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zondag 9 mei 2021

#WORLDWIDE #WORLD #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - #Anarchism from all over the #world - SATURDAY 8 MAY 2021


Today's Topics:

1.  anarchist-federation.gr: Class resistance against the new
      working middle age. All and all in the streets on 6/5!
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2.  US, Workers Solidarity Alliance - SF Bay Area May 1
3.  Pakistan; Workers Solidarity Initiative: Black and red
      salute to the anarchist martyrs of Chicago 
 4.  France, UCL - Le Mans, The match needs fuel (ca, de, it, fr,
      pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5.  Turkey, genc isci: We Are Walking On May 1st! in the shadow
      of the corona crisis. (tr) [machine translation]
6.  Greece, APO, Land & Freedom - Sindos, Department of
      Obstetrics The university also contains (para) 
      rapists [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
7.  France, UCL AL #315 = Culture, Read: Zetkin Collective,
      "Fossil fascism" (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]
8.  US, macc: Join us for our very first MAY DAY -- Care
      Assembly! (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
9.  i-f-a.org: Mayday 2021 greetings from the IFA Secretariat
      (ca) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
10.  Anarchist Federation of Central America and the Caribbean:
      CARIBBEAN POST Publication No. 01 of the FACC -bWall
      between the
      Dominican Republic and Haiti.(ca) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

This year, May Day marks a very important milestone for the struggles of the
working class. The Covid-19 pandemic acted as an accelerator of the structural
crisis of capitalism, plunging even more into poverty, misery, unemployment, and
impoverishment the oppressed and exploited, proletarianizing a significant
portion of the middle classes and increasing the wealth of the great. The blow
that the government is preparing to the working class is unprecedented. But they
will find us stubbornly against them, because the class struggle is not
suspended. We honor the dead of the working class, continuing their struggles. We
will not allow conquests to be lifted for which the people of our class toiled
and gave their lives.

During all this time, the state has proved once again that it cares for the
interests of the ruling class. The dismantled public health system, cuts in
public spending on social welfare, the gradual privatization of health,
speculation and rampant competition in the pharmaceutical industry have cost the
lives of many poor people who are excluded daily from their benefits due to their
class status. are public, free and free to access to ensure a dignified life for
all. The ND government has made the policy of rescuing and strengthening big
business a priority, fulfilling the wishes of the owners of large clinics and the
bosses of the tourism industry. He stuffed the regime media with money, to
incessantly propagate the narrative of individual responsibility and to lick the
government and its executives, in order to obscure the criminal responsibilities
of the deeply class policy pursued by the government, to manipulate and
incriminate society. In addition, it spent a large part of the annual state
budget on armaments expenditures that further deepen the Greek state's
involvement in imperialist rivalries and war preparations, while in the interior
priority was given to recruiting police officers and EPOs, upgrading and
expanding its equipment. Putting society on ice with the health-related lockdown,
at a time when people are crowded every day, in the absence of infrastructure and
security measures, in the workplace and in the MMM,

The government found the opportunity through the complete abolition of social
life and the restriction of the respective freedoms, to proceed to the adoption
of anti-labor and anti-social measures, considering that it will not meet
resistance. He had the audacity to exploit the pandemic opportunistically and
ultimately to slander those who resisted the underestimation of our health, our
work, our lives. However, she encountered massive social resistance on the
educational front, in the hunger strike of Dimitris Koufontinas and in the
demonstrations in the neighborhoods and squares, which is why she was forced to
fold a lot, focusing on the impending profitable and without any serious open
plan. tourism and possible early elections.

