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woensdag 30 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL AL #325 - Culture, Lire: Louise Michel, «Au bagne de Nouvelle-Calédonie» (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]

 Against oblivion, the photographer and author Marinette Delanné invites us to

follow her through words and images in the footsteps of those condemned toCaledonian prison. ---- The tragic trajectories of Communardes and Communards,Arabs, Kanaks... of all those unknown in our social history, told by the authorand photographer Marinette Delanné. ---- We have just paid tribute to thecommunards and communardes during the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune. Letus not forget: the bloody week, the imprisonments, the humiliations, theill-treatment which were inflicted on the people of Paris. History, what am Isaying, the stories that the author of this book tells is the logical andappalling continuation of a preconceived plan for the liquidation of popularParis, of these 450,000 workers and craftsmen, or 70% of the population. Paris isscary. The massive deportation, the systematic massacre, the demonization ofthese people, belong to this hidden history.Marinette Delanné begins her story with a panorama of the jails of the metropolisof Satory, Toulon, Fort Boyard and follows the horrors of transportation.Numerous photographs of the places and cartographic landmarks accompany his remarks.Conclude peace and submit ParisShe crosses eyes on Kanaks, metropolitan eyes, but also that of Louise Michel andCharles Malato. She dwells on the fate of these deported women and these childrenwho sometimes had to accompany their parents. She puts images on unknown placeslike the island of Nou, on Nouméa, the penal colony of Prony, fort Teremba, theterrible peninsula of Ducos and the island of pines for simple deportation. Thewhole is full of tenderness, respect and affection for all these humiliated,these mistreated.We can only rejoice at the publication of this work which provides a fairlycomplete overview of the conditions of detention, the harshness of life in thesethen inhospitable places. It is also a fine plea for recognition of this crime bythe French state against the communards and communardes, but also the Kanaks orArabs who were deported there.After the time of shame, the time of forgetting, comes the time of memory.“Recognition of the errors of colonization, recognition of the priority of theKanaks in New Caledonia,... recognition of the other victims of history who werethese forced inhabitants of the Island, the convicts and their descendants”."May this photographic expedition on the spot, which is addressed to the Frenchpublic more or less ignorant, as I was until a short time ago, of many aspects ofthis historical drama, shed some light", such was one of your wishes. ,Marinette. You have greatly succeeded in your bet.In short, a book to advise anyone who wishes to document these disastrous timeswhich shame our humanities... and not limit themselves to the single person ofLouise Michel.Dominique Sureau (UCL Angers)Marinette Delanné, In the penal colony of New Caledonia in the footsteps ofLouise Michel... and all the other deported Communards, Petit Pavé, 2021, 366pages, 28 euros.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Lire-Louise-Michel-Au-bagne-de-Nouvelle-Caledonie#325Lire: Louise Michel, «Au bagne de Nouvelle-Calédonie»_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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