Brussels
Debreifing van de 13 maart actie
Directe acties zijn voorzien in Brussel en elders in Europa tussen 15 en 25 mei !
We bespreken ook de functionneringswijze van D19-20.
Le 19 et 20 décembre à Bruxelles
On a commencé à bloque ensemble le Sommet Européen !
En 2014 on lâche rien ! On continue ?http://www.d19-20.be
En 2014 on lâche rien ! On continue ?http://www.d19-20.be
L'alliance D19-20 est une alliance non partisane de citoyen-ennes,
d'agriculteurs-trices, de
syndicats et d’associations qui luttent contre les politiques d'austérité en Belgique et en
Règles de fonctionnement
Version mars 2014
L’Alliance a été construite progressivement, au fur et à mesure de la mise au
point de la journée d’action du 19 décembre. Sur base de l’évaluation de
cette journée réussie, les règles communes ci-dessous ont été préparées par
le groupe de coordination, pour être présentées à l’assemblée générale.
Ces règles visent à développer dans le temps une alliance de citoyens et
citoyennes soutenu-es par des organisations qui décident d’adhérer à
D19-20. Nous voulons à la fois une ouverture suffisante, mais aussi
conserver la cohérence de l’Alliance, sa capacité à prendre des décisions et à
les mettre en œuvre.
Nos Objectifs
• L’Alliance a été créée pour s’opposer efficacement aux politiques
d’austérité et de libre échange, et en particulier au TSCG et au TTIP.
La mise en œuvre éventuelle d’un de ces Traités n’arrête pas notre
combat : nous continuons à lutter contre toutes les politiques d’austérité
et de libre échange.
• Notre but est de peser effectivement et ensemble sur les politiques
de la Belgique (fédéral et régions) et de l’UE. Nous voulons renforcer les
luttes contre l’austérité et pour une démocratie véritable. Pour cela
nous voulons créer un rapport de forces ; d’où notre volonté de nous
concentrer sur un nombre réduit de priorités politiques très urgentes :
austérité et compétitivité (TSCG) et libre-échange (TTIP) et montrer qu’il
y a des alternatives.
Notre identité
L’Alliance D19-20 est une alliance de citoyen-nes et d’organsiations
o Toute personne peut manifester son soutien à l’Alliance et en devenir
membre à titre individuel.
o L’Alliance est ouverte à toutes les organisations et associations qui
partagent nos objectifs et les présentes règles de fonctionnement, à
l’exception des mouvements anti-démocratiques, racistes ou sexistes.
L’égalité des femmes et des hommes et le refus du racisme font partie de
nos valeurs communes.
o Les partis politiques (petits ou grands) ou des associations dont l’objet
principal est le soutien à un parti ou à une liste ne peuvent pas être
membres de l’Alliance. Ils peuvent avoir un statut d’organisation
sympathisante ; ils peuvent soutenir la plateforme ; mais ils ne doivent
pas se revendiquer de notre soutien. Nous pouvons interpeller les partis
ou des personnalités, et chercher leur soutien ou le dialogue avec elles ;
mais nous ne leur demandons pas de nous représenter.
o Outre les organisations membres, d’autres organisations peuvent choisir
de rester temporairement observatrices, avant de décider si elles veulent
soutenir l’Alliance formellement.
o Dans le développement de l’Alliance, nous respectons une volonté de
représenter la diversité thématique (enjeux sociaux, écologiques,
économiques, de genre, culturels, nord-sud ...) et l’ensemble des régions
et communautés de Belgique (Flandre, Wallonie, Bruxelles, région
o Les nouvelles demandes d’adhésion sont soumises à approbation de l’AG.
o L’adhésion à l’Alliance n’est pas conditionnée à une cotisation ; mais le
fonctionnement le plus autonome possible suppose des contributions
volontaires, en argent ou en temps.
o Chaque organisation quitte évidemment le réseau quand elle le souhaite.
Notre fonctionnement
• Une assemblée réunit tous les membres (individus et organisations)
désirant y participer. Les décisions se prennent sur des propositions
mises à l’ordre du jour et préparées par le comité de coordination. Les
décisions s’y prennent au consensus autant que possible. Un vote peut
avoir lieu au besoin :
o Pour changer l’objectif ou les règles de fonctionnement : à l’unanimité
des présents, et avec un quorum d’au moins les 2/3 des organisations
membres présentes ou représentées.
o Pour des décisions de mise en œuvre de nos objectifs : à la majorité des
¾ des présents. En cas de vote, les organisations présentes auront le
même nombre de voix.
L’assemblée peut aussi émettre des demandes et des suggestions qui
devront être traitées par le comité de coordination.
• Un comité de coordination composé de représentant-es
d’organisations membres de l’Alliance est chargé de préparer et de
mettre en œuvre les décisions de l’assemblée. Sa composition recherche
les mêmes équilibres que le réseau global : des organisations paysannes,
des syndicats, des mouvements sociaux, issus des différentes régions et
. Ce comité est présenté et validé à l’assemblée générale
une fois par an au moins. Si l’AG accepte, il peut être complété par des
organisations membres qui demandent à y être ajoutées.
• Les rapports de décision des assemblées et comités approuvés
constituent une base de décisions que les organisations membres ou
nouvellement membre assument – jusqu’à nouvelle décision.
Méthodologie des assemblées
La composition de ce comité est la suivante, en date du 20 01 2014 : MIG ; Fugea ; CGSP-ACOD ALR ;
CNE ; CSC-ACV BHV ; Constituante ; MOC Bxl ; C.A.E. ; JOC ; CEO ; Quinoa ; CADTM, Vie Féminine
• Pour chaque assemblée, un ou plusieurs présidents de séance sont
désignés, et font respecter les règles et l’ordre du jour.
• L’assemblée peut créer des groupes de travail ; chaque groupe de
travail peut déléguer un représentant au comité de coordination. Les
règles de fonctionnement s’y appliquent comme dans d’éventuels
groupes locaux qui émergeraient d’initiatives locales.
• La méthode d’animation des Assemblées recherche la participation de
tous et toutes.
