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woensdag 10 augustus 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #CANADA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Canada, Collectif Emma Goldman - Why an Anarchist Children's Dictionary in 600 Words (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Children are full human beings ---- They think, act and learn and can make their

own decisions without adult domination. The manifestations of this domination,ageism, express themselves in multiple ways and often interact with systems ofdomination. We can think of: the famous sexist dress codes aimed at controllingoutfits in high schools; to detention institutes for young people under 18 whoconfine and violate their rights under the pretext of making them "adapted"individuals; to the young Aboriginals who are massively removed from theirfamilies against their will, because "killing the Indian in the child" remains atthe center of the colonial concerns of the system; to the youth of the workingand popular classes for whom equality of opportunity with that of the bourgeoisclass is a chimera; to the over-medicalization and violence suffered by youngneurodivergents and neurodivergents to force them to bow before the domination ofneuronormativity or even to the more than alarming suicide rates and socialrejection that still affect young LGBTQ+ people. In all these manifestations,young people are considered as beings who are only in the process of becoming andwho must be inculcated with a whole host of things from the adult world. We couldinstead try to understand them, make their questions about an unequal anddehumanizing world our own, to which we adults have on the contrary adapted toomuch, and then also seek to build together - think, act and learn together.without crushing them - by admitting, in all humility, that children are our onlyfuture.Children are world makersChildren participate in the world around us. They weave social relationships,shape meaningful collective narratives, and their efforts to transform societyare just as valid as those of adults. Their curiosity and imagination must beable to extend beyond the courses prescribed by educational or moral authorities.Like adults, they need power over their lives, freedom. Experimental trial anderror and discovery are part of learning responsibility and autonomy. It is not aquestion of magically removing adults from children's lives, but rather ofredefining the social relationships that are woven to allow more freedom andequality, while combating physical violence, sexual and psychological factorsthat contribute to the reproduction of a specific form of domination. A simplechange of culture or education will not be enough to transform a society based onso many systems of domination. On the other hand, in the worlds that childrenmake, we can certainly draw ideas and tools for social revolution.Children philosophize and we can explain to them social relations and the worldof ideasSchool, education and parenthood are deeply imbued with social relations and thedominant ideas of their society. "Neutrality" is most often the mask that hidesthe ideologies of the status quo. This is what the Ministry of Education, forexample, requires of teaching staff. We don't have to pretend that we live in anenchanted world, but rather that human beings are capable of the best and theworst. Nor do we have to produce "model children" according to our criteria andbeliefs. Each child has their own individuality and their own abilities andinterests. She or he blossoms and develops her thinking about the world in herown way. Without taking control of his thoughts away from him,What do you think?Posted 20 hours ago by Collectif Emma Goldmanhttp://ucl-saguenay.blogspot.com/2022/08/pourquoi-un-dictionnaire-anarchiste-des.html_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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