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woensdag 1 november 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE GREECE News Journal Update - (en) Greece: Identity of the «initiative of anarchist Agion Anargiron- Kamaterou» (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


The «initiative of anarchist Agion Anargiron- Kamaterou» forms onecombatant political plote and has been created the October of 2016. It'sexpressed from the anarchist ideology, guided from the libertarianworldview and also fighting by planning for the widely dissemination andimplementation of our revolutionary project. ---- As a carrier ofrevolutionary and class warfare, we are operating in the district of thewest suburb of Athens and, at the same time, we supply the centralpolitical action. Our constitution is not receiving as main unifyingelement the 'neighborhood' planning, but the relation of the theideological principals and the agnostic goals between our members.Therefore, we are not a 'congress of residence', but an anarchist corewith local and hyper-topical reference with revolutionary orientationand with a comprehensive struggle plan.The delineation of the territory of action, doesn't recommend alimitation of the geographical political radiance for our initiative,and it is not states the dwelling place of our members. It doesn't givecredence to partial substance in our nature as a political core. AgioiAnargiroi and Kamatero is just our beginning point of one agnosticmovement that is not encircle in one or more municipality. Our goal isthe geographical expansion in an organised and political level and theintegration of new members from different areas from west suburban ofAthens.The political role that we are assert for , is multifarious and itcoalescences dialectical the political ideology with combative action,the ideological work with the devise of fight plans. The multifacetednature of our initiative is to reflect politically in ourcollaboratively processed and statutional established planning, director forward looking.Through the regular propagandist work, we are strive for the gradualreformation of the association of the political influence in the socialfield of the territory, where we take action. We aim an penetrativeinsertion with working class and youth that will strength our social andrevolutionary project. The crowdfunding of our initiative , in functionwith the development of one wide social and class rally with kinematicterms is forming the material desideratum of our insertion andexclusively factor of assessment of the effectiveness.The consideration of the economical and political updated and theproduction of substantiation placements on the burning issues of ourtimes , recommend a guide for our actions, one orderly goal for theradical policy-making planning. The validity of the analysis and theright surveying of the moves from our class enemies and from ourpolitical opponents is prerequisite for the triumph of the revolutionarystrategy. In this direction the economic , political and ideologicalprocessing is a stable duty of our initiative. The results of thisprocession transmits, circulates and enriches dialectical the paneldiscussion and equips with conclusions the people and the anarchistmovement. The organization for us is strategy choice and an agonisticproject. The meaning of the organization is incident to the socialconnections and any community without social stands can't developprosperity for all of their members. We can't oppose to the naturalconnections of organization of the society , and the human, beingsocietal entity, couldn't survive , let alone to reach the well-beingoutside of the community. Only through the society , humans canactualize his freedom and develop his individuality.We can't perceive the worldview and the organization system of anarchismas something isolated from the society, bus as a birth from socialprocesses. The way that we are getting organized in present, is aminiature prefigure of the future forms of organization that we suggest.The freedom comes into existence through freedom, for this ourorganization in present should conform and come in agreement with thesocial model of organization that we suggest.We support the opinion of 'organizational dualism', which forms afundamental trait of our organizational perception. We discern thelevels of organization between 1)The organized groups that constitutesin the site of the ideological and political agreement( specialanarchist organizations) and 2)The organized groups that constitutes inthe site of social and class identity(workers union, public meetings etc.)We recognize the need of a self-contained organization of anarchists inspecial politicalorganizations. The constitution of a massive anarchist movement and itssocial empowerment, requires the construction of a contemporary andrevolutionary, anarchist political organization. We are looking for thedevelopment of the best able and most effective 'organized vehicle' , bymaking good use of the historical experience of the organized attemptsat the global anarchists movements, by taking account of thecontemporary data, as well. The contribution in the organization of arevolutionary movement and the constitution of a contemporary