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donderdag 2 februari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #SICILIA #ISRAEL #TELAVIV #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Italy, #Sicilia Libertaria: #Israel: Interview with a comrade from #TelAviv - The nightmare Netanyahu is back (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In Israel, the most radical and xenophobic right has returned to power. This

means that the already strongly anti-Palestinian and illibertarian policies ofthe outgoing government will undergo a militaristic boost and the consolidationof the occupation of Palestinian lands and the expulsion of the legitimateinhabitants. Together with Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud, the Otsma Yehudi party(Jewish Power), the Religious Zionist Party and the Noam party entered thegovernment, forming a coalition of fundamentalist and fascist fanatics. ---- Weinterviewed a comrade from Tel Aviv about this situation. ---- 1) After therecent general elections, Netanyahu returned to power supported by the far right;what can we expect from this new government regarding the issue of civil rights,Israeli-Palestinian relations and the occupied territories?As I'm writing these lines, the new government hasn't officially come to poweryet - it will only happen in the next few days. A friend of mine wrote somethingthat captures the feelings of many Israelis right now:"What is the difference between the new government and a nightmare? No need towait for a nightmare to begin...". Since the new government is considered, atleast on paper, as the most religious, fascist and corrupt we have ever had, wecan expect very bad things to happen on all the issues mentioned: they will tryto change the law and control the Israeli supreme high court , shut down leftistand human rights organizations, crack down on dissent, purge "progressive"studies from the public education system, especially anything related to genderissues, support an ultra-capitalist policy, give a free hand to police, soldiersand settlers to be even more violent and deadly towards Palestinians and, mostimportantly for Netanyahu, to free him from the prosecution he is facing forbreach of trust, bribery and fraud. Everything I mentioned was part of theelectoral program of the new government's politicians. Whether they actually willis yet to be seen.2) Is there a non-parliamentary opposition (radical and libertarian) trying tooppose the government's racist and militarist policies?There is a very small minority of activists who go to protests in the West Bank,participate in solidarity actions, refuse military service and so on. And thereare also the NGOs that document human rights violations in the occupiedterritories and the discrimination of the Palestinian population inside Israel.All of those mentioned above are targets of the new government but they representonly a small segment of Israeli society. On the other hand there is massantagonism towards the new government from more traditional elements of society(for example from the liberals, the Zionist left and the workers' organisations)and it can be foreseen that the moment the new government will try to make"radical" changes, for example removing the power of the Israeli high court andsubjugating judges to politicians, there will be protests and clashes in thestreets. This would open up a dilemma for the radicals: should they join forceswith people and parties who want to oppose the far right just to bring Israelback to "normal"? A normality that includes, among other things, the occupationof the territories of millions of Palestinians, military tribunals,administrative detention and almost daily killings by the army. Personally, Ithink radicals should join the future protest movement and shape it from within.You know how a fight starts but you don't know how it will end... The changesthat the new government is pushing for would make our society even moreoppressive, authoritarian and could open the door to a dictatorship inside Israel.3) Are there movements that actively collaborate with the Palestinian resistance,or in any case with Palestinian groups not linked to Hamas?There is no connection (as far as I know) with Palestinian armed groups. Thereare ties to struggling communities, popular committees, farmers, activists andacademics. On a very favorable day, the Israeli radical left can mobilize a fewhundred people for a demonstration in the West Bank. But most of the time only ahandful of activists are there to help against settler attacks. Lately these sameactivists have been so delegitimized that settlers and soldiers feel safe enoughto attack them too. There are many NGOs working on human rights issues concerningPalestinians, and there are also joint political parties of Palestinian citizensof Israel with Jewish citizens, grassroots organizations and so on.  Yet it isobvious that existing organizations have failed to stop the deterioratingsituation and a new vision is desperately needed.https://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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