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donderdag 2 februari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL AL #334 - Trade unionism, FAPT-CGT Congress: Debating trade union structure (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In mid-November, the XXXVIIth congress of the FAPT-CGT (Federation of Postal

Activities and Telecommunications) was held. We return here to two importantquestions that were discussed. ---- The entire CGT has been shaken for some timeby the feminist wave. On the subject of sexist and sexual violence (VSS) withinthe CGT and its confederal watch cell, the management of the FAPT-CGT rathershares the proactive positions of Marie Buisson, approached to succeed PhilippeMartinez. The congress heard several interventions to support this cell andpresent tools to fight against SGBV. ---- Few unions intervened to explain theirpractices on this subject. And when one of them proposed the establishment of atraining plan on GBV, this was reflected in the orientation document by a vaguedecision inviting to "fight against all violence". This lack of concreteness doesnot clearly commit the management of the federation to strengthening theconditions for action by the vast majority of women in the FAPT-CGT. Because theaction of the convinced trade union leaders cannot be effective, in thislong-term struggle, without the support of the base. Support that is gainedthrough work of conviction and training.The FAPT-CGT is a federation that brings together banking and telecommunicationsactivities. But also logistics (with the delivery of mail and parcels), which hasbecome a central activity in capitalism. This federation, historically unionizingcivil servants, strongly blames the blow of privatization and the dismantling ofthe public service.Guidance that lacks concreteSubcontracting, subsidiarization, explosion of the diversity of employee statuseshave a direct impact in its federal field of action. It will also suffer adrastic drop in union resources with the establishment of social and economiccommittees at La Poste in 2024.Several local victories show the real will of the unions to fight for the hiringon permanent contracts of staff under precarious contracts. But they encounter areal difficulty in organizing it in the workplace. Because depending on theirstatus or their company, different CGT federations are then concerned. However,this wage earner is beginning to become the majority in certain sectors of thefederation's field of action. How then can this reality of work groups be takeninto account? Several interventions questioned the current union structure. Butthe congress did not provide any concrete response, apart from coordinationbetween the CGT federations concerned. Which is not simple, and insufficient. Await-and-see attitude is no longer appropriate on this issue either, becauseemployers are not!Simon (UCL Rennes)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Congres-de-la-FAPT-CGT-La-structuration-syndicale-en-debat_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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