The next step in the government's planned offensive against the social base is
the complete deregulation of labor relations, which aims to take us back a
century in terms of labor rights. The new labor bill comes to put an end to the
8-hour work, which was conquered by the working class with bloody and long
struggles. Now, companies will be able, when they consider that there are
increased needs, to employ their employees even for 10 hours having the
corresponding legal coverage of the state. The extra working hours are supposed
to be returned to the employees in the form of leave or by reducing working hours
on other days, something that can not be guaranteed, of course, by the
arbitrariness of the employer, the dismissals, but also the fact that many
employees work part-time. Most, The working week of 30-50 hours is provided with
the combination of 6-hour and 12-hour work. The legal overtime increases from 120
to 150 hours and the respective company will be able to adjust the working time
according to its needs, thus dismissing the employees, who will be deprived of
overtime surcharges. The work on Sundays is planned to be extended to new sectors
besides trade (see transport, IT, logistics, data center, telephone exchanges,
digitization of paper file, production of ready-mixed concrete). With the
permission of SEPE, Sunday work will be allowed in some other branches as well
(see examination centers, service of extracurricular activities of private
schools, maintenance of school buildings, adaptation and upgrade of information
systems). Individual employment contracts will now become the norm, trying to
leave employees alone and suspended in the face of boss pressure. Class unionism
is targeted, trade unionists file, electronic voting is called for strikes, which
provides for 40% security personnel, the employer's right to lock-out and a ban
on occupying or blocking the workplace. Finally, teleworking and work through
platforms are being consolidated, which implies the further elaboration of labor
relations. which provides for the operation of security personnel at a rate of
40%, the employer's right to lock-out and the prohibition of occupation or
exclusion of the workplace. Finally, teleworking and work through platforms are
being consolidated, which implies the further elaboration of labor relations.
which provides for the operation of security personnel at a rate of 40%, the
employer's right to lock-out and the prohibition of occupation or exclusion of
the workplace. Finally, teleworking and work through platforms are being
consolidated, which implies the further elaboration of labor relations.

The government presents this new working middle age as a modernization of the
outdated labor law of Greece and as a necessary concurrence of domestic labor
relations with European requirements. He tries to sell us these tales in a
cynical way, in order to extract the orderly consensus and social peace. That is
why immediate responses must be given by the working class, its unions and its
initiatives. There is an urgent need to mobilize the strikes on May Day and to
support the strike from below organized by the base unions and the primary unions
at the end of May.

The trade union organization of the workers is a necessary condition for the
defense of their class interests. To strengthen, then, the unbridled class trade
unionism and to make it a vehicle for the necessary mobilization and
counterattack of the workers.

To organize our struggle for decent working conditions, wages and benefits that
will meet our needs. Let us not allow the state to put the gravestone in our
conquests and in the middle of our struggle. The realization of our class
interests, our class enemy and the solidarity between us to become the driving
forces that will mean the reconstruction of the class resistance and our frontal
conflict with the state and capital. Only with our own forces can we prevent the
barbaric attack methodically coordinated by state and capital. We have no
illusions about the reform of a structurally unjust and exploitative system, nor
do we trust our workers' struggles in the bureaucratic and submissive trade
unionism of GSEE and ADEDY. We have no time to lose,

We call in support of the strikes of Labor Day, against the new anti-labor bill,
on Thursday, May 6:

Athens: 11:00 at the Propylaea.
Thessaloniki: 10:30 in Kamara. We support the common a / a block.
Corinth: 11:00 at the Labor Center and 18:00 at Floisvos.





Anarchist Federation
Site: anarchist-federation.gr
Twitter: twitter.com/anarchistfedGr
Fb: facebook.com/anarxikiomospondia2015
Youtube: Anarchist Federation



Message: 2

Today is International Worker's Day. This holiday was started by the labor and
sociaist in many countries in the 19th century to honor the Haymarket Martyrs --
four leading figures in the labor movement in Chicago at the time of the May 1,
1886 general strike for the Eight Hour Day. All were also members of the
International Working People's Association (IWPA). ---- The IWPA was a group of
workers active in the Knights of Labor -- the main union backing the eight hour
movement -- but they were also active in building their own radical independent
union in Chicago -- the Central Labor Union. Their radical goal was a
"cooperative commonwealth" where workers would be managing the workplaces. But
they saw this as a goal the working class would have to build through its own
democratic mass organizations. Thus the unions and worker direct struggle were
central to their strategy for working class emancipation. They also believed that
this movement had to be open to all workers -- in keeping with the slogan "An
Injury to One is an Injury to All." Unlike the Knights of Labor, the IWPA were
opponents of the anti-Chinese racism that led to the Oriental Exclusion Act.
The IWPA and the Haymarket Martyrs did not believe that the working class could
liberate itself -- or effectively advance its goals such as the eight hour day --
through a strategy based on electoral politics. They saw the politicians and
parties of their day as corrupt and the American state as repressive. But they
did believe in a strategy of mass, democratic organizing. For them the unions
were the main potential source of power working people had. Thus it wasthe mass
democracy of worker participation in unions that they looked to in building a
strategy for change.
By theearly 20th century this type of viewpoint came to be called "revolutionary
syndicalism." International Worker's Day was intended by the labor and socialist
movements to highlight the worker solidarity the Haymarket Martyrs died for.
Theconcepts of solidarity, democratic worker-controlled unionism and worker
liberation by overcoming the capitalist regime are still vital ideas today.



