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vrijdag 29 december 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, CNT-AIT, #184 - Sabotage 2023 (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Not so long ago, before the First World War, the CGT considered sabotageto be a very effective instrument of pressure to make recalcitrantbosses give in, more effective even than partial strikes. On severaloccasions, confederal congresses of the CGT have validated this fightingtechnique and even recommended it. "Bad pay, bad job" was for a longtime a popular slogan among union activists. ---- At this time, EmilePouget, deputy secretary of the CGT, published a brochure entitledsabotage to explain his interest, union leaflets were distributedexplaining the methods of sabotage, and local or national sabotagecampaigns, for example in Posts and Telecommunications in 1909 to opposelayoffs, during antimilitarist campaigns, etc. These methods seem tobelong to a very distant past, because today, the managements of themajor trade union confederations have sacralized the working toolbelonging to the capitalists and raise loud cries every time the word ofsabotage is mentioned. Sabotage is so discredited today, although thisunion tactic has proven its effectiveness in numerous struggles, that weshould not be surprised if, in desperation, certain proletarians arejoining in, to assert their rights , led to "sabotage their own bodies".The working morality distilled by the confederations forbidding themfrom attacking the property of the capitalist, they are reduced tosabotaging the only thing they own, their work tool, their own body.To illustrate our point, we found on the internet this story of astruggle led by a GJ supported by the anti-authoritarian Union ofWorkers of Pezenas; Let us point out that this group of companions isnot a member of the CNT AIT, but clearly, from reading their website, weshare many things with them.After 2 and a half days of hunger strike, Seb, G.J from Béziers andmember of the Union of Anti-authoritarian Workers, finally won his caseconcerning the non-payment for 2 months of his due by the CPAM.Outraged by the situation and desperate at the inhumanity of thiscommercial machine, Seb decided to take action by endangering hishealth, his physical and moral integrity. Disgusted by the injusticewhich affects thousands of disabled workers (unable to work), he campedon the square in front of the town hall of Colombiers (34) to make hissituation visible, but also to challenge the artificial management ofour existences by the dictatorship of algorithms.During these few days, Seb's determination and the support from hiscompanions, relatives or sometimes simple passers-by and neighbors,demonstrated the strength of direct action and solidarity in the face ofrepresentatives of state institutions, such as the mayor or the doctor,who rushed above all to save their image and only half respond to thedemands and urgent needs of the companion.Bureaucracy has no soul, but it trembles when; as seb would say: "we'rekicking the anthill!"Thank you for your attention and support, we're not giving up!To learn more about sabotage and its history, we recommend:Le Sabotage d'Émile Pouget brochure available from the CNT AIT (in pdfon this site)History of the sabotage of shoe trains to machine breakers VictorCACHARD éditions LibreEmile POUGET and the revolution through sabotage Victor CACHARD éditionsLibrehttp://cntaittoulouse.lautre.net/spip.php?article1374_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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