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vrijdag 29 december 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE BRAZIL News Journal Update - (en) Brazil, UNIPA: The rupture of the social democratic pact by those below! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


The election of Lula/PT and Elmano/PT in Ceará seemed to seal anomnipotent force in the state. The strength that led to victory in thefirst round when no research raised this possibility, gave strength tothe PT and its political group, leading it to accelerate its systemicintegration. ---- Elmano de Freitas/PT was a lawyer for the LandlessWorkers Movement/MST, therefore, someone who comes from the socialmovement. Part of its body of secretaries also comes from movements suchas Miguel Braz/Consulta Popular, Moisés Brás who comes from FETRAECE,Cacica Irê from the Jenipapo-Kanindé people, among others. They aresupposed to be allies of social movements, but they are obstaclesbetween the struggle of the people and the capitalists.Energy transition and the role of CearáThe Brazilian Northeast, especially Ceará, is a hub for the productionof green hydrogen at the Pecém Thermoelectric Complex. It is estimatedthat the demand for the energy transition, accelerated by the secondCold War, can make capitalism "green", allowing the production of goodsin a "sustainable" way, as if a system historically predatory of thelabor force of the popular masses and biological cycles of Nature werelikely to have some social or ecological sustainability.In this transition, the production of green hydrogen is at stake, butalso solar and wind energy as alternatives to fossil fuels. For decades,the coastal populations of northeastern Brazil have suffered from theonslaught of wind energy companies, which convert traditionally occupiedlands into wind and solar farms that aim to supply the energy demands ofcapitalist industries, destroying the traditional ways of life offishing communities.https://uniaoanarquista.wordpress.com/2023/12/13/a-ruptura-do-pacto-social-democrata-pelos-de-baixo/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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