Message: 3

In the 19th century, the condition of American industrial workers was not only
worse, but worse. The situation of women and children was also bad and
unemployment was on the rise. There were also skilled workers in this
unemployment. Immigrants have been on the rise since 1880. Due to which the
number of unskilled workers continued to increase and there was practically no
law for industrial workers in the country, so the working hours of the workers
were either 18 hours and 16 hours and after 1870 children. Child labor had
doubled and the workplace environment was so poor that the death rate among
workers and children was higher than in other countries.
Under these circumstances, in 1870, the Anarchist Comrades formed the "Eight
Hours League" to fight for the rights of the workers and demanded that the
working hours of the workers should be 8 hours.
The strike on May 1, 1886, at the McCormick Harvester Company, in which workers
were demanding eight working hours. Meanwhile, police attacked them, killing
several workers and injuring many more. A public meeting was held on May 4, 1886
to protest against this open massacre. Held at Market Square. The meeting was
coming to a peaceful end. The last speaker was addressing the audience. The
police pounced on meeting attendees with heavy and hard to disperse them. Then
suddenly something flashed and exploded in the air and many people were killed.
The incident was never investigated as to who was involved in this incident.
Police arrested several people, including eight.?Anarchist comrades were also
present. They included Albert Parsons, August Spies, Louise Ling, Adolf Fisher,
George Angel, Michael Schwab, Samuel Felden and Oscar Nappe. During the trial of
these comrades, employers 'organizations (especially the Citizens' Association)
and American newspapers launched a full-fledged campaign against them, and
eventually American court judges and juries sentenced five comrades to death for
prejudice against anarchists. , Michael Schwab and Samuel Felden were sentenced
to life in prison and Oscar Nappe to 15 years.

  The blood of the anarchist martyrs of the market will always be a symbol of
struggle for us and with this blood we will make history for the struggle for the
rights of the workers not only of Pakistan but of the world.



Message: 4

We are going to open in Le Mans a place which will be a space for struggle,
sociability and the dissemination of revolutionary, anti-capitalist,
anti-patriarchal, anti-racist, internationalist and anti-authoritarian practices.
This self-managed place by those who want to invest in it will also be open to
anyone who will only want to participate in activities or organizations,
associations and collectives that can meet there, all in accordance with a shared
charter, without domination or discrimination. ----
Screenings-conferences-debates, website, solidarity kitchen, pooling of tools,
library, provision of meeting rooms and equipment, so many tools that will allow
us to promote the emancipation of individuals and promote an alternative to the
economy of profits.

Exciting project, isn't it ?
Which, what luck, you can already participate by helping us to finance the local.
A one-time donation, which will give you the possibility of attending the place
for a year, or a monthly donation, which will give you this possibility each
month of payment. You will thus become an ordinary member, and will be able to
become a full member as soon as we start operating.

To contact us: lallumettelefeu@libremail.net
To fuel the Match: https://tinyurl.com/f49suekw
For more information: The charter - Union Communiste Libertaire Sarthe
To share on Diaspora: https://diaspora-fr.org/posts/3c325d508ad30139eb3f32a01d0dfba2
To share on facebook:
Thank you in advance to you !!! CNT 72, UCL 72 and their friends



Message: 5

This is our second May 1, when we walked in the shadow of the corona crisis. ----
Since the beginning of the corona crisis, we have been asked to either work or be
imprisoned at home under all circumstances. Either hunger or virus... During this
15-month period; We have witnessed various variations of persecution, from
starvation to death. Secured working conditions that were not provided before
were completely forgotten with the corona crisis. ---- As if it was not enough
that we were exploited, we were branded with Code-29, with immorality. While the
bosses who stole our lives were patted in every new ban called precaution, we did
not have a single moment when we did not feel the pressure on us. In the shadow
of the corona crisis, we are walking to May 1, again and with new bans.