(en) Brazil, Uni?o Popular Anarquista (UNIPA) - The new wave of strikes and the tasks of the revolutionary (pt)
Road from Porto Alegre, Workers COMPERJ, Garis of Rio de Janeiro and the ubiquitous fight against Unionism State ---- Communiqu? No. 39 of the People's Union Anarchist (UNIPA) March 2014. ---- The year 2014 began already marked by important fights. The road from Porto Alegre in January-February, the workers of the Petrochemical Complex in Itabora? RJ since early February and also the sweepers city of Rio de Janeiro in February-March, are examples of struggles and strikes. But this exemplary character does not mean they are only role models but are examples to be critically analyzed. ---- The strike of road from Porto Alegre was started at the end of January. After two weeks idly, pickets and heavy ideological campaign road from Porto Alegre ended their battle in the "Court of Justice of Labor." On the 17th of February to the labor court judge decided to strike and fix the terms of the "agreement". "One of the leaders of the strike command, Alcaeus Weber said he was surprised by the defense made by the union during the trial of bargaining and considered the decision of the TRT for the victorious category, although it has been rejected by the same road at the last meeting (...) The strike of road from Porto Alegre lasted 15 days, 12 of them with no buses operating on the streets of the capital. In assembly on the last day 10, the last category refused to supply the company union, but decided to go back to work, 100% of the bus fleet in the streets " [1] . The strike of road from Porto Alegre had an internal tension between the direction of the Union of Roads of Porto Alegre, the base category and CUT opposition. The CUT opposition in Porto Alegre "road in the fight" denounce the union gangsterism, but arise in the field of "governismo" supporting President Dilma and legitimacy of state intervention by the Labour Court. Demonstration in solidarity with the strike of the road brought together thousands of students and workers in the streets of Porto Alegre. In the case of POA the union leadership suffered a counterpoint to Strike Command, Alcaeus Weber connected to CUT leader explained his capitulation to the Labour Court decision. Your assessment that the strike was "successful", despite the agreement was imposed by Justice of Labor shows how the CUT leaders try to legitimize the state's decision contrary to the decision of the category that was to reject the deal. So direction and CUT Opposition were in "hands" to suspend the strike and the state does not deepen the class struggle (developing new tactics of struggle and organization). The end of the strike in the road shows how there is a struggle between union leaders and pelegas categories in the fight, but that the groups being organized in movements governing coalition leading the strikes and struggles within the frameworks of legalism and corporatism. This form weakens the category demoralizing fights and has only produced (unlike the name "Unionism Results") defeats for the workers. Even using violent tactics such as picketing and depredations, the CUT-ruling opposition does not represent a real alternative organization for road and working class. The violent tactics, off an autonomous organization strategy does not produce wins in the long run, even in the short. The strike of road POA shows as a category will to fight, but the bodies of the existing union bureaucracy hamper this fight and systematically prevent the emergence of new organizational forms. In POA, the weapon of the bourgeoisie and the state used to disassemble the strike was "negotiation" demagoguery. Relied on the internal auxiliary. The union bureaucracy. In the case of workers COMPERJ the strike began on February 5 in defiance of pelega SINTICOM direction [2], CUT union representing workers of civil and heavy construction in the area. In trying to stop the outbreak of the strike, the union leaders were harassed and a union truck was burned. On the morning of 06/02, in retaliation, two workers who participated in the mobilization were shot, according to workers, by militants linked to union leadership. On the same day the direction of SINTICOM issued the following update: "Since the year 2012, people without commitment to workers COMPERJ, driven by vested interests have taken advantage of opportunities to promote riots and riot within the Petrochemical Complex, making this task clutter your main weapon at the expense of workers throughout Brazil. With this, cause several irreparable losses to workers in their direct and indirect benefits, all in the quest to obtain political advantages Electioneering. It is safe to assume that workers fail to thrive and move forward when walking without the aid of real, honest union, fighter classes and orderly. These people that border on criminality have no autonomy nor authorized to speak or act on behalf of workers of Construction and Industrial Assembly, and their union, SINTICOM that with its board legally established by direct vote of the class, has always been guided by act within the law, listening to the wishes of employees. Those who participate in criminal acts, as of Thursday, Itabora? if they were before, workers are no longer long. Make this your main expedient hostile activity, this worthy police. It is a crime in this country the practice of: (art. 197 CP) attacking the freedom of labor (art. 200 CP) do work stoppage followed by violence or disorderly conduct (art. 201 CP) paralyze the work of collective interest, and (art. 203 CP) frustrating right guaranteed by labor law. The terror and destabilization of the social order does not raise any relationship. The objective of this union entity is the development of Rio de Janeiro state as a whole, and in particular the Itabora? that directly receives a big investment, spread to several cities around it. This initiative aims to improve the quality of life not only for workers but for all Brazilians. Aggression desferida the detriment of the union itself, breaking and setting fire to a car on public roads, acquired with resources of workers, not counting the attack on many of our employees, including members of the committee of workers alone testifies towards that these people are not working. They are part of an "armed gang" aimed ultimately set himself in his own cause. These attitudes will never meet the true wishes of employees organized around their union. " [3] On June 08/02 the direction of SINTICOM convene meetings to assess trading and employer proposals, criticizing groups that mobilize category [4], but is obliged to accept the outbreak of the strike on 11/02, time from which pretends to direct it. Assembly workers of COMPERJ. Since then the union leadership has tried three times, in meetings that bring together more than 15,000 male and female workers, ending a strike that paralyzes in official figures, more than 70% of the category. In these failed attempts have failed demote the initial agenda that called for a 15% wage increase and food vouchers of $ 500.00, to 11.5% increase and worth 460 dollars. CUT's stance toward the front SINTICOM changed the intransigence of workers. From one moment to the next began to recognize the legitimacy of mobilization and say that direct strike and are fighting for workers. However, in practice, following bullying and layoffs in construction sites without the union leadership to act effectively to prevent anti-union practices. Indeed, the 'strategy' of the direction of SINTICOM is sitting on the negotiation table with Petrobras and the federal government, and none of the two agencies directly represent employers of outsourced workers COMPERJ. What bureaucrats do is try to negotiate a less damaging to the government output because COMPERJ this is of strategic interest and the works are already behind schedule with at least three years. Ie CUT unionists rifam the interests of workers in the interests of the government of the Party of "Workers". Car of the official union ignited by the anger of workers On 26/02 it was decided by the Assembly to continue the strike until March 10. On the 27th the labor courts considered illegal and the 05/03 strike, after the carnival, the board of SINTICOM said they would attend court order from the meeting on the 10th. However, on the morning of 06/03 used to take a bus strikebreakers for the construction site was torched by grevistas.A intervention pelega direction SINTICOM not removed the massive character of the strike of workers COMPERJ, but so far , managed to stop the demonstrations. Have the strike scavenging of Rio de Janeiro had been prepared by a movement of street sweepers, contrary to scab union, since the end of 2013. A committee of street sweepers and press denounces the direction of the Union, affiliated to the UGT, by trying to sign an agreement that does not represent the aspirations of the category. The assembly of workers going on strike. The strike began, however on the first day of Carnival, March 1. Logo on Ash Wednesday, March 05, it announced a mass layoff of workers as we can see by the news media: "According to Vinicius Roriz, president of the dealership, the city will hire other sweepers in an emergency. "We've done a contest a few months ago already has a bank of