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zaterdag 19 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #COLOMBIA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Colombia: Huila ULET-AIT Regional Federation International Working Women's Day - Neither mistresses nor slaves. (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 Every March 8th we go out to the streets, groups of women, boys and girls,

feminists, transfeminists, non-binary, sexual diversities, workers, students,women, we go out to vindicate the just struggles historically given by women insearch of our freedom, of equal rights, of equal duties on the part of men, wecame out as a form of rejection before a society that continues to commodifycommemorative dates, making it visible that they continue to kill us, that theymutilate us, that they violate us, because of our status as women, by femininityor lack of it.We take to the streets making it visible that we are doubly exploited, in ourjobs and in our homes, that the work of caregivers continues to be deposited inwomen, that the labor gap exists and we continue to earn 30% less than men, thatunemployment affects more proportion to women. That under the current social andeconomic model we will continue to be slaves.As women, we are not only crossed by class hierarchies, but also by colonialracial hierarchies, which violate us, make us precarious, make us invisible. Thechallenges are very great, and each step in history has shown us that we canovercome them, that little by little, the differences and socially imposedexclusion diminish. The road is long, but strong feminisms.The 8M is a date of union and vindication, we will continue to make visible,denounce, accompany, fight and confront this patriarchal State by appealing tothe emancipation of women, to a society without hierarchies, to the freedom ofbeings. We will continue to fight against double exploitation, against the lackof labor and social guarantees, against the objectification of our bodies,against the belonging of what we are.Finally, we reject and condemn the actions of provocation and appropriation thatAlbaro Hernán Prada tried to carry out by wanting to show a false solidarity withthe act that took place in front of the Neiva mayor's office on #8M. As women, asfeminists, as communities, as sexual diversities, we condemn those who havehistorically denied the rights of women, a diverse community. And more to a partylike the democratic center that has condemned the country and women to a policyof death, making the importance of women in the construction of a better and newcountry invisible. Rejection is for all forms of authority. We want each otheralive and free.Where there is awareness of inequalities between women and men and the intentionto overcome it, there is feminism.------------------------------------------------International Day of Working WomenHuila ULET-AIT Regional Federation 08/03/2022 0Nothing to celebrate!March 8 is the result of historical feminist struggles, as women doubly exploitedby the macho society and the patriarchal State, we vindicate and commemorate thedate, as a sign of the barbarity committed against working women, as a symbol ofhope and work against the work that remains in the search for our labor rights,which range from the recognition of working at home, to closing the gap in laborand participation.The invitation is extended to participate in the commemoration, to strike, toclaim our rights, there is still a long way to go, but together it is possible.Feminism will be anti-racist.Feminism will be Antifascist.Feminism will be anti-Uribe.Feminism will be anti-militaryFeminism will be above all revolutionary!Or it won't be...  https://huila.uletsindical.org/2022/03/dia-internacional-de-la-mujer_10.html_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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