Once upon a time we were absent. Some prohibitions drove us to starvation, some
worse. We were everywhere. On the engine, at the head of the grille, between the
racks... Sometimes we were visible and sometimes not. While some of us have been
working under inappropriate conditions with the virus for 1 year, some of us only
had the chance to work for 1 month. Should we say, "If we are workers, this is
our destiny"?

The Prohibitions of Power But Protect the Bosses

Is it our health or the wealth of the bosses, which is protected by the sum of
"measures" where the curfew is prohibited but production, distribution and
service are not stopped? We are those who were forced to work and will be
employed in those days. The current bans, like the previous ones, destroy life.
This continued exploitation continues its conditions. It justifies the violation
of bosses. In response to these bans, the number of cases in the tables is
expected to decrease. Our lives are reduced to an uncertain number of cases.

In this process transforming from an epidemic into an economic and social crisis;
We have always been blamed, as if they were responsible for all of this. Yeah; we
did not fit the distance, we did not wear a mask, we did not take care of our
cleanliness. None of those who said these wore a mask for 8 hours continuously.
None of them once attempted to finish the grocery queue quickly within minutes
before the ban began; chief on top of it, with the manager on camera. While none
of them were counting minutes on the engine, they were not under the vehicle
coming from the opposite lane. We stayed and we continue to stay.

Aside from the maps painted in yellow-orange-red according to certain needs,
turquoise tables consisting of uncertain numbers; We know very well the reasons
for the real picture created that has been neglecting our lives for 15 months.
The bosses who always want more profit, their never-ending passion for production
that never meets our needs... And the governments that offer package support to
the bosses, delete tax debts, and give credit on credit while distributing alms
to us so that this cycle can proceed smoothly.

 From Baldur to Cargill, from Galataport to Migros, from PTT to Sinbo, from SML
Label to Yemeksepeti ...

State assurance to bosses every time they get stuck; uninsurance, part-time
charity, full-time overtime, all kinds of manipulations for the sake of
de-unionisation... They came across us with these all over the geography. They
continue the attack with their chief, manager, yellow union, scab, boss, police,

Now, those who ban the streets on May 1 with the excuse of an epidemic want us to
be at work on May 1. They prove once again that the bans are about interests, not

While we carry the contact plates for 12 hours a day, fold and replace a sweater
that has been tried over and over 40 times, while finishing the endless long
queues, gas-braking until midnight, we talk to each other that the prohibitions
are not related to the epidemic, and that we cannot escape except to organize.

Today, we say to those who ban the squares that they cannot prohibit life. We are
the organizers of this life, the workers. We know that solidarity and resistance
are inevitable for us workers in the face of all oppression and we are marching
to May Day as young workers!

We Are Walking On May 1st!

We are those who have been on strike for months, those who want their job, those
who are unemployed; those who committed suicide, we were injured; we are those
who died on the engine, were killed. Resisting detained in front of the boss's
villa, handcuffed and tortured, "Enough is enough!" we say.

Those who try to prevent May Day with these cheap bans must have forgotten, let
us remind you:

We are the ones who created May Day with a general strike saying "8 hours a day".

As the creators of May Day in 1886 said, "If you believe that by hanging us you
will destroy the labor movement, a movement that attracted millions, millions of
workers in poverty, do not stop, hang us! Here you will destroy a spark, but
there will be other sparks in front of you and everywhere behind you. This is a
fire that burns inside. You cannot put out this fire. A day will come when our
silence will be much stronger than the voices you drown today. Long Live
Anarchism! " we say.

We are the ones who will break through the crises they call pandemics as well as
the prohibitions they call precautions!

We know that the real virus is the bosses, the real epidemic is capitalism, like
its name!

We are the ones who see the helplessness of this parasitic herd in the face of
resistance and solidarity, who do not try to stop, silence and leave us alone!

And on this May 1st, we are walking with our hands that created the world, with
our hearts carrying a new world, with our daily growing struggle!