people prepared to assume the duties. So some people will ever take calls immediately and others will be able to work, "he explained. On Tuesday (4), Comlurb said it would lay off about 300 employees. The statement said the measure was taken after the group have missed work on Monday (3). The agreement between the category and ensures Comlurb 9% salary increase for about 15,000 city street sweepers. By law, the two parties had until March 31 to close a deal, but according Comlurb, "considering the motion of a representative group without interfering with the routine that had the job of cleaning Comlurb in recent days, the company and the union have accelerated negotiations and defined important items on the agenda of the claims. " The company was already in a process of negotiation with the labor union, as it does each year during the collective bargaining agreement. The strike held by scavenging Comlurb not have support of the municipal union that denied service paralyzed garbage collection. The union attributed to a "representative group without the spread of rumors threat of paralysis". [5] In another report: "In a statement released today (1), the vice-president of the Union of Employees of Companies Toilets and Conservation of the City of Rio de Janeiro, Antonio Carlos da Silva, said that" there is no movement of stoppage or strike at town Rio de Janeiro. " According to the statement, "the rumors of a threat of stoppage are being flaunted by a group without representation in the category." The union reiterated that continues to negotiate with the Municipal Urban Cleaning Company of Rio de Janeiro (Comlurb). Also note in the city of Rio, through Comlurb reiterated the information given by the union that "there is no strike sweepers in the city." The company announced that remains in negotiations with the labor union, "as it does every year in the period of the collective agreement". [6] The mobilizations of street sweepers then gave up not only out of the union leadership, but against the union structure as a whole. Workers are not an opposition that "betrays a board", but express the antagonism between the category and the process of labor exploitation, which is the union of State gear. Mass of workers enraged by poor working conditions, determined to continue the strike until victory. On March 5 justice decreed illegal strike, Comlurb announced the layoff of 300 workers, showing the repressive function of the union of State that acts as a helper of repression and bourgeois state forces in the event of strike, trying to disrupt the resistance workers. While in the labor courts POA showed his demagogic face, with the support of the leadership and opposition group to the board, in Rio de Janeiro justice showed his face of tyranny: strike declared illegal and criminalized the struggles of street sweepers. But unlike POA, where the CUT opposition accepted the order of the Labour Court and called victory defeat, workers cleaning the river kept the strike and turned into a mass strike with popular support. This factor was crucial to the outcome of the strike: the capitulation of the city hall, which dropped the layoffs announced, granting a wage increase direct and indirect benefits through [7]. The movement of street sweepers have contradictions and limitations? Yes, but he expressed the organizational and essential for the development of a class-action elements and militant unionism. The strike by dustmen became a mass strike, polarizing society, and thus taking important steps towards self-organization and class consciousness. It is possible to succeed in strikes? Yes, but for that you need to break with the unions of state, with the policy of the union federations and unions scabs. So it strikes categories should be transformed into mass strike. The struggle of the workers and street sweepers COMPERJ as well as the road from Porto Alegre, point the way that strikes each category should become a class conflict and it must turn into strikes of mass mobilization, as began to be on strike by dustmen, then forcing the municipality to retreat for fear of resumption of June days. You need to launch the slogan of solidarity strike and increase the pressure to the maximum, involve the whole class as outlined in doing victorious strike of sweepers. But to reach this capacity must be answered: what they meant these strikes? What are your relations with the popular uprising of June 2013? Answering these questions is essential to have a correct understanding and capacity for intervention. Where's the Action Unit of the Central and the Left Front? In the dustbin of history ... The UNIPA was the first political organization to characterize the protests of June 2013 as a popular uprising. While all the forces of the "left" legal criminalized protests or titubeavam, we understood that it was an uprising of the marginalized, a fraction of the class that took the centrality of street mobilizations that were initiated especially by the student movement. All communists, socialists and social democratic parties, not to mention the central and bourgeois and conservative parties viewed the demonstrations the threat of a rebellion against democracy and the bourgeois order. The PT, PCB, PCdoB PSTU and SoL (excepting a few chains) saw protests in June just a chaotic explosion of a "lumpen proletariat", which is either recognized as workers. They tried to counter the uprising of June, a national act of "core" and a "left front" (multi-party), should present themselves as legitimate representatives of the true "protesters" (read why the "peaceful") . The central and parties were terrified with the slogan of the general strike that had arisen in social networks and on the streets, and soon the State through the office of the presidency of the republic convened a meeting in June with representatives of the trade union centrals and parties. After this meeting was announced the line: unified protests make a "left front" (against the fascist threat) and in defense of the representation of the central and parties [8], the day of struggles July should be the antithesis of protests violent and messy June. "Convened at events on Facebook and postings on YouTube and Twitter by movements not identified, the general strike announced for the 1st July does not count with the support of major unions in the country (CTB, CUT, For?a, CGTB, UGT ). The stations have announced through their media, there is no downtime scheduled for next Monday (1st) and that is a cold call. President of the Central of Workers of Brazil (CTB), Wagner Gomes, said that this call has no validity and that is another action of conservative and opportunistic sectors. According to him, the CTB, as well as other plants, has its action agenda presented to their respective bases and stressed "the working men and women of Brazil know that social network does not summon stoppage or strike and, more so, the unions and the central union. They know and trust their representations. " On occasion, Wagner reported that CTB is guiding their state to hold a series of demonstrations, on 2nd July at airports in major Brazilian cities. Speaking to reporters, the secretary general of the Union Force, Jo?o Carlos Gon?alves, Juruna. "(The act) July 1 is not the union movement, of any plant, is of no union, is not in any federation. It's cold, "warned the secretary general of the Union Force, Jo?o Carlos Gon?alves, Juruna. According to him, the events scheduled by social networks are creating misinformation that do not correspond to reality. "Facebook is just a social network, anyone write what you want. The worker must follow the guidance of your union, "he said. In a statement, Treasury reaffirmed that "whoever calls general strike is not union and Facebook events. Neither the Treasury nor the other union federations, legitimate representatives of the working class, called a general strike for the 1st of July, "says the text of the ACFTU, which accuses" opportunistic groups "for creating the Facebook event. (...) In order to reaffirming their flags, working through their unions and core class as well as social movements, call for July 11 a National Day of Action with strikes and mobilizations. [9] Two were the main arguments to justify this position. The first concerned the fact that the protests have taken on the "violent forms" [10] (it would be better to speak of insurrectionary tactics with attacks on the state, capital, and destruction of property). The condemnation of the violence of the masses needed another justification. Order the right of resistance itself debunks the reactionary character of this policy. What was that argument? The myth of "bang right and fascist threat". Designed as every myth he had with reality a superficial contact: the fact that assaults occur against "leftists" in the acts and arise slogans "nationalist and anti-corruption", which belong "to the right". The fact arise in various manifestations of the slogan "outside party, outside union" was also used as a justification. This simplistic analysis relates solely to justify the policy of broad front of political parties and central government and the shield of the hegemonic political union in the country and the damnation of insurrectionary tactics employed in the demonstrations. But nothing like a day