Sicily is an integral part of the ongoing military confrontation between Russia
and the US / NATO; his involvement is direct, daily, precise due to the role thatthe military base of Sigonella and the MUOS of Niscemi are playing, engaged inthe take-off and control of the spy drones that have been flying over the skiesof Ukraine and the Black Sea for weeks. But the presence of unexplored orpartially activated gas fields in the eastern Mediterranean, or the need tocontrol Libyan crude oil fields and refineries, increase their strategic rolegiven the driving function that the energy question has in the ongoing conflict. From the base of the Plain of Cataniathe P-8A "Poseidon" patrol boats go foranti-virus operations as far as the eastern Mediterranean, the Black Sea or theRussian base of Tartus in Syria; often in the skies there were realconfrontations with Russian fighters, but also at sea, when, in early February,the Russian military fleet from the North and the Baltic passed through theStrait of Sicily, "escorted" by aircraft carriers and ships from war of NATOcountries, including the Italian Cavour.The annual exercisescalled "Dynamic Manta", for training in hunting andneutralizing enemy submarines, took place in this electric climate from February21 to March 4, off the ports of Catania and Augusta, in the lower Ionian Sea,with the presence of vehicles from war of Canada, France, Greece, Italy, Spain,Turkey and the USA. The port of Augusta served as a refueling base, while thecivil airport of Catania Fontanarossa was also used for the take-off of theanti-submarine helicopter squadrons.Thanks to the timely counter-information of the blogger Antonio Mazzeo and of theanti-militarist realities, the characters of these operations are now in thepublic domain. The Trapani Birgi base is involved with NATO Awacs radar aircraft,and the USS Georgia nuclear-powered submarine armed with 154 BGM-109 Tomahawkcruise missiles capable of covering distances up to 2000 km also made anappearance. . The emergence of this submarine, generally kept secret, is one ofthose acts of show of force that characterize the ongoing battle. The port ofAugusta is the only one in Sicily equipped to accommodate the transit andstopping of nuclear-powered ships and nuclear capacity of the USA, France andGreat Britain. As the Coordination Punta Izzo Possibile denounces, after years ofpressure from below, the Prefecture of Syracuse in 2018 published the nuclearemergency plan for the area; but no drill involving the population has ever beendone, as planned; no public opinion awareness work on the risks of contaminationand the relative measures to be adopted has ever been carried out; nor are thereany training courses for general practitioners. It is not even known - given thatmilitary secrecy is affixed - if radioactivity checks are carried out every timevehicles containing nuclear weapons stop in the Augusta roadstead or at the NATOpier in Priolo. Secret is also the content of the adjacent ammunition depot ofCava Sorciaro, dug under the rock that bathes that stretch of sea.During the exercise a large area of the lower Ionian was affected by the ban ontransit and parking for all naval and civil vehicles; the same thing happened inJanuary between Agrigento and Syracuse for another NATO naval exercise. Anotherpenalty for Sicilian fishing activities.The beating heartof this growing military aggression is represented by the USNavy base of Sigonella, in the plain of Catania, the second largest maritimemilitary command center in the world after that of Bahrain, supporting the USSixth Fleet stationed in the Mediterranean. The US military alone exceeds thenumber of 3000, and will become over 3200 in a few months. Among the many otherfundamental strategic roles, as reported by Mazzeo, Sigonella has beentransformed into the control and command center of the US Navy and AGS GlobalHawk drone fleets.of NATO, practically becoming the drone capital of the world;this has, among other things, entailed very heavy restrictions on air traffic ineastern Sicily, which were paid for by the civilian airports of Fontanarossa andComiso, subordinated to the control of the military radar of Sigonella. At themoment, a project is underway to lengthen some runways to adapt them to thelanding and take-off of giant tankers for in-flight refueling of fighter-bombers;the base would become even more central to the US-NATO wars in Africa, the MiddleEast and the Caucasus. The MUOS is the fundamental tool for managing theseactivities, and is particularly active these days. The arrival of AGSdronesinvolves further upgrades of the Catania base, which by 2024 will be ableto exercise full military control from the Atlantic to the Black Sea, the NorthSea and the Baltic, up to South Africa, as these drones are able to carry out upto 100 hours of weekly flight .But it doesn't stop there. In 2018, the VAS SATCOM Relay Pads and Facility systemcame into operation, which allows telecommunications with all US drones deployedon the planet and, in the same year, the Joint Tactical Ground Station tointegrate and expand the alarm, attention and ready capabilities. information ontheater ballistic missiles. Installations that involved investments of severalhundred million dollars and the influx of other military and civilian personnelto the base.An alarming picture, completed by the installation of two new radar-spy systemsin Porto Palo di Capo Passero and Favignana, which will become operational bynext June; and with the constant activity in the military polygons of PuntaBianca (AG), Piazza Armerina, Corleone, Punta Izzo, Pachino, some in the processof expansion.Sigonella is the driving force for all the military apparatuses in Sicily, it hasbeen and is present in all the American conflicts from Vietnam onwards, it is amalignant tumor whose metastases - the many other bases, the plants, thepolygons, the layout of the airports Sicilian civilians and ports - they weakenSicily and its population every day, steal resources, modify economic andproductive objectives, corrupt Sicilian society, significantly negatively affectany possibility of rebirth of the island. Salvatore Giuliano's dream of makingSicily the 49th star of the United States flag has finally come true, we are nowthe 51st. Sigonella is now transporting Sicily directly into the ongoing clashbetween the US and Russia, not only exposes it, but drags it to the front line,This is why it is increasingly important to relaunch, strengthen, make the fightagainst MUOS, Sigonella and the militarization of Sicily more effective andradical as a salient part of the fight against war, all wars. A struggle of whichwe proudly claim the fact of never having given up a moment, but which mustovercome the stalemate and return to being the driving force of every movement ofsocial emancipation.Pippo Gurrieri - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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