Message: 6

In September 2020, interviews of former female students of the obstetrics
department of ATEITH (now DI.PA.E.) were published on the internet, concerning
allegations of sexual harassment. The first incidents date back several years.
These involve a professor of the department who also practices the profession of
private gynecologist in the city. ---- The former female students complain that
the said professor approached female students and isolated them in his private
practice. To achieve this she used various pretexts, such as the provision of
free gynecological examinations, help with classes and the educational training
of female students. According to the complaints, his approach then deviated from
the original purpose of the visit, violating the medical protocol during the
gynecological examination and insulting the sexual dignity of the complainants.
It is important to emphasize that the complaints concern serial abuse of the
sexual act. We prefer to avoid the transfer of details, as we read them in the
media and as they have been described to us. In any case, these included
non-consent to the acts committed and harassment in order to impose the
perpetrator's power.
These events were not isolated in the end and the situation has taken legal
action. The trial has already received two adjournments since September and the
next trial is set for June 24. To this day, the accused remains irrevocable in
his position, not only as a professor of the obstetrics department in
Thessaloniki, but also as an active private doctor in the city. His attitude
inside the classroom is particularly provocative. In every circumstance given to
him during his lectures, he refers to his court disputes, characterizing them as
"unfair" to his person. He attributes them to pointless disputes created
revengefully by his former female students, who allegedly projected aspirations
for academic and professional development,
Only his lawyer appears in court and in the media. With its placement, it also
conveys the clear attitude of its client. He characterizes the accusations as
false and unfounded and invokes the scientific and professional prestige of his
client in order to reduce their credibility. In fact, the defense line ends with
the lawyer emphasizing that each of the complainants filed a lawsuit hiding her
own backward intentions. In this way, lawyer and defendant try to downplay the
seriousness of the charges.
This rhetoric stems from the rhetoric built by the culture of rape. Based on
this, the victims, when they get the courage to report the facts, are targeted as
responsible for their rape and for that they have to be silent. In the same
context, the question "why now" arises, which aims to disorient us as to the
guilt of the only person responsible for these acts, namely the rapist. So, in
the end, those who are convicted are the women themselves who were raped and the
judiciary triumphs for its success in delivering justice.
Following the publication of the facts, current obstetrics students addressed the
president of the department and the rector of the institution for the immediate
removal of the professor, while complaints against him are pending, without,
however, their proposals being heard. Specifically, the rectory authorities
invoked the principle of the presumption of innocence of the Greek criminal
procedural system, ignoring the fact that it can work the other way around,
favoring the accused in the trial. Above all, however, their desire to invoke and
abide by the law is remarkable, while at the same time they provocatively ignore
the law which stipulates that those who hold a position in an educational level
and are accused of crimes against sexual freedom are put on a self-imposed
holiday (Law 3528/2007, article 103). Of course, it would be better to put aside
discussions about the academic ethics that a university institution is supposed
to promote, but also the indifference of the university authorities to exposing
the current students of that professor to a possible danger.
Following the publication of all the above, we consider that we must take a
public position on the issue and we are called to do so as we are directly
affected by this situation. And this need of ours contradicts what we have
received so far as an attitude from institutions and non-institutions, regarding
the case. The attitude of the rectory authorities was analyzed above. As for the
fellow professors of the accused in the department, the medical association to
which he belongs and the other medical and obstetric associations of the country,
their silence is scandalous. All this makes us wonder which, social and not only,
correlations can be found behind. Let us not forget that the way in which the
proceedings of the case began contained something paradoxical about the ideals of
the judiciary. The first complaints came anonymously, exposing the problems of
the operation itself. After all, justice is structured from above for them and
the law is made to defend the interests of the powerful. As a result, we have
seen many times how the law is applied in cases of sexual crimes. Victims in the
courts suffer a second humiliation and a degrading treatment that reaches such a
degree of twist that they are finally treated as perpetrators. The law, thus, is
the institution,
relations, discrimination, hierarchies and privileges.
Analyzing further the circumstances, we find that systemic medicine is not at all
cut off from gender and class discrimination, on the contrary it is structured in
such a way as to reinforce them. Thus, incidents of sexist and authoritarian
behaviors by doctors are not isolated cases nor are they due to any mental
peculiarity. Through social competition, medicine, and more specifically
gynecology, is in many cases used as a field of sexist behaviors. In this
context, rape is inextricably linked to the imposition of power and is an extreme
form of the imposition of patriarchal power. The educational system performs a
similar function,
Returning to our initial view of the situation in higher education institutions,
we see that there are many cases of sexual harassment, teacher arbitrariness and
partisan exploitation, a fact that has recently emerged in other universities in
the country. We consider that the above are not at all unrelated to the semantic
extensions of the new educational law. We remind you that the
Kerameos-Chrysochoidis law seeks to impose order in the universities through
practices, the purpose of which is obvious to us. We can not imagine how, in such
cases, female students who decided to take action against teachers with abusive
or authoritarian behavior would escape the threat of the disciplinary board and
would not come to second thoughts about their claims. Nor can we believe that the
original expediency of these laws deviates much from the above.
In conclusion, in the public interview, the perpetrator's lawyer promised that
this trial will have many surprises. We agree! The move to write this text came
unexpectedly, as our presence in the courtrooms during the trial will be
unexpectedly supportive, as well as our stand next to every rape victim who puts
them in front of the claim of his personal dignity and reputation. with monsters.
We clearly state our full solidarity in the judicial - and not only - struggle of
the victims highlighted by the events. And this of course reflects our attitude
towards any authoritarian behavior that falls into our perception.