after another day. The roots of the sentiment of the masses refuse to parties and unions derive from the simple fact that the masses, following a materialist logic, call chair chair. Unions and parties act as agents of capital and the bourgeois state. The case of the strike of the POA and road sweepers RJ (like the strike of education professionals of RJ and SP in 2013) show this clearly (to name only the most recent examples). Ie, the pervasive sense 'out and out party union' express an objective relationship: the integration of parties and unions in gear bourgeois domination. The masses confuse a historical form of trade unionism, unionism itself is not surprising, since PT, PCB, PCdoB PSTU and SoL confuse unionism state and social democratic trade unionism with "itself", see no alternative outside than exist (so that accuse us of wanting to "destroy the unions" when we opposed trade unionism of State). Not differ, in that, the masses. The difference is that some want to keep this union of state for their benefit while the masses reject this unionism without even visualize how to fight it and destroy it. The unity of action of the central and left front now show their real face, for those who thought she was not naked enough. In reality, this policy is now held up to ridicule: the June days had numerous direct and indirect gains, which the suspension increasing the passage of urban transport was only one. The unity of action of the central and the left front, but also contribute to the fights? In defeat, as in the case of POA. Direction and CUT opposition only worked to dismantle the State of Greve. What is the result of unionism results? The acceptance of the imposition of the state of wage agreements that do not meet the needs of workers. The June days ("disorganized", "spontaneous", we can use all the adjectives used by reformers to disqualify the mass movement) produced concrete results. But before there was the excuse that it was not manifestations of the working class. And the strikes that followed? What is the position of the lead before the strike? Why do plants not called a strike in solidarity with the street sweepers in Rio de Janeiro? Why accepted, as in the case of CUT opposition POA, the intervention of the Ministry of Labour, without triggering a strike to continue fighting for the claims? Because, as in the case of COMPERJ the CUT trade union leadership is not going on strike to paralyze the great works? Did not, would not, will not. The answer lies in the political line of the central unions and the Communist and Socialist parties. As we shall see, this line is obstacle to autonomous organization of the masses and the development of its power to pressure and mobilization. What to do? The thesis of the "lesser evil" argument x of maximum mobilization for minimal gains A statement from a militant pro-CUT category of road POA is very emblematic. Before the intervention of labor justice and the capitulation of the leadership group and the CUT opposition, he declares: "There is a victory. She is small, but it exists. The biggest gain is implicit: true union of the category towards a goal. We managed to create a strike, the strike build and grow in the strike. " This idea is a reversal of the principles of unionism. The strike is a form of struggle. Making the strike is not a victory. But for him and a whole bunch of trade unionists, the medium is transformed into "order" to justify the absence of a militant policy in the union. The strike ceases to be a principle and a means to be an end "in itself". The claim is lowered to fit the interests of capital. The labor courts intervened and decreed the index proposed by employers. This is a defeat in the fight capital-labor. Organizational gains do not override the class struggle. Why not face this reality, the intervention of the State imposed a defeat for workers? To preserve the myth of the state as a neutral agent, fair arbiter between classes. This idea is shared by what we call social democratic unionism (and communist) and conservative unionism (State and / or corporate). The Social Democrat or Communist unionism has its theoretical, strategic and tactical foundations in Marxist theory. This theory was consolidated in the Social Democratic Party of Germany that unified socialist Marxist Democrats and Republicans (Social Democrats expressed this fusion). What was the political union of social democracy? It is the policy of the lesser evil. COMPERJ confrontation between workers and the military police. The confrontation with the state is placed, but capitulated by union scabs. The politics of the lesser evil has two principles: 1) reduce the program, policies and economic demands, to make them supposedly more viable, "acceptable" by the bourgeoisie; 2) restrict the forms of action than that legally established, not compromising the strategic activity that is the activity of the Party within the governments, parliaments and bourgeois elections, within the "order." The politics of the lesser evil is the policy of accepting a proposal lowered the boss and not fight the proposal of categories and a mass socialist program, since the party or coalition party do it through legitimate, legal and peaceful [11] channels . This thesis, accepted by Marx and Engels themselves, became hegemonic in so-called socialist and social democratic parties worldwide. Revolutionary syndicalism, anarchism which had its theoretical basis, was another who developed political union, lifting the level of organization, awareness and action outside and against the bourgeois order. The revolutionary trade union confederations were the main agents of this process. Only in Russia, Bolshevism, the left wing of social democracy, employed forms of revolutionary syndicalism in the organization, following the organization of the masses in the country. But the Bolsheviks did just an instrumental use of this form of organization. After conquering the power created the "Union State", controlled by the Party / State had a monopoly on the legitimate representative of the employees union. Every attempt at union organization outside this state should be suppressed. Fascism copied this model and Get?lio Vargas created state of the union in Brazil, as well as Peron in Argentina in the 1940s. The Social Democrats, the influence of liberal republicanism, advocate a union with some degree of autonomy from the state, the Communist parties advocate the "uniqueness" (they think the uniqueness imposed by the state is equivalent to the unit class, which historically made through the freedom to organize) because they crave a state-controlled union that might be in the future, its monopoly. Bolshevism, post-revolution, gave birth to Trotskyist and Stalinist bureaucracy and to a centrist political union. Thus, the social democratic parties and then the communist parties, adopted a very close union politics. The Bolshevik leaders themselves admitted that they could not break with the politics of the lesser evil. [12] The politics of "lesser evil" thus becomes the center of union policy, which determines all forms of organization, methods and program direction. Mainly CUT, most central, CTB and CSP-CONLUTAS. They then try to make union activity serve as an instrument of the Party, and party politics affirms the necessity of forming an electoral front to contest elections or regular convening a constituent assembly. Therefore, before the pre-insurrectional movement of June 2013, the watchword of the central unit is the front left because they feared an uprising of the people more than any attack by the State and bourgeoisie to the working class. Besides the social democratic trade unionism, have conservative business unionism, and the State. This unionism has two bases: 1) the defense of "law and order", ie are unions that are in fact part of the bourgeois state; 2) the defense of the minimal losses to capital, ie, they represent the interests of business to the workers and not the opposite. This unionism is represented by the Union Force, UGT, NCST and the Confederations officials and thousands of notary unions. Hence, there is a conservative business unionism and defending the interests of the employer, a policy and supposedly pragmatic method (results). And there is the Social Democratic and Communist unions advocating that one should accept the "lesser evil" in political union, while the party fights the "greater good" in the state. But as the parties themselves capitulated in the state and can not perform any renovation, the entire system of trade union and party representation is in crisis because they simply have no real function for workers. The long experience of betting on reformist blocks (in the 1960s, the PTB block, nationalists, PCB, Communists and now the years 1990-2013, the PT, social democrats and communists) is crumbling before the workers. But the collapse of reformism is not inevitable. Reformism, just as capitalism will not fall alone, someone needs to take him down. What's left to do? The anarcho-communist alternative and most diverse small Marxist groups (autonomists, Maoists, Trotskyists, councilists) is to ignore this and not worry about the race of the masses, the majority. Or fall in isolation or hipness and sectarianism. And do not reflect present no proposal. The