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zaterdag 19 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #COLOMBIA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) colombia: March 8: Never again without us by ViaLibre (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 This March 8th we commemorate a new day for working women. This festive and

fighting date was created by the women's movement from the Second InternationalCongress of Socialist Women in 1910, which also spoke in solidarity with thestrikes of working women and against the war in the making. This was born anddeveloped as a date of protest for full civil and political equality, the end ofthe wage gap and for the full enjoyment of life, a struggle that is also ourstoday. ---- In the current world situation, it is urgent to remember that popularfeminism, which we claim, has a long and strong position of criticism ofimperialism, militarism and war. Where the liberal sectors of feminismenthusiastically joined the crusades of bloody patriotism, it was the Russianantimilitarist women, led by the Petrograd textile workers, who on March 8, 1917,through a more than fair act of valiant "betrayal" against the supposed sacredwar of their empire, they mobilized against hunger and war, starting the RussianRevolution, overthrowing tsarism and cementing the end of the First World War.Today the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army and the growing militarytension between empires in Europe, brings the threat of war closer to the richcountries, the same one that they had so coldly displaced and promoted in thethird world. Today the anti-patriarchal struggle of women and sexual dissidencepasses through the anti-militarist struggle, and the demand for the end of thewar in Ukraine, the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops, the freeself-determination of the peoples of the region and the end of the arms racebetween Russia and NATO led by the United States.In the same sense, the fight against war also involves fighting against Israel'soccupation of Palestine, of Morocco over Western Sahara, of Saudi Arabia overYemen and of Turkey over northern Syria, all these military interventions byauthoritarian states and patriarchal, historical allies of Western countries. Thefight goes through supporting the fight of the women of Afghanistan against theoppression of the Taliban regime, and the fight of the feminist movement inMexico against femicides and in Chile for legal abortion, demands of continentaland world scope.In the current national situation we come instead, from a historic although stillfragile legal triumph, an important advance in the human, sexual, reproductiveand non-reproductive rights of women and pregnant people. And this because afterthe lawsuit filed by the Just Cause feminist campaign and the autonomous strugglefor the legalization of abortion that has been unfolding in the country since1970, the Constitutional Court approved the decriminalization of the voluntaryinterruption of pregnancy up to 24 weeks of pregnancy.Very soon, the government of Iván Duque came out to reject this importantmeasure, and the anti-rights sectors, led by Christian fundamentalists whosupport the Uribista government, came out to defend the "traditional" family,that ideal with such little correspondence with reality, so Full of mistreatmentand violence. So to secure and maintain this victory, and curb conservativebacklash, push for the legal sentence to be enforced and redouble efforts forcomprehensive sex education and mobilization.In addition to legal abortion, March 8 represents the struggle of working womenfor equal jobs and wages and for the socialization of care tasks; the fight forthe end of sexual harassment in the workplace by bosses and colleagues, and forthe full participation of women in a democratic and class-oriented trade unionmovement that is attentive to feminist and dissident voices, needs andperspectives; the fight against unemployment and precarious work, increased bythe economic crisis of 2020, which hit women with unequal emphasis and bymaternity and paternity leaves, public nurseries and time adaptation, laborconquests, today swept away by the neoliberalism, which we must recover; inaddition to the fight for trans labor inclusion in all economic sectors.Combative and organized women and dissidenceUp those who fight!Freeway Libertarian GroupRelated Link: https://grupovialibre.org/2022/03/09/8-de-marzo-never-more-without-us/https://www.anarkismo.net/article/32570_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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