Solidarity is our weapon

Struggle against patriarchy and the system that gives birth to it

Liberal scheme of students of DI.PA.E.



Message: 7

The anti-fascist struggle is an ecological struggle, and not only because getting
rid of fascists is good for our political and social environment, but because
there is a visceral link between the defense of fossil fuels and racist policies,
warmongers, nationalists and authoritarians peculiar to fascism. ---- This is the
thesis of the Zetkin Collective (tribute to Clara Zetkin, Marxist activist and
feminist author of one of the first studies on fascism in 1923), a group of
scientists and activists who in 2019 created the first international conference
on political ecologies of the extreme right. ---- Starting from the observation
of the simultaneity between the rise of the extreme right and the disruption of
the climate, the Zetkin collective seeks to see if behind this concomitance there
would be any causality and tracks down the links, historical and present, between
the extreme right and the climate issue.

Black gold and white race
The authors first analyze the current conjunctures of climate and nationalist
policies. Two patterns emerge: a virulent nationalist climate-skepticism in
Bolsonaro sauce and, on the contrary, like the True Finns party, a recognition of
the climate crisis which conveniently reinforces their racism, the white nation
constituting according to their speech the best shield to face it.

In the second part, the authors seek to make sense of all this by engaging in a
climate-political modeling exercise that is based on a comparison of the
discourses and policies of current far-right movements with their classic
European form of the interwar period. On the one hand, it emerges that
whitewashing and hydrocarbons have gone hand in hand for a long time, that there
is a structural link between racist colonial policy and the exploitation of oil.
Beyond the colonial aspect, the authors assert that "the climate policy of the
extreme right has developed in conjunction with certain persistent material
interests of the dominant classes".

This book therefore calls for vigilance. If it is not possible to describe the
future, we can, in the light of what the authors of the link between
climate-skeptical policies and the extreme right present to us, imagine that the
abandonment of fossil fuels will not happen. will not do without violent and
brutal confrontations. Far from being a new struggle whose universal character
would abolish national and social borders, which the authors characterize as a
"post-political" illusion , the struggle for the climate comes into direct
opposition with class interests whose he extreme right, who intends to take
advantage of it, will always pose as a defender.

David (UCL Grand Paris Sud)

Zetkin Collective, Fossil Fascism. The far right, energy, climate (coordinated by
Andreas Malm), translated from English by Lise Benoist, La Fabrique, October
2020, 368 pages.



Message: 8

TOMORROW, MAY 1ST 1PM - 6PM ---- TOMPKINS SQUARE PARK ---- Manhattan,  ----
enapehoking ---- RSVP HERE! ---- All of MACC is invited for a masked-up day of
care politics and care exchange! ---- We'll outline the politics that guide us
and our community agreements and talk care politics, with breakout groups and
participatory-style political education. Then we will have a care exchange! ----
To facilitate the care exchange, come to the assembly with a care offer to share
with others and a form of care you would like to receive! It can be an object, a
skill, a performance, a task, etc. Share your care offering and care request
prior to the event using the links on our May Day Care Assembly Loomio thread!
During the exchange, we'll match up folks based on the spreadsheets (adding
offerings/requests that come in during the event itself). Some people may be able
to exchange at the assembly, others may make plans to meet up and exchange later.

If anyone joins the assembly late and misses the political education portion,
members of MACC Mutual Aid will do one-on-one intros to the Principles,
Protocols, and Process doc and give folks a sense of how the care exchange works.

Let's try to make the Care Assembly welcoming to all of us!