anarchist, Bakuninist alternative is revolutionary syndicalism, is to change the strategy and tactics of union politics. Unlike the "lesser evil" Anarchism advocates the policy of maximum mobilization to conquer even the least materialistic method of mobilization. The activity of local resistance should be connected to a claiming program to develop class consciousness and association. Ie, you must use the tactics of a general strike, solidarity strikes, the resistance box to support dismissed. The tactic of maximum mobilization is expressed in June 2013: marches, occupations, boycotts and roadblocks on a national scale can concrete results. This tactic assumes the centrality of the autonomous organization of the class in the revolutionary process. And history shows: the class struggle is hard, and only after sequences of general strikes, insurrections, wars and crises and major macroeconomic policy changes were made. And it is in this context of widespread insurgency that a socialist revolution is possible. But it is possible a revolutionary syndicalism in the midst of many difficulties, demagogy, repression and bureaucracy? Yeah Revolutionary syndicalism arose and developed amid repressive contexts such as the current and adverse. But we still have a strategic advantage: we are entering a world cycle of class struggle, in which internationalism and revolutionary syndicalism are favorable objective and subjective conditions. The task today is to build revolutionary syndicalism as an alternative to pasta. We need to understand how the situation requires us to take on this task. Loft and turned historical: organizational dilemmas of the new strikers struggles Revolt of the workers Jirau in 2011 puts into question the government and union scabs Just as we were the first to state that in June 2013, Brazil was a popular uprising, now affirm: we are in an upward cycle of strikes which the main contradiction is between union status (as union leaders or even groups of social democratic opposition, as CUT) oppositions and categories of workers, or to use a metaphor from clearer direction (organization leaders) and bases (categories in the fight). The hallmark of this cycle were strikes at construction sites of the CAP, especially Jirau when workers attacked and destroyed facilities of the company and the union. This upsurge of strikes and struggles is associated with a number of objective and subjective conditions. We must remember that in ultramonopolista stage of capitalism, some systemic movement is occurring: 1) The international division of labor have led to the deepening of the expansion of capitalism in the countryside, the relative reprimarization of the Latin American economy in Brazil and intensification of environmental and land conflicts; 2) The impact of these dynamics on the previous industrial structure and strategies of the Government Lula / PT, led to an association of the industrial bourgeoisie, especially companies "auto", the financial capital (which was interested in loans, especially for car purchases but also many others) and the agrarian bourgeoisie which is investing in ethanol production and forms of energy; 3) The combination of industrial restructuring, with neoliberal reforms that deepen precarious employment, increasing outsourcing and other forms of super-exploitation in national and global The popular uprising of 2013 in turn showed how marginal proletariat and other sections of the proletariat (industrial, in commerce) feel not only the operation in the sphere of production, but also the movement (transportation costs, health which prevents a way of life). So the struggle to reduce the prices of transport and its efficiency is not a fact of minor importance. There is a whole occupational diversity in the fraction of marginal or precarious proletariat: workers overexploited industry, trade and services, workers under various forms of precarious employment and self-employment, underemployment and etc.. The fragmented and repressive character of labor relations may mean that workers are unable to perform under a public model and open the union or that he can not act in and as a category. But the historical experience of the nineteenth century and the experience of the uprising of June in Brazil teach a few things: the mobilization can occur not only because of contradictions generated in the sphere of production (in the workplace and having as object wages, working hours and working conditions) but also because of contradictions generated in the sphere of circulation (ie, exchange and consumption), hence the importance of issues such as public transportation, inflation and price and quality of public services, which also affect life and reproduction of workers and oppressed sectors. Hence, too, the importance of the issue of collective rights posed by popular uprising. The fight in this sphere is also anti-capitalist. But the characteristics of marginalized workers are: 1) are subjected to long working hours, 2) having to live in the suburbs, pay dearly for transport services and have poor housing, education and health, 3) they are subjected to various types of discrimination and repression; 4) work under severe repression and without freedom of organization without labor and unemployment insurance guarantees in flexible working systems, in units of small and decentralized production. They take action for many of the characteristics of living under this condition. Another aspect of class analysis is the analysis of class struggles. Consider here the indicator of strikes: From 1998 to 2002 there is a radical decline in the number of strikes in Brazil. One of the main explanations for this is exactly demobilizing work to favor the election of Lula as president. Between 2002 and 2008 the number of strikes is reduced to the lowest level since 1985. It is under the effect of the global crisis of 2008 strikes back level to intensify. The Dilma government can not have the same tools of containment and control, the union bureaucracy fails (as we have already indicated in 2010 in our Fourth Congress). In 2012 we have the largest number of strikes since the year 1997 (March in the fight against privatization in the 1990s). At the same time, according to IPEA estimates, in 2008 were 6 million outsourced in Brazil. In 2011 were already 11 million, or outsourced duplicate number and entry coincides with a resumption of strikes. In this sense, the strikes were taking place against the will of the union leaderships and the year 2013 was when this trend of labor protest and social frustration crossed with other demands, enabling the popular uprising. Consider the graph of the time series: Thus the data seem to suggest that the experience of finding that marginal proletariat bureaucratized unions, conciliators in 2009-2012, explains the anti-union sentiment and anti-party which was expressed in the streets. Because in reality, many of these workers must have had prior experience in corporate frustrated and ineffective struggles strikes, there have fallen, when they had the opportunity, in large general collective struggles, creating a subjective expression of latent classism that clashes with corporatist unions. An analysis of this dynamic allows us to raise some hypotheses: 1) and the delayed unions were unable subordinates as directions, to put as a reference for the uprising, ending any type of fetish in the workers' revolutionary innatism exalted by Marxism; 2) the collective struggles (education, transportation, land), has anti-capitalist content (against neoliberalism and statism) and anti-imperialist, economic and political sense, indirect (because even if giving the sphere of circulation, they increase the indirect wage workers, thus reducing the margin of capitalist accumulation or creating difficulties for state accumulation and investment in these other sectors considered strategic) and direct (when the wage struggle and investment in public forms implies changing the balance of the appropriation the Union budget to the work thus negating the capital). We are a global cycle of struggles with objective and subjective bases that favor the development of revolutionary syndicalism. But you need to create an organized force capable of transforming this potential into reality. Here lies an historic dilemma: advanced struggles, insurgent tactics emerged in June 2013, must intersect with the struggles of categories, under penalty of them remain in parallelism and weaken, allowing a resurgence of the union bureaucracy. Under the apparent fight leftist organizations (CUT CTB) and right (For?a, UGT and etc..), The real contradiction is between types of conservative / corporate and social-democrata/comunista unionism. You need to explain that the fundamental contradiction is the masses with unionism state, whether social democratic or conservative, and you need to walk to forms of autonomous organization. The dilemma lies in the fact that despite the objective contradictions produce fights, not necessarily those struggles produce alternative and sustainable forms of organization capable of maintaining the autonomy and combativeness of categories. As we can see from the case of strikes Jirau, which marked the beginning of hard struggle against the union bureaucracy, but it managed to restore protection