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zaterdag 19 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #WAR #UKRAINE #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Italy, Cafiero fai roma: UKRAINE. STOP THE WAR (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 The precipitate of the war confrontation in Ukraine for the geopolitical control

of energy resources sees the US, EU and Russia confront each other, highlightingthe complex geography of the availability and market of gas resources and alsoinvolves the interests of other states such as China and the countries of theEastern Mediterranean including Turkey. ---- We are faced with the confrontationof nation states that move through the neoliberal and neocolonialist architecturewhere the rules of profit and exploitation are the masters and not the realsocial needs that concern the majority of the world population such as health ,education, culture, transport, environment and work.In recent days, the bombing of Russia in the Donetsk region has begun and themilitary positioning of NATO countries including Italy are underway. Themilitary, land, air and naval assets currently cost our country about 78 millioneuros and the military missions, on potential hot fronts, have seen 33 millioneuros allocated by the Italian state in 2021, in full pandemic, for the missionconducted in recent months in the Baltic countries, 17 million euros in the DeadSea and Eastern Mediterranean area, 27 million in the military mission in Latvia.It is the prices of gas and the taxes imposed by individual states that determinethe cost of the tariffs that we find ourselves having to pay in our electricityand heating bills, therefore the Ukrainian crisis is exposing theresponsibilities of governments and especially companies, of yesterday and today,which in the name of profit around the energy market, in the front row of ENI,are continuing to pursue their economic speculations undisturbed in addition tothe environmental devastation of the territories.In the middle of the pandemic, the infamous choices, hitherto supported by thestates, once again fall on the whole of society, on the population hit by theRussian bombings of recent days in that region, on the economy of our country interms of military investments in the first months of 2022 already increased by3.4%, with the record increases in tariffs in effect in the first quarter of 2022(1 January - 31 March) of + 55% for electricity and + 41.8% for gas.All this is happening in our country to the detriment of urgent social needs suchas health, education, transport which in the new PNRR provide for furtherprivatization of services and low funding compared to the real needs in ourcountry of workers, pensioners and pensioners, students and female students. andabove all of the social groups even more marked by the current economic crisis orby the lack of income, precariousness and unemployment.Stop the war and military spending. Stop to military missions and servitude.Anarchist Group C. Cafiero FAI Romehttps://cafierofairoma.wordpress.com/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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