Come fragrance-free to make our little part of the park more welcoming to
comrades with chemical and scent sensitivities (here's how, and here's info on
BIPOC-friendly skin/hair products!). Here's a map of park access and facilities,
which will be wheelchair accessible and stair-free in any spot we set up. We'll
also have chairs and blankets to share. While this care assembly won't have
active interpretation, our care exchange will be accessible in written, oral, and
virtual formats. If you'd like any assistance coordinating accessibility needs
for this or future assemblies, reach out via the Tockify RSVP form or email
maccmutualaid@protonmail.com. On May Day, you can ping our Accessibility Signal
Loop and ask for Alex, our Access Point Person for this event, to help figure
things out.

Take Action with

After the Care Assembly, join Brandworkers members and El Hormiguero to support
immigrant workers unjustly fired by Tom Cat Bakery! Four years after they hid an
ICE audit from immigrant workers they fired, the company's refusing to pay one
penny in fair compensation and adopt workplace protections workers need. Public
pressure is helping push Tom Cat to finally settle with workers. Come for a
lively socially-distanced consumer education action at Tom Cat's largest fresh
bread customer.

Consumer Education Action
May 1st, 5:30-7:30 pm
142 E 14th St, New York, NY 10003


See flyer

Calendar of Events

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https://macc.nyc/events for upcoming reading groups, actions, events and meetings!



Message: 9

1st of May 2021. Greetings of the Secretariat of the International of Anarchist
Federations (IAF/IFA) ---- AUDIO READING: www.youtu.be/VLl6VXhT-A4 ---- The
Secretariat of the International of Anarchist Federations sends its greetings to
this international meeting for May Day 2021. Founded in 1968 at the International
Anarchist Congress in Carrara, the International of Anarchist Federations
continues carrying out the values of social justice, antiauthoritarianism and
internationalism that inspired the struggle of the Paris Commune 150 year ago and
of the five Martyrs of Chicago 135 years ago. Still inspired by these values, our
member federations are committed to build an anarchist alternative for a world
that is increasingly devastated by the crimes of capitalism, the logics of states
and armies, the ever-growing environmental depredation.

In the last year, this situation has been tragically worsened by the current
world pandemic, whose consequences are burdening the working class. Exploited and
oppressed people are those most affected by the pandemic, and at the same time
most committed to protect everyone's health. Yet, in various regions of the world
we are witnessing the deterioration of the living and working conditions of
hundreds of millions of people. In many countries the military budget has been
increased and war tensions between states are exacerbating alongside a growing
concert of racist, fascist and nationalist propaganda. Governments all around the
world are strengthening security measures, tightening control and repression on
their populations and are widening the power of police forces. Meanwhile, all
over the world, an increasingly segregated population is living in total
deprivation in places such as poor neighbourhoods, detention camps for migrants
and prisons.

Nevertheless, in every corner of the world there are forms of resistance. In some
cases movements of struggle are not only resisting the harshening of
authoritarian policies but they are trying to create an alternative. We stand
with people revolting in the USA against racism and police, in Nigeria against
special security forces, in France against a new police state, in Chile against
the militaristic neoliberal State and the genocidal violence used to repress the
Mapuche people, in Great Britain against patriarchy and gender violence. We are
with those who are struggling for equality and liberty against dictatorships in
Turkey and Belarus, and against authoritarian regimes in Thailand, Myanmar and
Indonesia. Where it is present, the anarchist movement is an active part of these
struggles, trying to develop their revolutionary potentialities and to counter
any authoritarian degeneration. In various regions of the world anarchists are
engaged daily, defending spaces of freedom, supporting striking workers, building
solidarity and mutual aid networks to tackle poverty, gender violence,
inaccessibility to protective equipment and medical treatment.

While it would be impossible to summarize all the activities which are being
supported by our comrades and federations in different countries and realities,
these include experiences of mutual aid which include, among other possible
examples: Creating groups of mutual aid that help one's
community/house/neighbourhood to cope with the virus, for instance with
distribution of food, protection equipment and medicine; Opening up new spaces
for living and for making cultural activities, including occupations of spaces by
homeless peoples; Circulation of books, journals and other supports and
explanations to deal with the crisis; Promoting and practically implementing
anticapitalistic alternatives to the existing economic system such as solidarity
shared funds; Promoting activism to support abused and vulnerable groups such as
indigenous people.