on construction sites thanks to lack of an alternative. "The 25 thousand workers of hydroelectric plants on the Madeira River in Rond?nia, went on strike today amid negotiating annual adjustment. Since construction began, there was always strikes in this period of negotiations. For now, only the consortium Santo Ant?nio Energia confirms the strike, given the morning of Tuesday. But by early afternoon, also Jirau workers decided to stop the services. However, unlike previous years when there were riots and violence in at least one of the works, the weather this year is relative tranquility, as reported by telephone Claudio Gomes da Silva, president of the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Workers in Construction affiliated to CUT (CONTICON). Claudinho participated in meetings today in Jirau and Santo Ant?nio plant. - In the two assemblies, workers rejected the proposal of business and decided to await the completion of stalled negotiations. But unlike the other times, it's all quiet. The union has total control of stoppages. The National Pact (presented by the Planalto Palace) did a job very well done, and this strike complies with the rules, with workers being extremely correct in their conduct within its normality - Claudinho said. Strikes in large projects across the country, mainly from the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), led the General Secretariat of the Presidency last year to develop this national covenant, so that businesses and workers would improve their relationships and avoid atritos.O according brought advances such as union representation in the workplace, but has not been fully implemented. " [13] As we see, the union bureaucracy has launched a counteroffensive. Are by all means trying to protect the workers' movement, so as not to disrupt the interests of capital. The union acts to regulate the action of workers now in Jirau to prevent fights undertake systemic interests. Flag Opposition Forum for Base (FOB), an organization that advocates the reconstruction of Revolutionary Syndicalism, flutters in the march of the strike of sweepers in Rio de Janeiro. The analysis proves Strikes: Do not just denounce the bureaucracy, not enough to participate in militant street protests, not just stay in the contradiction between the right and left organizations who advocate capital pro-union policies. Not enough to fight, you need to turn the battle in autonomous and sustainable organization. Hence the historical responsibility of those who claim to be anarchists: the task of organizing themselves as anarchists to build revolutionary syndicalism and organize as workers compete for the masses, tearing claws of the bureaucracy, the bourgeoisie and the bourgeois state movement and the struggles of workers. Everything outside of this task is illusion. So do not just fight pelegas union leaders, we need to fight against unionism state. Not recognize or fold before the intervention of the Ministry of Labour or the Labour Court; strengthen commands and strike committees base, strengthen the organization for the workplace. Create union oppositions which are embryos of future revolutionary syndicalist confederation. This is the task of anarchists and revolutionaries on the situation of strikes. Enough of Illusion: It's Time for Action! Organized people will make revolution! ---- Notes: [1] http://g1.globo.com/rs/rio-grande-do-sul/noticia/2014/02/rodoviarios-de-porto-alegre-celebram-vitoria-e-encerram-estado-de-greve.html [2] http://economia.estadao.com.br/noticias/economia,comperj-no-rio-amanhece-com-greve-de-trabalhadores,177344,0.htm [3] http://www.sinticomrj.com.br/visualizar_noticias.php?id=60 [4] http://www.sinticomrj.com.br/visualizar_noticias.php?id=61 [5] http://g1.globo.com/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2014/03/multa-para-sindicato-dos-garis-aumenta-para-r-50-mil-diz-trt-rj.html [6] http://jcrs.uol.com.br/site/noticia.php?codn=155553 [7] "Garis and mayor of Rio de Janeiro reached an agreement at the end of Saturday night, with proposed salary increase of 37 per cent ending the strike started at the beginning of the carnival and leave large amounts of accumulated garbage in the city. The agreement was formalized in a conciliation hearing at the Regional Labor Court, according to the mayor, who had to give in before the carnival started negotiating to end the strike. " ( http://br.reuters.com/article/topNews/idBRSPEA2800120140309 ) [8] http://www.pragmatismopolitico.com.br/2013/06/greve-geral-no-proximo-dia-1o-e-boato.html [9] http://www.pragmatismopolitico.com.br/2013/06/greve-geral-no-proximo-dia-1o-e-boato.html [10] "On the other hand, also deserves our condemnation the minority that takes advantage of these events to vandalize public property and cause inconvenience to the lives of passers-by." Treasury Note, June 2013 [11] A Bolshevik leader wrote: "The social democratic reformist parties and trade unions often advocated in recent years the theory of the" lesser evil ". The reformists advise the workers accept a wage cut of 8% instead of 12% that employers "require" (not without prior agreement with the reformists). Then represent a victory this "profit" of 4% in favor of the workers. The social democratic parties hold the most odious laws that oppress workers with exorbitant salary contributions and gnaw on the pretext that the government and the bourgeoisie had intended to require workers an even higher tribute. And present it as a victory of the workers. " ( http://www.marxists.org/portugues/piatnitsky/1930/mes/forjar.htm ) [12] "How do you explain this inability to boot the working masses of the Social Democrats and Socialist parties and the reformists and gather, organize, and retain in our ranks who went to the Communist Party and the revolutionary trade union movement in the capitalist countries? Mainly by the fact that the reformist and social democratic traditions are still deeply entrenched in all areas of activity of the Communist parties, the red unions and union operations. " http://www.marxists.org/portugues/piatnitsky/1930/ mes / forjar.htm [13] http://oglobo.globo.com/economia/trabalhadores-de-jirau-santo-antonio-voltam-entrar-em-greve-8009562
(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #237 - The republic of Centre: The daily struggle (fr, pt)
In the Loiret, social plans raining. One of the latest is that the employee concerned 78-es of the local daily La R?publique du Centre. Result: the redundancies and the closure of the printing of the newspaper. However, between November and January, the employee-es of the Republic 'fought... ---- In 2010, the group center France, whose flagship title is the Clermont daily La Montagne, bought La R?publique du Centre. In a logic of capitalist concentration, it is to find a way to more and better stuff its shareholders since 2009, ten shares were repurchased by Centre France! Of course, this ensures a comfortable income to these media owners with 223.5 million euros in turnover in 2012. Yum... but not for everyone: the group decided last November to restructure to further increase its profits. With, for the occasion, a social plan of 230 job cuts across the group including 78 in The Republic. Central France is a rogue boss... like no other! The employee-are seeking to mobilize quickly. CFDT section, the majority of the site, and organizing an event for the job Nov. 16 in Orleans. How to fight? Delegations from other boxes are also threatened with closure in the street that day, including those of FagorBrandt and TRW, but also inter-departmental CGT, FSU, Partners, Unsa, CGC, which calls for the event. These beginnings front against dismissals not have unfortunately suites. Unions and the Dem group 'decided to play the card of negotiations with management. And he gives them that "social dialogue" as touted by the MEDEF and Holland? Nothing. January 18, interrupting the publication of the newspaper, the employee-es of the Republic 'are the obvious choice: the renewed strike. On January 28, the strikers "sequester" for 24 hours the CEO and HRD. Their claims? Ensuring that the printing of the newspaper Saran will not close. We only speak to them severance pay of 7,500 euros per head pipe while unions stopped on an allowance of EUR 20 000 for each licensed-e[1]. What excited, that's for sure... Occupation, requisition, self But on Jan. 31, it is an agreement that contains only "guarantees" on dismissals which was signed across the group by the majority unions. And too bad for jobs and the working tool! In these conflicts, the "social dialogue" is a showcase for premium starting hand: but it is the maintenance of the activity that must be defended at all costs. Faced with layoffs, it is urgent to carry the requirement of new rights, including the right of veto employee-es on dismissals for which militates Alternative libertarian. For those who produce the wealth, it is the workers, not the bosses. Care companies close, radical action and the question of the requisition and self-management working tool: these are exciting opportunities for employee-es. For revolutionaries and union struggle, the challenge today is to get to bring these issues among workers. It is not an easy task: but can we dispense. Collective AL Orleans [1] See Release of Thursday, January 30, 2014.