anarchistpolitical carrier, which will develop a revolutionary program , willinspire the social stand for the realism of the Social Revolution , andit will set up methodically advantageous terms for the manifestation andtriumph of the Social Revolution, was always basic characteristic of ourproject political speech.In the same time , we support the attempts of self-containedorganization of the working class and we're projecting the emancipatedand libertarian constitution as a revolutionary class. We oppose thepatronage of political parties , of 'labor leaders' and the dividedguided 'innovations' that tries to subjugate the working class in theirauthoritarian plans. The relationship between the political movement andthis class self-organization is instrumental and it isn't a hegemonyrelationship. Strategical goal of our initiative is the constitution ofan ,suburban range anarchist organization , that will arise by plan fromthe progression of the existing form, or through the constitution of newinitiatives and cores of fields , that will be governed from organicsection. Cores will be undivided in the sector and their unity will beconsist in the principal of anti-establishment federalism. The erectionof the organization will count on the ideological, tactical andprogramming unity between the members. As political carrier, we areintegrated in the revolutionary tradition of anarchism and we oppose thecarrier of its degeneration. We are inspired from the classic anarchisttradition and from the big historical moments of the social and classstruggle of Social Revolution in Spain , the rebellion of Kronstadt in1921, the anarchist action in the before-revolution years in Russia, therevolution in south Ukraine, the strike in May of 1886 in Chicago etc.In acknowledgment of the historic condition, anarchism was born as arevolutionary worldview , we can't cut off anarchism from the classstand. We are not address in absent-minded subjects and we are notadvocating a waffler humanism. We are working for the liberation and theemancipation of the working class , which liberation will stand for theliberation of the whole society.Anarchist was born in a specific historic context, maturationed on acapitalistic way of production and developed as a political movement forthe liberation of workers and bottled-up people. It is a product of thesocialist thought in 19 century and bubbled up from the heart of theworker's movement as a revolutionary worldview of working class. Withoutclass stands , anarchism can't exist as revolutionary worldview.The doubt of class stand of anarchism and the socialist origin in urban.The renunciation of class character of anarchist ideology constitutes tothe renunciation of the same anarchist ideology. Anarchism disposes avalue system that have summarize from their pioneer and they are not an'open theory'. The equivocation of revolutionary principals of anarchismand the de-ideologization from individualist school of thoughts and theurban postmodernism are not expressing a pure try of ' modernizationanarchism', but they are bring it down as a revolutionary ideology.These trends are intrinsically counter-revolutionary. Thede-ideologization of anarchism is embodying the urban effects inanarchism and it signals its urban alienate.By knowing that societies are in continuous change, we aim thedevelopment of anarchism in the contemporary conditions and not thetransformation and the deterioration from marxist or liberal theories.We detect the need to go from classic anarchism to 'new anarchism' andits own revolutionary program. This must be extending the relationshipof yesterday and today and it will renew without counterfeit andrethinking distort of the revolutionary projects of anarchism that havebeen slander from the enemies but also have been ridden by 'friends'.Anarchism don't have common points with marxism and every marxistorganization from institutional to armed. We are opposes every communistparties that are projecting the overturn of the regime due to one partydictatorship in the name of proletariat , and the establishment of one'workers' state where the power will be in the hands of a , divided fromthe people, political elite.This model bankrupted historically and confirmed the valid critic fromanarchists for the deterministic failure to establish equality, with thehelp of the state power and the party oligarchy . Our initiative is notcollaborating with parties , and left organizations. We opposes to themand we fight for the extrication of people from their obsolete,antilabor and vassalage programs. In the same time, we are notcollaborate with anarchists who collaborate with them.We recognize that people won't be released by any reform from thestate-capitalist system, and the only way to be released from thestructural suppression of the exploitation-authoritative way oforganization , is the social fight from the ground, for the reformationby the revolutionary process. Revolution must be a project from thepeople and not a product of the elite, who will act for the name ofpeople like a coup.We suggest the social revolution that will reform the totality of thesocial relationships and not a political revolution with a reformingprogram. Revolution means reformation by force of the