Now, more than ever, it is necessary to strengthen the internationalist dimension
of anarchism, to oppose the ongoing authoritarian processes and to relaunch a
revolutionary perspective in a world that capitalism and state have brought to
the point of collapse. In this May Day, a date which is crucial for both our
history and future, we confirm and continue our worldwide fight for fostering
internationalist solidarity in the workers' movements worldwide, to go ahead
building day by day the new world that we bring in our hearts.

In solidarity
The IFA Secretariat

Web: i-f-a.org
Secretariat: secretariat[at]i-f-a.org
Social Media: @IntFedAnarchist

AUDIO READING: www.youtu.be/VLl6VXhT-A4



Message: 10

The Dominican president announced in his speech on February 27 the construction
of a "gate" wall along the entire Dominican-Haitian border. According to this to
control merchandise traffic, illegal immigration and "ensure territorial
integrity" ---- In the midst of a pandemic and the worst economic crisis in
decades, nationalism and xenophobia are again stirred up as a means of
distraction. Wasting resources that could well go to help those affected by the
pandemic, strengthen the health system, buy vaccines or try to solve some of the
many historical problems that affect the Dominican people. Proving once again
that partisan and state politics is totally disconnected from social reality and
from the problems that affect the majority. Politicians are in an eternal
electoral campaign and will say anything to maintain their popularity by making
people forget the evils that affect them. It is not going to be that we realize
that they are the problem and that more than solutions over and over again they
only offer circus, and of the worst kind: feeding the hatred between 2 brother
peoples. That among many things they share being governed by leaders who use the
border issue as a ball of smoke every time popular discontent begins to grow.

Mur between the République dominicaine et Haïti.

The Dominican president to annoncé dans are discours on the 27th February the
construction of a death "bearing" across the Dominican-Haitian frontière. Selon
cela, to control the traffic of dealers, l'immigration illégale and "to guarantee
the territorial integrity" Au milieu d'un pandemie et de la pyre crise économique
depuis des décennies, the nationalism and the xenophobie aret à nouveau
encouraged comme moyens de distraction. Gaspiller of resources that serve well to
serve the personnes touchées for the pandemie, to reinforce the system of santé,
acheter des vaccines or essayer of resoudre certains of names of historical
problems that affect the Dominican people. It proves a plus that the political
party and ethics is totally disconnected from the social reality and the problems
that affect the majority. The politicians are of the eternal electoral campaign
and the amount of money that is to be mainstreamed and popularized in faisant
oublier les maux qui les affectent. It will be the country where the problem is
given and what is more than the encore and encore solutions, the ones that are
off the cirque, and the pyre: nourrir la haine between 2 frères peuples. Parmi
beaucoup de choses qu'ils partagent, they are from Gouvernes by the leaders who
use the question of the frontiers as a boule de fumée jacket that is the popular
contentment begins to grandir. They are the problem and that more than the
solutions encore and encore, they are not off the cirque, and the pyre: nourrir
la haine between 2 frères peuples. Parmi beaucoup de choses qu'ils partagent,
they are from Gouvernes by the leaders who use the question of the frontiers as a
boule de fumée jacket that is the popular contentment begins to grandir. They are
the problem and that more than the solutions encore and encore, they are not off
the cirque, and the pyre: nourrir la haine between 2 frères peuples. Parmi
beaucoup de choses qu'ils partagent, they are from Gouvernes by the leaders who
use the question of the frontiers as a boule de fumée jacket that is the popular
contentment begins to grandir.

Wall between the Dominican Republic and Haiti .

The Dominican president announced in his February 27 speech the construction of a
" gate " wall across the entire Dominican-Haitian border . According to this , to
control merchandise trafficking , illegal immigration and " ensure territorial
integrity " In the midst of a pandemic and the worst economic crisis in decades ,
nationalism and xenophobia are being encouraged again as a means of distraction .
Wasting resources that could well go to help those affected by the pandemic ,
strengthen the health system , buy vaccines or try to solve some of the many
historical problems that affect the Dominican people . Proving once again that
partisan and state politics is totally disconnected from social reality and the
problems that affect the majority . Politicians are in an eternal electoral
campaign and will say anything to maintain their popularity by making people
forget the evils that affect them . It is not going to be that we realize that
they are the problem and that more than solutions over and over again they only
offer circus , and of the worst kind: feeding the hatred between 2 brother
peoples . Among many things they share being governed by leaders who use the
border issue as a ball of smoke every time popular discontent begins to grow .



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