Brazil, Anarquista Gaucha - Issue No. 29 - Year IX - March 2014 - 50 Years of the coup: the crimes of the state follow effective (pt)
We live in an emblematic moment in our country, with the increase of political social activists and political organizations, surveys with absurd and unreasonable accusations and persecutions constant attack by the mainstream media to social struggles, distilling their class hatred, your lies and painting a reality existing only in their heads. The demonstrations are a constant target of "intelligence" officer who snoop, spy, classifies and identifies protesters they deem dangerous criminals, vandals, subversive. The demands of the low are ignored by governments and treated as a police matter. All this in a year that marks the 50th anniversary of the civil-military coup of 1964. There is a legacy of this period and the criminal and perverse nature of capitalist domination maintains its validity. The anniversary of the coup in the current state nothing democratic right We need to contextualize the situation in which we live from the mechanisms and legal and ideological devices left by the civil-military dictatorship. Mechanisms and updated by the devices and practices used by repressive governments shift to neutralize and suppress social struggles apparatuses. The coup d'?tat civil-military March 31, 1964 was a blow to the ruling class, responsible for the repression, for the kidnapping, torture, imprisonment and murder by not only militants but of all oppressed people. Indigenous peoples and Maroons were also targeted by the dictatorship, which removed many of broad social and political strata of the population while widely spread fear and conservative mentality that seems to be reatualizada in our era of democratic rule of law. If we can not say we're at the gates of a dictatorship or even a police state, yes we can say that there is a growing wave of repression, criminalization and restriction of political and social rights. The state continues committing crimes and it's no wonder that, according to UN data, the homicide rate in Brazil is 43 thousand per year. World Cup General Law, Anti-Terrorism Act and the Ordinance of the Ministry of Defense "Guarantee Law and Order" are examples of how this government "progressive" Dilma / PT is conducting its policies and how is giving answers to the guidelines claim required in the days of struggle of 2013, returning to the scene with force early 2014. The demonstrations are treated as cases of police and classified between "good" and "bad" events. Women and men are arbitrarily arrested, beaten, humiliated and exposed by the bourgeois media. That's not to mention the daily violence suffered by men and women from the suburbs, who are kidnapped, murdered and treated like animals (like the case of the black worker who was dragged by a car in the AM Rio de Janeiro). Masks are prohibited, houses and public offices are raided, scarecrows are created, used for scapegoats absurd assemblies that are clearly aimed at pursuing political ideologies and militant organizations. Social movements are treated as likely to be fought by own military maneuvers and tactics of a war context "Opponents Forces" and. Want to end the right to strike and free expression during the World Cup. This is an environment in which, as in civil-military dictatorship, state repressive apparatus and the mass media operate together as a shock element of the system of capitalist domination, chasing and riding factoids incessantly against social activists. Did not begin in 2013, will not end in 2014 The days of struggle of 2013 opened up new possibilities in our country. Possibilities of gestation of a new period of clashes with new features, against the forces of order in peleia for better conditions of work and life. The experiences of direct action, of mass mobilization and strong repression experienced by large sections of the population left marks that we can see in all the struggles of the beginning of the year. The postal strike and road in Porto Alegre and struggles for water cutting and street barricades in the metropolitan area of RS, a strike by the workers and street sweepers Petrochemical Complex Itabora?, RJ; street mobilizations against the World Cup World and numerous other strikes that are triggered throughout Brazil demonstrate that the cycle of days open by 2013 struggles are far from being closed. If you do not see the same massiveness 2013, jumps out the combativeness of these struggles. Their characteristics indicate a greater radicalization and leadership bases, which in many cases has hit the pelegas union leaders and won victories. It is the fear that these struggles have continuity and deepen in their degree of organization and radicalization that above and their lackeys have trying at all costs to intimidate and finish the fight from below. The mainstream media want to forge consensus and pave the way for a fierce fusillade against repressive social activists. In Rio Grande do Sul there is an intensive campaign against some social fighters Block Struggle for Public Transport and combative against the state teachers teaching. Clearly political and ideological police investigations has been constructed as a form of intimidation. Until " establishment of private militia " appears in the charges. Located in Santa Catarina the focus of police crackdown with arrests and human rights violations are held to keep the model of capitalist exploitation in public transportation. In addition to the arrests, criminal cases are sent to try to punish the people who organized struggle for zero tariffs and a public bus transportation company. In S?o Paulo we see the use of troops "ninja" and effective ever greater police - between troop ninja, shock, tactical force, cavalry, etc.. - With the clear intent to intimidate and restrict the right to demonstrate the / of the fighting, and in Rio de Janeiro, were the street cleaners who had to face a strong media campaign willing to delegitimize their historic strike, a stubborn conservative mayor not meet their demands and a military police who acted as the old "captains of the woods", the same police who murders hundreds of daily claudias and Amarildos. In the wake of this major campaign, aiming to forge a consensus and impose an order marked by apathy of an obedient people against the excesses and abuses of the above, to ensure a "left" tamed the election schedule, to transform acts on mere civic protests with conservative purposes, we have dozens of cases of repression, abuse and political-ideological persecution around the country. This is an intense psychological warfare that these resources come untied against the left that resists social pact stitched by turn government in alliance with the ruling classes and bureaucracies of various social movements that increasingly are losing their force to assimilate mere NGOs The death of cameraman Santiago Andrade in a tragic accident in Rio de Janeiro is the biggest example of how this psychological war being waged on a national scale. With it, try to justify the approval of the infamous anti-terrorism law to which they wish to prevent the popular sectors and the left overcome the tragic dispersion and disorganization that characterized the last years. When the real reason is the fear of the ruling class before a new cycle of struggles marked by another political culture that is not rooted in institutional illusions, but in the popular role in direct and grassroots work everyday action. It is amid this climate of intense psychological warfare we see the current "progressive" governments rehearsing a one-two with the oligopolies of the press, the same that repeatedly accused him of sabotage them and create a coup environment. Whilst the mainstream press and denounces plant factoids, many state governments, with the approval of the Dilma government, do not hesitate to follow the tram and authorize search and seizure warrants, indictments frauds, infiltration, intimidation children, ninja troops and everything else that is necessary for their social pact neodesenvolvimentista and its celebration from mega-events like the World Cup and the Olympics. thus reveal what their real political and class character. We have no doubts regarding our role as libertarian left revolutionary intent. It is up to us to defend the ongoing struggles and organization of the sectors that comprise the oppressed classes to gain the depth and intensity necessary for the advancement we prevent this state of repression and criminalization of social struggles. The unit of bass is not only desirable but extremely necessary in the circumstances in which we are living and the illusions fed by a left electioneering must be questioned, because our emergency room will not fit on the ballot of the above! If no rights to the people, will not be eating for the rich. Our memory to be our fight yesterday to today! Dictatorship ever again! Stop the criminalization of protest and social activists with the organization and strength of the streets! Surrounding Solidarity to all (as) (as) fighting!