existinghierarchical, classical, and authoritarian relations, overpowering ofthe old system of values that is based on the personal convenience andthe competition. Revolution means the direct replacement of all the oldinstitutions with new forms of social self-management , theexpropriation of the capital, bank and state properties, in order toshare them as peoples' properties to the workers councils, in communes,the federation, and the whole society.We fight for the political freedom that can only exist through theabolishment of the state, parliamentary and the urban democracy. Wesuggest a social model of organization that will ensure theparticipation from everyone in the management of the social cases and inthe reception of the decisions. One social model, depending on which ofpeople will co-configuring and will receiving cooperatively decisionsfor every affair of the social living, by organs of peoples' self-continuations and the workers councils that will be federalist connectedin horizontal grade of organization.We fight for social equality and the abolishment of economic classesthrough the subversion of the capitalistic-state relations ofproductivity and the capitalist system. We suggest the socialization ofthe means of production, workers control the production and thedistribution of the goods according to the social needs. The compositionof political freedom with economical equality is necessity prerequisitefor the built of the stateless- with not social classes society.The individual and collective freedom are not existing in competitiveposition but in necessary implication. The maximum conquest of freedomfor every individual, can't exist without the freedom of whole society.One healthy and free society, organize and discuss decisions through theinstruments for every issue, and don't feel the need to refuse theresponsibilities, by assign the management in professional politiciansand representative carriers.The anarchist project for an other society is not a projectileaccumulation, but a completed suggestion. A suggestion not only to seethe way that anarchist society will be, but also which are the steps forthe constitution of this society. The anarchist project is not composefrom one group, some divided intellectual elite or isolated persons. Forthe development of one realistic, applicable and social groundedproject, is necessary the constitution of a political organization thatwill promote it.The new world is kneading pre-revolutionary and socially shape from theworking class and the active front line troops of the revolutionarymovement , the organized anarchism. Due to the time of the revolutionoccasion, the new world that was carried into the shell of the old worldis exploding, crumble up the chains that keep it captive, brings in tothe light the new social relations, the new social values that havedeveloped in the old unfree, class society.The transition to the stateless-classless built of the social living,incarnates the historical passage, from the capitalistic way ofproduction and the state, to the liberal society, in anarchy. Therevolutionary transition to anarchy is the final product of the classwar, the ripe carpus of it. The anarchy society equals with the progressthat mobilizing with 'fuel' the collective advantage, the fulldevelopment of the people who are part of this society and the creativeand productive occupation in the sector that they love. Anarchy societyreflects the best and most progressive externalization of politicalfreedom , of the social solidarity and the economical equality.In history, Social Revolution is the strategical goal of the anarchistmovement. The conditions, that forms in the second decade of the 21stcentury, are ideal for the organization of the revolutionary overturnand are forming in the structural systemic crisis and the historicalbankruptcy of the capitalistic system. The configuration of thesubjective factor, the revolutionary movement, is the competition andpolitical bet of our period.The subjective factor taking shape in a multi-level. Working class fromthe class, unprotected and liberal sectors, demands, fights the employterrorism, strikes, squats the factories and the services, anddeveloping as a class for itself. The youth, as an inextricable part ofworking class is offering liveliness, the passion and the dreams for abetter future by fights and creations. The anarchist organizationconcocting the ground for the constitution of liberal militia, theequipment of the movement with every means of fight, providesideological weapons and outlines in the project for the new world.Social Revolution can only be armed. No one of the dominant class inhistory have ever deliver peacefully the privileges. Also, the urbanclass and the modern urban state that dominated before some centurieswith the power of the weapons, are not going to aband them and theirpower. In order not to chock the revolutionary people with blood, therevolutionary movement must built the revolutionary militaryorganization that will be able to crush them.https://anarchism.espivblogs.net/2023/10/09/identity-of-the-initiative-of-anarchist-agion-anargiron-kamaterou/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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