Soirée de Soutien: Passage de frontières - Bruxelles - Belgique
Samedi 05 avril dès 19H00 (croisement rue des coteaux – rue van hoorde (1030 BXL), nous vous invitons à une soirée de rencontres, de partages et de solidarités.
Nous avons le grand plaisir d’organiser cette soirée à deux voix, entre deux moments politiques. Le premier, qui aura lieu le 9 avril, concerne le procès en appel de quelques opposants à la politique migratoire actuelle. Deux manifestants ont été poursuivis lors d’un rassemblement en septembre 2010 devant le centre fermé 127 bis avec comme seul élément d’accusation leur présence sur les lieux. Ils risquent des peines de prisons ainsi que de lourdes amandes. Ils ont fait appel de la décision en première instance afin de dénoncer une attaque supplémentaire à la liberté de manifestation et d’expression. Le second, c’est la semaine du 21 au 29 juin, l’accueil de la caravane européenne des sans-papiers et des migrants pour l’égalité, la dignité et le justice sociale. Entre mai et juin 2014 plusieurs collectifs de migrants « sans-papiers » convergeront vers Bruxelles pour une semaine d’actions afin de dénoncer les politiques européennes répressives qui touchent les sans-papiers, les réfugiées et les migrants. L’énergie que nous déployons pour passer l’épreuve de la répression judiciaire doit s’articuler avec les luttes des migrants « sans-papiers » aujourd’hui. Car la solidarité n’est une arme que si elle rend possible la rencontre entre des collectifs hétérogènes.
Ce qui résonne de l’un à l’autre c’est le même refus d’une politique migratoire européenne répressive, meurtrière et xénophobe qui rend possible l’exploitation des travailleurs migrants, la dégradation des conditions de travail ainsi que la manipulation des fantasmes morbides des noms de l’ « étranger », du « clandestin », du « Rrom », du « djihadiste », du « terroriste » … « Nous témoignons que la peur crée des limites, les limites génèrent la haine et la haine ne sert qu’aux oppresseurs. Nous comprenons que les migrants et non-migrants sont interconnectés. Quand les droits des migrants sont rejetés les droits des citoyens sont en danger. » (Migrant Manifesto).
Les migrations et ceux qui les font (les migrants) mettent en cause les frontières d’une autochotonie imaginaire, ils nous sauvent du dépérissement et du replis identitaire. La présence des migrants est un événement politique en Europe. Mais pour que cette puissance devienne politique, il faut des droits effectifs ! C’est pourquoi nous appelons à l’instauration d’un droit nouveau de la circulation des humains, de leurs résidences, de leurs installations, de leur travail et de leur sécurité sociale qui s’établisse par dessus les frontières nationales. « Parce que nous appartenons à la Terre, toute personne a le droit de pouvoir choisir son lieu de résidence, de rester là où elle vit ou de circuler et de s’installer librement sans contraintes dans n’importe quelle partie de cette Terre » (Charte Mondiale des Migrants)
Les luttes que mènent les migrants « sans-papiers » pour l’égalité des droits et pour la dignité ne sont pas des luttes secondaires, un épiphénomène qui ne concernerait que quelques dizaines de militants dédiés à la cause et une poignée de citoyens dont le chemin puis la conscience ont croisé ceux de ces exilés. Elles appellent un élargissement de notre conception de la justice et de la responsabilité. Une des conditions premières de la possibilité de mener une existence digne, aujourd’hui, est de pouvoir circuler librement.
Ce qui résonne de l’un à l’autre c’est le même refus d’une politique migratoire européenne répressive, meurtrière et xénophobe qui rend possible l’exploitation des travailleurs migrants, la dégradation des conditions de travail ainsi que la manipulation des fantasmes morbides des noms de l’ « étranger », du « clandestin », du « Rrom », du « djihadiste », du « terroriste » … « Nous témoignons que la peur crée des limites, les limites génèrent la haine et la haine ne sert qu’aux oppresseurs. Nous comprenons que les migrants et non-migrants sont interconnectés. Quand les droits des migrants sont rejetés les droits des citoyens sont en danger. » (Migrant Manifesto).
Les migrations et ceux qui les font (les migrants) mettent en cause les frontières d’une autochotonie imaginaire, ils nous sauvent du dépérissement et du replis identitaire. La présence des migrants est un événement politique en Europe. Mais pour que cette puissance devienne politique, il faut des droits effectifs ! C’est pourquoi nous appelons à l’instauration d’un droit nouveau de la circulation des humains, de leurs résidences, de leurs installations, de leur travail et de leur sécurité sociale qui s’établisse par dessus les frontières nationales. « Parce que nous appartenons à la Terre, toute personne a le droit de pouvoir choisir son lieu de résidence, de rester là où elle vit ou de circuler et de s’installer librement sans contraintes dans n’importe quelle partie de cette Terre » (Charte Mondiale des Migrants)
Les luttes que mènent les migrants « sans-papiers » pour l’égalité des droits et pour la dignité ne sont pas des luttes secondaires, un épiphénomène qui ne concernerait que quelques dizaines de militants dédiés à la cause et une poignée de citoyens dont le chemin puis la conscience ont croisé ceux de ces exilés. Elles appellent un élargissement de notre conception de la justice et de la responsabilité. Une des conditions premières de la possibilité de mener une existence digne, aujourd’hui, est de pouvoir circuler librement.
Les migrations sont l’expression embryonnaire mais actuelle d’une forme de justice sociale. Elles sont la conséquence directe des ravages coloniaux ainsi que de la continuation de la domination économique de nos pays sur le reste du monde. L’immigration, au XXème siècle, a fourni des armées entières de soldats et d’ouvriers qui sont morts au combat ou usés par le travail pour le plus grand bénéfice des États européens. On aura beau ériger des frontières, construire des murs et des enclos, diviser, classifier, hiérarchiser, chercher à retrancher de l’humanité ceux et celles que l’on aura rabaissés, que l’on méprise ou encore qui ne nous ressemblent pas ; il n’y a qu’un seul monde et nous en sommes tous des ayants droit.
Prix d’entrée suggéré à 5 euros, selon les moyens de chacun
Programme :
19H30 : Repas
20H30 : mots d’accueils et prises de paroles à l’occasion du procès des inculpés du « NoBroder »
21H00 : concert BARBAZMARI (Jazz)
21H45 : présentation de SP-Belgique et de la caravane pour l’égalité, la dignité et la justice sociale
22H15 : MAIA CHAUVIER & Cie.
23H00 : Concert TROTSKI TULSKI (Jazz-manouche)
23H45 : MISE*EN*SCENE (ska punk)
00H15 : Mots de clôture
SP-Belgique http://spbelgique.wordpress.com
Comité de Soutien CAS-NoBroder comitedesoutienbxl.blog.com
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